Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Volleyball Shoes Lime Green


few days ago I received a nice email from a (friend? Fan's difficult to give the correct definition ...) guy, that a chat between me and the other wrote a phrase that has warmed me the heart. Fri

the quote verbatim, we were talking about cosplay in general:

"As a child I remember that excite me very much for many of these characters, I was always led to affezionarmicisivitipi (ahem) I felt a heavy heart but soon took over from a great sadness in the knowledge that they were fictional characters, which did not exist and that really does not know and could never meet.
Your hobby is magic for this.
Why make a dream a bit 'more real and true (and I what I really want this, as you know:-D).
Besides movies, the cinema, there is no other way to be able to see their favorite characters in the flesh.
Everything that makes even one little bit more real world of fantasy is a miracle that should be encouraged and preserved in every way possible.
a real art to itself, where there are high levels of excellence and where you can have fun as hell.
I never thought that this trend would be born and out of Japan.
But luckily it happened because of people like you, tough, capable, imaginative and witty. So thanks
a nice big as a house for what you do and to share it with others.
I hope you enjoy it there always, as now, the characters caught up in our situation with great efforts are truly endless. "

Everything that makes even one little bit more real world of fantasy is a miracle should be encouraged and preserved in every way possible.

You can talk about the magic of cosplay? Maybe ... ^ __ ^


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