Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Eat Drink And Be Married And Other Sayings

best wishes to all!

I saw!
are late for a Christmas I know! but at least I hope to wish you a happy 2009!
many many Congratulations

Monday, December 1, 2008

Sim City 4 No Cd Patch 638

Cosplay Updates

Online Cosplay photos taken at the Princess Tutu cosplay ! Quack!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Myths About Itchy Nose

in a tutu! Calm Photos

And finally back to cosplay! They start
fairs in Milan and for precisely one of the thousands and thousands of annual editions of Cosplay.

Because I still remember with horror the huge crowd of last year, when I went on a Sunday, this time I came back on Saturday! ^ ^
deserted rooms, bathrooms spotless, very few cosplayers around, I understood: a paradise.

I chatted with all my friends stand personnel (I have more knowledge there cosplay that now) and after touring every corner well I went to change me to get comfortable in the role of Rue Kronoha from Princess Tutu .

Yes, both the manga and anime have arrived in Italy, but I do not know anybody, I know!
It is a pity, at least for the cartoon that deserves a vision (the manga instead let it also be ...)

The idea of making school uniform Ru-chan whisked me in mind for a while and when I found out that another friend cosplayer, Kya, was planning the same costume, I asked her to team up with me.

In fact, the costume this anime would be the classic tutu, it tells you the title, but since both my character, Rue, which is to Kya, Ahiru, have a tutu too much "Detector", we have jointly glissando, choosing to bring the school uniform ^ ^
That, to my taste is divine! * __ *

Kya Unfortunately Saturday was released from work very late and the photos we have taken in pairs because of the darkness of the rooms have managed a little ... bad!
I entrust to the Holy See of photoshop to get something ...

In the meantime I leave you with a juicy preview made with the photos that I shot by myself in the morning.
I hope you like my new cosplay ... I also because, if you had not yet figured out, I love it!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

5 Weeks Pregnant Smelly Urine

momocosplay @ 2008-11-16T13: 56:00

today is my birthday! Nn
I know I made more alive ... let's say I have had problemini at work and I literally lost control of my personal level.
thank you very much to those who already gave me wishes and I thank especially the first who succeeded me know about them and a few minutes to midnight.
thanks again!
photos I took today to remember my first day as a 26-year-old ...

Friday, October 31, 2008

How To Break In Danskos

Those who know me well know that in this period are usually a bundle of nerves to prepare costumes and wigs to style and accessories to finish ....
In other words, Lucca Comics & Games.

And because instead, this year, all this quiet?
will not go! ^ ^;

A series of adverse events prevented me from passing the usual 3 / 4 day of shopping and chatter and wild cosplay more.
My body has enjoyed a period of rest, my mind (sick) no.

fact, although I had no deadlines of any kind, I've spent the past week bent over a sewing machine to work feverishly on anything.
the kind that I was from my home and forced him to give me something to do, whatever!
shorten trousers, sleeves to hold, to mend tears ...

The same fate has befallen the wigs, which have all been refreshed, combed and styling (well, at random, just to see if I was able
But obviously, if not go Falketta cosplay, cosplay Falketta goes to ...

Last weekend I was able to deliver a suit made to order, and given that my "client" was Haru, I demanded (^ ^) wearing it on the spot to do a photo shoot!
And while I was there I took the opportunity to pull out of the closet a lot of my cosplay waiting to be photographed, to join her.

So here's a preview of a beautiful Disney Ariel directly from the masterpiece "The Little Mermaid" and Vanilla from Sugar Sugar Rune, version maid (lately I've been a waitress for fixed crazy ....)

Soon the photos on-line! And good
Lucca who goes there! ^ __-

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Combine 1st Birthday And Baptism


I just want to tell you I exist and there are still .... If you wonder how I became in my long absence ... well, I tell you I'm ashamed nn!
fatter! fewer than 3 kg
older! almost a year longer!
much stumped!
well, I leave a more recent photo of my face do I realize haim!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Silver Blanks For Stamping

spin-off Gokinjio Monogatari and Paradise Kiss

are on-line photos taken in Cagliari Cup Mikako-Miwako made in the company of my sister-island site, Cosetta .

