Saturday, August 2, 2008

Rubbing Cocaine On Your Gums

Beach Party Cosplay

Here we review the cosplay event that lit the night of Saturday, July 26 Cagliari, the second edition of the Beach Cosplay Party!

This event saw me in the role of the presenter (go to trust some friends, they invite you for a vacation and then you find yourself working!, P) and considering that on all the forums I have visited I have not read anywhere, "the presenter disgusted" account essermela fared somewhat ^__^;
.. If you want to see for yourself, or fill me with insults for my inability (and for my nagging little voice ...) on YouTube will find a lot of movies ...^^

But let us, as I said the parade was held on the beach in the evening.
Accustomed as they are closed to the fairs, that of the cosplay on outdoor dry-bath was great news, especially with the breeze of the evening, which served as excellent air conditioning! ^ ^

During the inscriptions I could look at me with all calm many of the morals of children who participated, I have really seen a lot of care, passion and even some improvisation tailoring pretty good!
The boys were all highly trained: each one of them was presented with the data sheet with personal character and image of the usb stick with the music for the interpretation! O___o
At fairs in Milan if the dream of such an organization!
So much so that in just over an hour we entered almost eighty boys, and we were ready to go.

While Fabio, Diego Ivan and preparing the sound system, Eleo and I ran home to put in cosplay.
This time a couple of cosplay (trouble otherwise!) Came from the hands of Ai Yazawa.
Eleo was Mikako Koda from Gokinjo Monogatari I and her younger sister, Miwako Sakurada from Paradise Kiss. (+)

This time, after so many classics a couple a bit more modern, with special clothes and wigs, so that during re-entry to the beach we have been implicated as viados ... =____= Thanks ...

But back in the parade.
to give you an idea of the participants leave you to photo galleries

because if I were to speak individually to each one of them, it turns out that we do here at night ...

I quote just the ones that I have been impressed, like the guy specializes in robottoni; previous years had led Grendizer and Mazinger, this year it was up to Jeeg .
The public response was a roar when he appears on stage, even though I was worried for his safety, as it was not plain to her knees and walked like a pin ... ^ ^;

Another character interesting was Squall, the boy was in a group with other friends, and despite a respectable Sephiroth Yuna and a really pretty, when he appears on stage rose from an array of public urletti by groopies ^ ^
Every time I uttered "Squall" snapped the squeals!
not tell you then pandemonium when he was called on stage for a prize ... I expected the invasion of the field! ^___^;

Another group, also Final Fantasy, appeared on stage with costume accessories but also really cared (Who have earned a prize), but the thing that struck me the most is that they were almost all related!
One of the characters was played by the father of Yuna, who, besides being dropped in his role perfectly, with its 50 plus years sported a tax that I recommend!
We all watched wide-eyed, and had it not been for the wrinkles on his face hardly have believed it! A myth!

And another myth, another father, was released by another group, Beach, the largest group of the evening with 18 members. While
I called them one by one on stage (a slaughterhouse, were very many!) the word "Yamamoto" has raised a roar, and I saw this old man go (which was not old, but he also fifty gagliardissimo) adamant and character!
Wonderful! ^ ^

so I could go for a lot of other characters, but I realize that I would end only to annoy, these events must be present! ^___^

But let me make a special praise to a couple really very nice!
Dr. Slump and Arale!

Both resembled, he came verbatim from the manga, she's a force of nature (I've always seen and just go, all night! O____o;) have, as the mean SPLIT!

The public hailed them and they fell perfectly in the role, threatened to grab all the prizes!
The jury went wild! ^___^
At the end of the evening then I revealed the funniest thing, namely that the doctor was the professor of Italian girl who played Arale!! The
I'd had such a prof! ^___^

After the parade it was time to decide the awards, two awards have been given to the public, while I assume the role of jury president, tried to give the jurors about the winners.

E 'was really difficult to award prizes because, although very numerous, however, were not enough to reward all those who would if they deserved.

The two most juicy, that is a flight paid for Rome to take part in the selection of WCS Romics, if you have won a couple of boys taken out of group Beach: Ulquiorra and Cirucco .

They also beautiful and absolutely fell in their role when they heard their names are, respectively, broke out the tears and fainted!

Once on stage they started to connect only after a long time ', and hear them cheering the other competitors was a nice way to end the evening!

evening that ended only around two o'clock in the morning, fortunately the next day he went to sea! *____*

(+) for non-experts of the saga Yazawa, the two manga are a continuation of the other, moved forward in time a dozen years, the two girls are sisters despite the different surname, because the first use the mother's surname as the name of art


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