Monday, March 3, 2008

Fluttering Upper Left Abdomen

Mantova Comics & Games 2008

I'm back back from the third edition of Mantova Comics & Games , which I saw once again the organization of Cosplay Evolution .
The fair is growing, attracting more and more people and between them there are more and more cosplayers that parade on our stage.
Once again many, many cosplayers at their first show, if not their first costume.
During the inscriptions found myself to calm frightened children, inspire girls to the phrase or the installation to use on stage, to harness the wildest and unravel the most timid!
see them then pull out with confidence, attitude and pose as best cosplayers and veterans, hear their impressions at the end of the parade, receive their thanks ... Well, it was the greatest satisfaction!
I really like the audience of Mantua is hot, it is curious, is attentive, and becomes involved and due importance to the work of cosplayers with shouts of encouragement and applause.
Well, I am very tired but very happy with this weekend's cosplay in its purest form, that of fun.

On this occasion I have prepared two new costumes.
On Saturday I wore the shoes of Miyuki Takara from Lucky Star .

A cosplay unknown to most, since that neither the anime nor the manga yet arrived in Italy, but I wanted so much to take, since I follow the fansub and I love the main characters of this anime ^ ^

The Sunday, I was in a group of boy wizard studio Toei.
We would be payable in 5, but a last minute package and food poisoning on Saturday night has downgraded three ^ ^;
In chronological order we were in the role of Usagi Chappy , Noy in those Bia and I like Lalabel .
As you can see the traditional costumes are not appearing in the cartoon, but a new, more modern, we have invented for themselves! ^ ^

During the fair we take a lot of very nice photos in the company of two other boy wizard (even if they belong to Studio Pierrot competitor!) That Yu (Fiammetta) and Creamy (Kayoshin)!
E 'was really fun to lend to the usual poses absurd, I was used to download all the adrenaline that had accumulated during the organization of the cosplay, so thank you to everyone for the excellent company I leave !^___^
some other step ^ ^

The inevitable laying idol!

Kayoshin And if there can not miss the team Ginyu pose! ....

All for one and one for tutte! (Vash compreso!^^)

Pettegolezzi tra maghette... di chi staranno sparlando? Della magica Emi? Oppure di Sally? ^___^

In un delirio di onnipotenza Yu decide di sterminare tutte le maghette per eliminare la concorrenza e rimanere l'unica ed incontrastata majokko!!

Chappy e Creamy sono già state eliminate, riusciranno Bia e Lalabel a fuggire??? O____O;

Chi vivrà vedrà..... ^___-


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