During Cosplay Beach Party we had so many things to do at the end of the evening we arrived exhausted, but most without even a photo! Ç___ç

Eleo and I we did not lose heart and we tacked a photo shoot in the bedroom of the B & B where we stayed, we have scattered about the room pajamas and trinkets kawaii, we brought two fans (you have no idea of the heat that was in that room!) and we throw on the Latvian.

As Mika and Miwa are two sisters we decided to take some pictures that seem to be "stolen" to intimacy, so we invented the poses where looking through the paper, there tricks and we talk to each other lying on the Latvian.

I love this set of photos, and I hope you like it a lot, too! ^ ^

Enjoy! ;)

Thursday, August 28, 2008

13 Birthday Invitations

Double update

Added pages for cosplay Cartoomics brought to the group of Clow Card
The Little starring Pink and The Silent ., Both from Card Captor Sakura.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Hypertension And Cellulitis

men vs shoes

Recently I found very interesting to observe behaviors that heterosexual couples have when he accompanies her to take her shoes.
Let's say she enters Pittarello Durbans with a smile and eyes sbrilluccicanti dragging him by the hand in friendly Pittarello the elephant we saw the enemy number one .... a skull of danger .... the high voltage power ... and in his heart, yells "I must not get noo!" but after having crossed the first tile of the shop understands that time is up!.
She turns around, noting that his companion was suddenly an 'other wax .... and his eyes filled with terror so he realizes that he must be heartened with the fake words intorta saying that we will take what little we already know.
He reassured by this lie (because in his heart he knows that it is) trying to indulge in shopping companion. This
initially heads straight to the goal and making sure her man to believe that now is done, but after trying that first pair of shoes and asking him his opinion, which of course appreciates the shoe even if it were a toilet, you realize that nn is the one that really like ... And he came up in
in rigurgitino of vomiting since the terror of having to put up a tent in there because he knows that in the coming hours nn out of there! , Panicked attempt to regain the vision and thinks that if a hand maybe it goes first.
Then he asks her taste that pleases the shoes etc etc, its nice to be the necessary information and as he desperately tries to find the shoe.
after a careful search returns from his sweetheart now invaded by two shoe boxes everywhere different types of feet.
hopefully he comes up and shows them what he believes are the characteristics of her requests, but the sight of the shoes the smile on her face fades away, disappointed and sad looking face with his partner and a serious voice says: "No they do not for me I nn I told you so .... sure you know my tastes Nos! "
A chill runs along the back of this poor unfortunate that at this point it feels too sad and unnecessary, so he decided to surrender and to spend some time in hope you found what you're looking to be looking for something that pleases him. After 10 min
returns with a box of shoes under his arm, hoping that his better half has been able to find what he seeks, but finds them in cheerful chats with the clerk who showed the meantime, 10 other types of shoes.
At this point leave the big question: "Do you like this love?" "And that color is fine by me" he tells me the big foot? "" Does My Caviglione? " and he finds himself now in a flurry of responses given for as long as despair or bought something! As the situation
nn is a positive side dispertatamente the poor man tries to find a quiet place to sit and try to distract the mind from the world of shoes, when you have found is sling with the decision and try to fly your mind somewhere else ... . maybe on the events sports of the day ... the coolest cars of the moment or the timing of max, with the most Birikina naked, or even get lost looking at the girl sitting nearby trying the shoes in that place but it also loses its appeal at the thought that she also could be a torture men.
Then he wakes up from her thoughts and turns to his companion chair .... he also a poor victim of the shoe, it now looks into space looking for a 'lifeline that actually is ... nn and understands that there are many in that boat.
After 30 minutes of reflection and waiting here to get away from a familiar figure with a box in his hand .... and you think this is a mirage, a vision! No, it is she is real!
triumphant all comes out of the box and pulls out a delicious shoe as a trophy at that time nn able to distinguish him from a stylish shoe to a gym and eccolaaaa
Awe of him ... ... do you see the shoe is virtually identical to that had brought in its first attempt to satisfy ... raises his head and the look on his face so full of hate and would like escalamare, "but take me for a ride?" but cmq glad that now is done simply say, "but is equal to that which I have brought you to the top" ... she looks astonished as if she said a curse and a speedy response "nooo nn see that the buckles and color are different! !
At this point he gives up as long as the date such comes freedom, and finally head to the bar to pay .... but she seems over exclaims "Look at what carinee!"
And he realizes that the shoe nn win ever!
Council: men statevene fingetevi home ... sick, in danger of death or something else, but do not go!
thanks for the attention you soon!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Rubbing Cocaine On Your Gums

