Saturday, November 26, 2005

Irritation And Itchiness After Wax

November 25, 2005 - Social dinner

Every association, office, friends, etc.. Every year tends to hold (repeatedly) Christmas dinner or New Year, if you prefer. Even from these does not transcend the Susat traditions and therefore this year we have been passionate in organizing the conference dinner.

November 25, 2006 - Dinner at the farmhouse of Section Bortolotti Pergine Valsugana (TN)

As always, suggestions for events and participation 'principle. This time there were 36 (we had to be 39, but we had three defections). The full list of participants: Gian Marco


Massimo Francesca Sandro


Roberto Diego Roberto

Lorena Lucia
Nicola Lucia

Monica Corrado

Carlo Andrea Lucia


Anna Veronica Micaela

Mario Cesar Ivan


Let 'menu':

tortel sliced mixed vegetables in sweet and sour potatoes

lasagna with radicchio
knuckle of pork baked potatoes

rabbit with polenta, mixed vegetables, seasonal fruits with ice cream

forest and then passed to the photos:
Tavolata principale
The main table (with authorities)

Tavolata secondaria
The secondary table (with the crazy )

happiness and joy in a glass (Lucia and Roberto)

Nucleo storico
Past president and not only (Roberto, Antonella and Monica)

The newest (Sylvie)

Non solo gestore
The manager is committed (Robert and Nicola)

Futura mamma
A future socio incoming (Anna)

one thing in common ... (Lucy, Laura, Lucia)

The important thing is to continue to eat (and Michele Carlo)

Discussione tra donne
They were talking and he ... (Lucia, Andrea, Micah)

Il segretario
chance! (Paul)

A moment of reflection (Marco)

Discussione 1
One of the many moments of confrontation (Anna, Roberto, Cesar)

Discussione 2
Another of the many moments of confrontation

The important thing is not to pose

What eyes! (Micaela and Massimo)

But you have to? (Lucia)

Thursday, November 3, 2005

Diane 35 Can Result Breast Enhancement

Tour October 30, 2005 - Summit Caldiera

The University Section of the SAT to dedicate this first post excursion on Sunday.

We start at dawn: that is, me and Paul are left home at dawn, and just arrived in Piazzale San Severino we realize that we had to pull back 1-hour watch. So we tried to pass the time going to Berci coffee and reading the newspaper. At 8
come all the others we stayed in the 18 budgeted 17. However, without the machines we are reaching the Valsugana plateau and then climb the Seven Towns to reach the square Lozzi. From Gallium we also expect a lot of km on dirt roads. However, after two hours and a half drive we arrive.
put on your boots, backpackers and ... stop all other 4 people are coming! The wait and then we start all together. We are 21: that was a long trip was not so large.

Max circondato dalle donne
Max surrounded by his women

The climb is a quiet, along an old military road. Some stop to describe our surroundings and to wait until the last of the group and we are about to 12.30 on top! So we stop for lunch and enjoy the beautiful sunny day.

Sosta pranzo
Stop for lunch at the top

reluctantly begin to go down to the bivouac Ortigara to resume the path of return.

Il gruppo scende dalla cresta
descent from the ridge

It 's always nice warm and sunny and we gladly bottling in the middle of the grove of larch trees and mountain pines, slightly cooler of meadows and rocks earlier. In short, we reach the refuge and Madonna degli Alpini Cecchin.

Foto di gruppo
Group photo at the shelter Cecchin

Short stop, photo rite, and then away to go down to the machines. Unfortunately, this wonderful trip is over a pizza on the way back to Tex Vigolo Vattaro greetings, and then waiting for upcoming events.

[info] alpine