Wednesday, July 30, 2008

How Much Sports Psychologist Is Get Paid

Small update

While I try to rearrange ideas to tell everything that happened during the weekend of Beach Cosplay Party that was held in Cagliari, take advantage of an afternoon free to update the site and put online photos of Pink suitors in the role of small-Pollon. This

Pollon cosplay I made for the Festival of ideas that you Lupatoto held in St. John last month.
In fact I was there in cosplay, but the stifling heat of the afternoon got me back in "bourgeois" before I had time to get me to take a single photo ... ^___^;
really do not know how others do cosplay to remain in the hot sun of summer, I just can not, so recycle my clothes for a photo shoot home, possibly in the vicinity of my dear air conditioner ...

In the meantime, here is the little goddess Pollon ! ^___^

Monday, July 28, 2008

Remy Hair Extensions Sally

categories of man trailer

Holaaa tonata are one of my writings and this time a net log and not just say ... that inspired me this site ...
I know that after this great post many boys hate me, but I find it so funny!
I want to talk about techniques that use highly pathetic and banal males trying to pick up, this is not to you offend but rather just get inspired to improve.
There are three types of man trailer:
1) shameless and vain playboy
2) fake Romantic poetry and so
3) smart and funny.
In these categories I have summarized some of the male METHOD tow, of course, the topic might range over a thousand other kinds of men, but would still be minnoranza.
Let's start with the first category the shameless and vain PLAY BOY
this specimen is devoid of tact and sensitivity in addition to the fact that we do not know at all to do with the difficult and hard art of courtship lascinadosi behind intelligent though banal pleasantries that we women are always delighted. Most
Others will go directly to the facts without wasting even a poor compliment, "You CAM?" Or "THIS WEEKEND IS FREE IF YOU WANT YOU CAN FIND" or even better "give me your number that calls you" nothing ... I am surprised that one day I were just wrote ... "fucking you?"
Often these claims are associated with an invitation to look at the profile where I can find photos of them strictly to his bare chest where all the good muscoloni are enhanced by the many efforts such as those that you sit on the toilet.
After visiting their profile and has verified their attractiveness and their interesting surveys of the type ... "What do you think are cool to me A beautiful B C D no coment are fascinated ... I wonder if I can be all ' height of both beauty and intelligence, so each message they will end up straight in my beautiful basket ... and where better? Netlog
In the stands at first sight for "the shouting (screaming), a clear example of a scream," no girl for me?? " or "girls come and comment you look" -_-... the beauty is that to me is even less desire to go to leave a comment ... at least positive
XD For the second category we have: THE FAKE ROMANCE / POETIC AND SHY:
this male is the most common and easiest to find, and compared to the previous category has EVula towing technique in finding a more inteligente approach, if the technique is applied may well resemble a courtship also well done. The fake
Romantic poetry and so acts with extreme kindness by sending messages often include many beautiful and well made, pleasing to read many times the girl will be pleasantly impressed.
In this case it is often difficult to bring examples of the boy has a real romantic and poetic sentences can range from declarations of true love in simple sentences like "YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL And your eyes may show LIGHT THAT NO ONE has ever made me discover "
Unfortunately, many times hidden beneath these beautiful phrases romantic tearjerker hiding subtle meanings and amazing we just read that sentence becomes:" YOU'RE A PUSSY, NO could never prevented WITH YOU TO FUCK "
invent the most creative phrases to spend .... if true these days to study magnifche rhymes, reading manuals aphorisms to impress every time their victim ... all these sacrifices for a great final goal ... but I will tell you the truth ... in my opinion turns even a real manual for the conqueror doc handed down from generation to generation
= P. In fact, many of them are scoundrel hiding behind false appearances, to expose you just pull back a few times and they are already tired of ask ... often do not make you feel more or send you directly to that country without so many thanks.
Of these scoundrels but also hide the true sentimentalist Timidone but they are so few that because of their friends are the first to Playboy rimmetterci of their behavior. Indeed
often become victims of their colleagues ... in fact they are so timid that they can not deal with those who accuse them of lying and therefore feel the need to let go at the start. The fake
romantic and poetic in net log it recognizes the URL very sweet: "No night can be beautiful as long as you do not come knocking at my door and things like that
The third and last category but not least is the clever and fun, this is because of all the most frank and direct, not trying to intortarti with honeyed words and mielense, indeed sometimes it hits you just because you take even a little bit around.
Mind you, we must distinguish it from the rude, in fact, direct and sharp, even if this guy is extremely nice and funny, hardly falls into the nerve and not allowed to directly offend ... does everything with great tact and irony.
Most of the time does not use sweet words to introduce or romantic, but I wonder with the strangest and most bizarre statements you've ever heard.
the end, the subject gets what he wants, that is your attention.
After passing the first phase fits for 70% of the time, unfortunately, one of the other two categories letting you dramatically decrease the peak of interest that had managed to raise a few posts before.
The remaining 15% is trying to remain afloat in the romantic / poetic and funny guy and the other 15% can remain, for the time it takes to conquer the initial trust, in the third category and then getting esplondere the sweetness in the final stage ormail when she is fully cooked and delivered by her charms interesting enough to no longer recognize the true from the false.
often begins with phrases like: "A 25-YEAR ACOR HELLO KITTY?! = P" or "BUT YOU ARE TRANS UNN? THE SURGEON of advice and things like that
In many cases, can be misconstrued and go for emeriti bastards, but most often fail to awaken the interest of the women's category now disgusted by the usual fake poodle and the shameless bullies.
It 's also true that we women are terribly attracted to those who treat us coldly XD ... I love suffer.
their profile is really nice, in fact often do not put their photos, but they show their dogs, cats ... etc ... favorite cartoon. Netlog
In the howling is always consistent with their present and their choice of category, therefore it is difficult to mention one ...= P. .. and then they are so rare hahaha.
However, the lesson is over, but boys do not feel offended, even this will help you understand how to best kennels ... and you guys do not laugh in his sleeve (which we have many) ... next time I'll have for you (us) and perhaps even worse than this post.
girl eyes!!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Ikea Lots Mirror Removes Paint