Beach Party Cosplay

Here we review the cosplay event that lit the night of Saturday, July 26 Cagliari, the second edition of the Beach Cosplay Party!

This event saw me in the role of the presenter (go to trust some friends, they invite you for a vacation and then you find yourself working!, P) and considering that on all the forums I have visited I have not read anywhere, "the presenter disgusted" account essermela fared somewhat ^__^;
.. If you want to see for yourself, or fill me with insults for my inability (and for my nagging little voice ...) on YouTube will find a lot of movies ...^^

But let us, as I said the parade was held on the beach in the evening.
Accustomed as they are closed to the fairs, that of the cosplay on outdoor dry-bath was great news, especially with the breeze of the evening, which served as excellent air conditioning! ^ ^

During the inscriptions I could look at me with all calm many of the morals of children who participated, I have really seen a lot of care, passion and even some improvisation tailoring pretty good!
The boys were all highly trained: each one of them was presented with the data sheet with personal character and image of the usb stick with the music for the interpretation! O___o
At fairs in Milan if the dream of such an organization!
So much so that in just over an hour we entered almost eighty boys, and we were ready to go.

While Fabio, Diego Ivan and preparing the sound system, Eleo and I ran home to put in cosplay.
This time a couple of cosplay (trouble otherwise!) Came from the hands of Ai Yazawa.
Eleo was Mikako Koda from Gokinjo Monogatari I and her younger sister, Miwako Sakurada from Paradise Kiss. (+)

This time, after so many classics a couple a bit more modern, with special clothes and wigs, so that during re-entry to the beach we have been implicated as viados ... =____= Thanks ...

But back in the parade.
to give you an idea of the participants leave you to photo galleries


because if I were to speak individually to each one of them, it turns out that we do here at night ...

I quote just the ones that I have been impressed, like the guy specializes in robottoni; previous years had led Grendizer and Mazinger, this year it was up to Jeeg .
The public response was a roar when he appears on stage, even though I was worried for his safety, as it was not plain to her knees and walked like a pin ... ^ ^;

Another character interesting was Squall, the boy was in a group with other friends, and despite a respectable Sephiroth Yuna and a really pretty, when he appears on stage rose from an array of public urletti by groopies ^ ^
Every time I uttered "Squall" snapped the squeals!
not tell you then pandemonium when he was called on stage for a prize ... I expected the invasion of the field! ^___^;

Another group, also Final Fantasy, appeared on stage with costume accessories but also really cared (Who have earned a prize), but the thing that struck me the most is that they were almost all related!
One of the characters was played by the father of Yuna, who, besides being dropped in his role perfectly, with its 50 plus years sported a tax that I recommend!
We all watched wide-eyed, and had it not been for the wrinkles on his face hardly have believed it! A myth!

And another myth, another father, was released by another group, Beach, the largest group of the evening with 18 members. While
I called them one by one on stage (a slaughterhouse, were very many!) the word "Yamamoto" has raised a roar, and I saw this old man go (which was not old, but he also fifty gagliardissimo) adamant and character!
Wonderful! ^ ^

so I could go for a lot of other characters, but I realize that I would end only to annoy, these events must be present! ^___^

But let me make a special praise to a couple really very nice!
Dr. Slump and Arale!

Both resembled, he came verbatim from the manga, she's a force of nature (I've always seen and just go, all night! O____o;) have, as the mean SPLIT!

The public hailed them and they fell perfectly in the role, threatened to grab all the prizes!
The jury went wild! ^___^
At the end of the evening then I revealed the funniest thing, namely that the doctor was the professor of Italian girl who played Arale!! The
I'd had such a prof! ^___^

After the parade it was time to decide the awards, two awards have been given to the public, while I assume the role of jury president, tried to give the jurors about the winners.

E 'was really difficult to award prizes because, although very numerous, however, were not enough to reward all those who would if they deserved.

The two most juicy, that is a flight paid for Rome to take part in the selection of WCS Romics, if you have won a couple of boys taken out of group Beach: Ulquiorra and Cirucco .

They also beautiful and absolutely fell in their role when they heard their names are, respectively, broke out the tears and fainted!

Once on stage they started to connect only after a long time ', and hear them cheering the other competitors was a nice way to end the evening!

evening that ended only around two o'clock in the morning, fortunately the next day he went to sea! *____*

(+) for non-experts of the saga Yazawa, the two manga are a continuation of the other, moved forward in time a dozen years, the two girls are sisters despite the different surname, because the first use the mother's surname as the name of art

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

How Much Sports Psychologist Is Get Paid

Small update

While I try to rearrange ideas to tell everything that happened during the weekend of Beach Cosplay Party that was held in Cagliari, take advantage of an afternoon free to update the site and put online photos of Pink suitors in the role of small-Pollon. This

Pollon cosplay I made for the Festival of ideas that you Lupatoto held in St. John last month.
In fact I was there in cosplay, but the stifling heat of the afternoon got me back in "bourgeois" before I had time to get me to take a single photo ... ^___^;
really do not know how others do cosplay to remain in the hot sun of summer, I just can not, so recycle my clothes for a photo shoot home, possibly in the vicinity of my dear air conditioner ...

