Monday, December 24, 2007

Osterizer Imperial Blender

To all those who pass by here ...

Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Irritation And Itchiness After Brazilian Wax

stefano artist and Merry Christmas to all

work of my friend p chan, was a long time since I wanted to post it thanks stefano all!

add a good Christmas because tomorrow I will have more nn internet for a week, I'm home from work.
a kiss and best wishes to all

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

The North Face Bags Counterfeit

was too good to be true!

have come to me ... but the phone line well nn decided to activate the phone ... why?
simple, since they have made a mess abut our contract to all the inhabitants of ce ... except those directly involved with us now No longer know how we can start the contract.
and if I call 187 for clarification, the ladies kind of television you and smiling politely slamming down the phone Cause I want to work.
Great Service! THANKS

Mucus Relief Dm Overdose


momo back to civilization!
after complaints after long phone calls, after large outbursts Telecom has taken steps to send a technician to activate the phone line!
... and if I'm lucky to be within 6 days .... well, whereas telecom maybe within a month I will have the adsl line!
me cry! ... Thank Santa Claus brought me the engineers!

Saint Lucia

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Discharge In Underwear

and Santa Lucia! ... What brought you

happy at all!
today for us to come verona many sweets and various gifts. .. And I offer myself as a gift 5 minutes on the internet ... cmq nn so if they find me if they know my car gift XD

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Navy Eod Mortality Rate

again ....

Hi, I have just returned from holiday and as a surprise, I found the ADSL subscription expired ...
This means that no mail again, once again !!!!! >_____\u0026lt;;
Since I am a little broken boxes of this situation, in addition to switch ISPs I plan to buy a domain.
The most practical and economical Aruba seems to me, you have to give me advice on this?
The thing that interests me most is to finally have a fixed mail and web space unlimited, any suggestion is welcome ^ ^;

Thursday, November 29, 2007

How Much I Have To Weigh To Be Print Model

without internet .. x how much? complaint with the telecom

prejudice ... I'm sad
yesterday should have come to activate the phone line as well as my much-desired adsl .
telecom but in addition to having already postponed the date from July 3 times yesterday nn has become a living, even with a phone call to warn of inaction.
so my mother lost unnecessarily hours to wait for the elusive technician, who never came nn.
during the day then we have repeatedly called the 187 nn that has been able to give us any answers, even at 3 am phone call nn responding.
towards the end of the 19th night I managed to speak with an operator who told me the surgery was postponed to December 6.
will be a lot of confidence but I nn nn ... I fear that one will come.
So how much longer must we wait?
who has some advice for putting these gaps in the light of Italian telecoms?
really stove, partly because I'm now doing an exception to the rule and I write from work, I was determined to upgrade a little of everything and nothing.
cmq here are two photos I had taken this summer.
one of which is a bit daring for my tastes ... but we dare not?
hello hello

Friday, November 16, 2007

Moped Battery Charge Time?

momocosplay @ 2007-11-16T16: 46:00

today is my birthday, and since I nn internet at home from work .... I take advantage of exception to the rule.
kiss I miss you all!
dario nn ps I answer the rings are out of money ... I have to send the number I finally

Saturday, November 10, 2007

How Long Do Torn Hymens Bleed

Lucca Comics & Games 2007 (Sunday)

And here we finally arrived on Sunday, the trio featuring Alice, White Rabbit and Queen of Hearts from "Ali there in Wonderland."

Surely this is the group that has engaged more with regard to the study of the costumes!
At first we thought to turn away from the design of the Disney film, especially as regards the Queen , far too grotesque!
So we decided to give an impression to our trio of mixed style and lolita goth.
The news that the main theme of this edition of Lucca would Alice has just been taken a bit 'off guard, especially because we feared an invasion of Gothic Alice, already announced on many forums ...
So, after several studies of sketches, photos and image searches, we retrace our steps and we we are closer to the movie at least with regard to colors and basic design, giving the whole a very personal touch.

I was doing research "iconographic" Cosette drew sketches of dresses and colors and proportions to decide Pink studying the various accessories to beautify the group.

E 'was a wonderful collaboration, an exchange of ideas that has inspired us to do our best!
And this is the result ^ ^

Turn to the historic city center has allowed us to take lots of beautiful pictures, I accompanied the post with the most features, enjoy! ^ ^

Black Hair Salon In Brampton



quite quickly (by licking the ears)
page updated version of Rei Ayanami Gothic Lolita!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Telehandler Craigslist

momocosplay @ 2007-09-20T18: 25:00

Internet in December ... well then you are between 3 months!
for now I'm using the line for a precious friend ... but you can take advantage too nn
since my site is now the new poor will post some photos soon .. I hope the site will appear
a kiss to all