Ready for departure! A nice ^___^

The fateful day has arrived, take a morning flight that will take me back to Cagliari, Sardinia, again in the company of my sister- site Cosetta ! ^___^


Saturday evening there will be the second edition of
Beach Party Cosplay organized by my amiciccia and his "team", and this time I will be there!
I'm so excited, we hope to do a good job!

course take advantage of the trip for us a couple of days of vacation, to enjoy a little sea of Sardinia, to visit some interesting niche for ... give us some pictures! ^___^ I

in recent weeks
I gave myself a little to do , we only hope to be able to find time for everything!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Volleyball Shoes Lime Green


few days ago I received a nice email from a (friend? Fan's difficult to give the correct definition ...) guy, that a chat between me and the other wrote a phrase that has warmed me the heart. Fri

the quote verbatim, we were talking about cosplay in general:

"As a child I remember that excite me very much for many of these characters, I was always led to affezionarmicisivitipi (ahem) I felt a heavy heart but soon took over from a great sadness in the knowledge that they were fictional characters, which did not exist and that really does not know and could never meet.
Your hobby is magic for this.
Why make a dream a bit 'more real and true (and I what I really want this, as you know:-D).
Besides movies, the cinema, there is no other way to be able to see their favorite characters in the flesh.
Everything that makes even one little bit more real world of fantasy is a miracle that should be encouraged and preserved in every way possible.
a real art to itself, where there are high levels of excellence and where you can have fun as hell.
I never thought that this trend would be born and out of Japan.
But luckily it happened because of people like you, tough, capable, imaginative and witty. So thanks
a nice big as a house for what you do and to share it with others.
I hope you enjoy it there always, as now, the characters caught up in our situation with great efforts are truly endless. "

Everything that makes even one little bit more real world of fantasy is a miracle should be encouraged and preserved in every way possible.

You can talk about the magic of cosplay? Maybe ... ^ __ ^