Friday, January 25, 2008

How To Beat Level 47 On Bloons Pack 3

mhh could help?!

is important that these accursed fold rise in the continuation
price! (Americans are angry because the gasoline has risen to 0.75
? For 5 liters!) And we pay 1.50? per liter .. but we
crazy ???!!!

From Beppe Grillo another part of the initiative ... (it had previously been
abolish the cost of recharge cards ...... telefonicheprepagate
with great success !!!!)

Try it costs nothing! !!!!!!!!!!! Turn it at least every

10 contacts, thanks a lot!! _______________________________________________


Even if you have a car, please do circulate the message to
friends. Petrol
at half price?
Let's get ...
We learned of a joint action to exercise our power
against oil companies.

He feels that the gas will increase further up to 1.50 Euro per liter.

UNITED we can lower the prices move together, so
intelligent and supportive.

Here's how ....
The watchword is' hitting the portfolio of companies without lederci
alone '. Post

the idea that not buying gasoline on a given day did laugh
companies (they know very well that, for us, it's just a full
deferred, because in the end we need it!), There a system that will make them laugh instead
very little, provided it acts in many.

OPEC and oil companies have conditioned us to believe that a price ranging from
0.95 and 1 Euro per liter is a good price, but we can make them
find that a reasonable price for them is about half .

Consumers can greatly affect the policies of firms:
must use the power we have. The proposal is
that by the end of the year does not buy more gas from
two biggest companies, Shell and Esso, which also now form one

If you do not sell more gasoline (or they sell a lot less),
will be forced to drop prices.

If these two companies will drop prices, others will have to adapt

To make it, but we must be millions of non-customers from Esso and Shell, in

This message was sent to about thirty people;
if each of these joins and in turn forward it to, say, a
ten friends, we are three hundred. If these

do the same, we are three thousand, and so on ..................

At this rate, when this message arrives at the '
seventh generation', we will have reached 30 million consumers and informed!

then send this message to ten people asking them to do
same. If all are fast enough to act, we
raise about three hundred million people in eight days! E '
certain that to do so, we have nothing to lose, do not you think?

Who cares for a bit 'of coupons and gifts and
nonsense that bind us to those companies.

Come on, let's do!


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