Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Play .rsd File Rosetta

all can be beautiful!

today I want to bring up the morale of the girls who read my blog and bring down to earth the guys who drool over nice cha ...
and here's to you .... CELEBRITIES WITHOUT MAKE UP !!!!!

and then begin!

goes well, maybe britney nn is seen his problemini

but what about these?!



jessica simpson

desperate house wife??

anna kournikova

well, if you want to see more you leave the site link:

but nn is right to blast away on the other ... now that I show my true form!
these poor women actually have been immortalized in their faces worst, it certainly helps!
fact remains, however, that normal women are still nothing more than us mere mortals that we get up in the morning with dark circles and we have breakfast with difficulty thinking of our hard day's work ahead of us!

cmq here's to you! Elisa
Momo office version and make-up photos by cell, and souped-up version momo pulled and decent picture.
seen how easy it is!



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