Monday, August 25, 2008

Hypertension And Cellulitis

men vs shoes

Recently I found very interesting to observe behaviors that heterosexual couples have when he accompanies her to take her shoes.
Let's say she enters Pittarello Durbans with a smile and eyes sbrilluccicanti dragging him by the hand in friendly Pittarello the elephant we saw the enemy number one .... a skull of danger .... the high voltage power ... and in his heart, yells "I must not get noo!" but after having crossed the first tile of the shop understands that time is up!.
She turns around, noting that his companion was suddenly an 'other wax .... and his eyes filled with terror so he realizes that he must be heartened with the fake words intorta saying that we will take what little we already know.
He reassured by this lie (because in his heart he knows that it is) trying to indulge in shopping companion. This
initially heads straight to the goal and making sure her man to believe that now is done, but after trying that first pair of shoes and asking him his opinion, which of course appreciates the shoe even if it were a toilet, you realize that nn is the one that really like ... And he came up in
in rigurgitino of vomiting since the terror of having to put up a tent in there because he knows that in the coming hours nn out of there! , Panicked attempt to regain the vision and thinks that if a hand maybe it goes first.
Then he asks her taste that pleases the shoes etc etc, its nice to be the necessary information and as he desperately tries to find the shoe.
after a careful search returns from his sweetheart now invaded by two shoe boxes everywhere different types of feet.
hopefully he comes up and shows them what he believes are the characteristics of her requests, but the sight of the shoes the smile on her face fades away, disappointed and sad looking face with his partner and a serious voice says: "No they do not for me I nn I told you so .... sure you know my tastes Nos! "
A chill runs along the back of this poor unfortunate that at this point it feels too sad and unnecessary, so he decided to surrender and to spend some time in hope you found what you're looking to be looking for something that pleases him. After 10 min
returns with a box of shoes under his arm, hoping that his better half has been able to find what he seeks, but finds them in cheerful chats with the clerk who showed the meantime, 10 other types of shoes.
At this point leave the big question: "Do you like this love?" "And that color is fine by me" he tells me the big foot? "" Does My Caviglione? " and he finds himself now in a flurry of responses given for as long as despair or bought something! As the situation
nn is a positive side dispertatamente the poor man tries to find a quiet place to sit and try to distract the mind from the world of shoes, when you have found is sling with the decision and try to fly your mind somewhere else ... . maybe on the events sports of the day ... the coolest cars of the moment or the timing of max, with the most Birikina naked, or even get lost looking at the girl sitting nearby trying the shoes in that place but it also loses its appeal at the thought that she also could be a torture men.
Then he wakes up from her thoughts and turns to his companion chair .... he also a poor victim of the shoe, it now looks into space looking for a 'lifeline that actually is ... nn and understands that there are many in that boat.
After 30 minutes of reflection and waiting here to get away from a familiar figure with a box in his hand .... and you think this is a mirage, a vision! No, it is she is real!
triumphant all comes out of the box and pulls out a delicious shoe as a trophy at that time nn able to distinguish him from a stylish shoe to a gym and eccolaaaa
Awe of him ... ... do you see the shoe is virtually identical to that had brought in its first attempt to satisfy ... raises his head and the look on his face so full of hate and would like escalamare, "but take me for a ride?" but cmq glad that now is done simply say, "but is equal to that which I have brought you to the top" ... she looks astonished as if she said a curse and a speedy response "nooo nn see that the buckles and color are different! !
At this point he gives up as long as the date such comes freedom, and finally head to the bar to pay .... but she seems over exclaims "Look at what carinee!"
And he realizes that the shoe nn win ever!
Council: men statevene fingetevi home ... sick, in danger of death or something else, but do not go!
thanks for the attention you soon!


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