In the meantime, here is the little goddess Pollon ! ^___^

Monday, July 28, 2008

Remy Hair Extensions Sally

categories of man trailer

Holaaa tonata are one of my writings and this time a net log and not just say ... that inspired me this site ...
I know that after this great post many boys hate me, but I find it so funny!
I want to talk about techniques that use highly pathetic and banal males trying to pick up, this is not to you offend but rather just get inspired to improve.
There are three types of man trailer:
1) shameless and vain playboy
2) fake Romantic poetry and so
3) smart and funny.
In these categories I have summarized some of the male METHOD tow, of course, the topic might range over a thousand other kinds of men, but would still be minnoranza.
Let's start with the first category the shameless and vain PLAY BOY
this specimen is devoid of tact and sensitivity in addition to the fact that we do not know at all to do with the difficult and hard art of courtship lascinadosi behind intelligent though banal pleasantries that we women are always delighted. Most
Others will go directly to the facts without wasting even a poor compliment, "You CAM?" Or "THIS WEEKEND IS FREE IF YOU WANT YOU CAN FIND" or even better "give me your number that calls you" nothing ... I am surprised that one day I were just wrote ... "fucking you?"
Often these claims are associated with an invitation to look at the profile where I can find photos of them strictly to his bare chest where all the good muscoloni are enhanced by the many efforts such as those that you sit on the toilet.
After visiting their profile and has verified their attractiveness and their interesting surveys of the type ... "What do you think are cool to me A beautiful B C D no coment are fascinated ... I wonder if I can be all ' height of both beauty and intelligence, so each message they will end up straight in my beautiful basket ... and where better? Netlog
In the stands at first sight for "the shouting (screaming), a clear example of a scream," no girl for me?? " or "girls come and comment you look" -_-... the beauty is that to me is even less desire to go to leave a comment ... at least positive
XD For the second category we have: THE FAKE ROMANCE / POETIC AND SHY:
this male is the most common and easiest to find, and compared to the previous category has EVula towing technique in finding a more inteligente approach, if the technique is applied may well resemble a courtship also well done. The fake
Romantic poetry and so acts with extreme kindness by sending messages often include many beautiful and well made, pleasing to read many times the girl will be pleasantly impressed.
In this case it is often difficult to bring examples of the boy has a real romantic and poetic sentences can range from declarations of true love in simple sentences like "YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL And your eyes may show LIGHT THAT NO ONE has ever made me discover "
Unfortunately, many times hidden beneath these beautiful phrases romantic tearjerker hiding subtle meanings and amazing we just read that sentence becomes:" YOU'RE A PUSSY, NO could never prevented WITH YOU TO FUCK "
invent the most creative phrases to spend .... if true these days to study magnifche rhymes, reading manuals aphorisms to impress every time their victim ... all these sacrifices for a great final goal ... but I will tell you the truth ... in my opinion turns even a real manual for the conqueror doc handed down from generation to generation
= P. In fact, many of them are scoundrel hiding behind false appearances, to expose you just pull back a few times and they are already tired of ask ... often do not make you feel more or send you directly to that country without so many thanks.
Of these scoundrels but also hide the true sentimentalist Timidone but they are so few that because of their friends are the first to Playboy rimmetterci of their behavior. Indeed
often become victims of their colleagues ... in fact they are so timid that they can not deal with those who accuse them of lying and therefore feel the need to let go at the start. The fake
romantic and poetic in net log it recognizes the URL very sweet: "No night can be beautiful as long as you do not come knocking at my door and things like that
The third and last category but not least is the clever and fun, this is because of all the most frank and direct, not trying to intortarti with honeyed words and mielense, indeed sometimes it hits you just because you take even a little bit around.
Mind you, we must distinguish it from the rude, in fact, direct and sharp, even if this guy is extremely nice and funny, hardly falls into the nerve and not allowed to directly offend ... does everything with great tact and irony.
Most of the time does not use sweet words to introduce or romantic, but I wonder with the strangest and most bizarre statements you've ever heard.
the end, the subject gets what he wants, that is your attention.
After passing the first phase fits for 70% of the time, unfortunately, one of the other two categories letting you dramatically decrease the peak of interest that had managed to raise a few posts before.
The remaining 15% is trying to remain afloat in the romantic / poetic and funny guy and the other 15% can remain, for the time it takes to conquer the initial trust, in the third category and then getting esplondere the sweetness in the final stage ormail when she is fully cooked and delivered by her charms interesting enough to no longer recognize the true from the false.
often begins with phrases like: "A 25-YEAR ACOR HELLO KITTY?! = P" or "BUT YOU ARE TRANS UNN? THE SURGEON of advice and things like that
In many cases, can be misconstrued and go for emeriti bastards, but most often fail to awaken the interest of the women's category now disgusted by the usual fake poodle and the shameless bullies.
It 's also true that we women are terribly attracted to those who treat us coldly XD ... I love suffer.
their profile is really nice, in fact often do not put their photos, but they show their dogs, cats ... etc ... favorite cartoon. Netlog
In the howling is always consistent with their present and their choice of category, therefore it is difficult to mention one ...= P. .. and then they are so rare hahaha.
However, the lesson is over, but boys do not feel offended, even this will help you understand how to best kennels ... and you guys do not laugh in his sleeve (which we have many) ... next time I'll have for you (us) and perhaps even worse than this post.
girl eyes!!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Ikea Lots Mirror Removes Paint

Ready for departure! A nice ^___^

The fateful day has arrived, take a morning flight that will take me back to Cagliari, Sardinia, again in the company of my sister- site Cosetta ! ^___^


Saturday evening there will be the second edition of
Beach Party Cosplay organized by my amiciccia and his "team", and this time I will be there!
I'm so excited, we hope to do a good job!

course take advantage of the trip for us a couple of days of vacation, to enjoy a little sea of Sardinia, to visit some interesting niche for ... give us some pictures! ^___^ I

in recent weeks
I gave myself a little to do , we only hope to be able to find time for everything!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Volleyball Shoes Lime Green


few days ago I received a nice email from a (friend? