Sunday, August 27, 2006

Buy 90s Style Leotard

Tour Rome on Top (2837 m q. - Gruppo di Brenta)

Yesterday, the date of publication of this post, I promised to fix everything. In fact, here's everything reorganized.
Good reading.

Cima Roma - August 27

's true. This summer is not exactly the best. It seems as if on purpose, it rains every weekend, but we, the same, we have made our beautiful strolls in the mountains and this is one of many.
I've been a bit lazy: I have written many reports, but to make my account in the next few days, putting some photos online of the various excursions. Just start with this.

Sunday, Aug. 27: trip to Rome Cima, 2873 m altitude, in the Brenta Group. This year we have already ventured on top Susat, our peak, and after some years of absence from the Brenta, we even encore. The idea of the excursion is
Paul, recovered on some kind of book.

There is no path. It does a very good sense (orientation!) Amid debris of plates and dolomite rock towers almost inclined to form stepping stones: you never know what awaits you on the edge of each slab!

Every now and then proceed using my hands, climbs (some more and some less!) And invent new paths in search of the deepest valley or ravine dripping. In the distance, our destination. Whitened.

Last night it snowed: are 2-3 cm, but enough to make everything seem more strange. We are on August 27 is it possible that there is all this snow? The last stretch of the route requires a bit more attention, the route becomes wilderness but always within everyone's reach.
We are on top: 2837 m above sea level. In front of us in the clouds that hide the Molveno, imagine that everyone in the valley but do not see. Behind us Cima Falkner.

to our side views of breathtaking jumps of rock hundreds of meters, end up in the fog, or valleys of green pastures and dark forests where certainly some of the bears around the Brenta.

Before going down can not miss the usual photos of ritual. All on top of Max with his women, and so on.

At the cable car, a surprise: it starts to rain and it looks like I will not acedia. And this time it went well, we did not wet much.

Monday, March 20, 2006

What Is The Rikers Island Visiting Schedule?

Snowshoeing - Refuge Tour in Maddalene

Yesterday we finally found a sunny day. Snowshoeing fantastic, although the location was not very long and the snow, especially in the afternoon, it was running.

March 19 - Refuge Tour (Mary Magdalene)

Group Stavola not particularly large, we were at 9, ready for anything. We let the machines Matzlaun (alt. 1466 m), a group of farms north of Proves, but in Val di Non in Alto Adige!

Alla partenza
Above the car park at the start

Almost the entire route was developed between the pastures covered with snow, even if it is not within a few laps of sparse pine forests. All of silence, light and snow.

Alcuni passaggi nel bosco
Some ascents in the woods

Mountains, in particular Mount Corniculum (q. 2308 m) surrounding the landscape. Snow is definitely a lot (over 1 m) and, on the northern slopes, it will remain for a long time.

Il Monte Cornicolo ci sovrasta
Mount Corniculum above us

After a first stop in the Hills of Revò (alt. 1734 m) we continued the climb to get to the edge of the woods and cut at a height, reach Malghetto to q. 1894 m, where we had lunch and spent most of the afternoon sun.

In view of the goal

Il malghetto
The Malghetto at which we stopped

During the descent, reached the hut of oilseed rape (1,732 m Q), we made a stop to test the transceiver, shovel and probe. So we repulsed headlong downhill, in the middle of a wet, heavy snow, which sank at every step.

[info] alpine

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Spondylosis Dizziness Cervical

February 12 and March 12 - Snowshoeing

admit: I got lost along the way and I quote the latest excursions. Then proceeded today with a post that includes all single and two walks with snowshoes made made. There were two more but they are skipped due to bad weather.

[info] alpine

February 12 - Col Santo (Pasubio)

This was the first trip of the winter program of the Section. Fantastic day, with a beautiful sun that has warmed, especially during the lunch break. Large group that arrived at Alpe Alba, has been divided into two groups: one was up to the summit, the other went directly to the shelter Lancia. Anyway, we all met here together to descend until Giazzera.
The group just before the division

Alcune componenti del gruppo diretto al rifugio
Some members of the group headed to the shelter

In vista del rifugio
In view of the refuge Lancia

Tecniche di discesa
Example of technical descent with snowshoes!

March 12 - With the Executioner (Cima d'Asta)

This is an excursion that we recovered. Unfortunately, this time the weather was not the best. Already the wind was very strong on Saturday, then Sunday during the morning, it was also covered with clouds and half of the excursion we ended up in the middle of a small snowstorm. Nothing bad, just so cold and the need to go back, just before arriving Fork Cavallara Case possible avalanche danger. There will be better next time.

Il gruppo in salita
During the climb

La meta in mezo alla neve
Amid the swirl of snowflakes ice can be seen the fork Cavallara

But why go home already in the early afternoon? We have therefore opted for a lunch at the restaurant on the larch Celado. Was shortly before we had to make us even eat, because the absence of the cook. Anyway, we settled for polenta, grilled cheese and sausage, all watered wine. After the owner, to apologize for the inconvenience gave us the bitter.

Tavolata 1
Orestes and Sylvie caught in the act!

Tavolata 2
Some glimpses of the table

Tavolata 3
Always the table