Saturday, November 10, 2007

How Long Do Torn Hymens Bleed

Lucca Comics & Games 2007 (Sunday)

And here we finally arrived on Sunday, the trio featuring Alice, White Rabbit and Queen of Hearts from "Ali there in Wonderland."

Surely this is the group that has engaged more with regard to the study of the costumes!
At first we thought to turn away from the design of the Disney film, especially as regards the Queen , far too grotesque!
So we decided to give an impression to our trio of mixed style and lolita goth.
The news that the main theme of this edition of Lucca would Alice has just been taken a bit 'off guard, especially because we feared an invasion of Gothic Alice, already announced on many forums ...
So, after several studies of sketches, photos and image searches, we retrace our steps and we we are closer to the movie at least with regard to colors and basic design, giving the whole a very personal touch.

I was doing research "iconographic" Cosette drew sketches of dresses and colors and proportions to decide Pink studying the various accessories to beautify the group.

E 'was a wonderful collaboration, an exchange of ideas that has inspired us to do our best!
And this is the result ^ ^

Turn to the historic city center has allowed us to take lots of beautiful pictures, I accompanied the post with the most features, enjoy! ^ ^


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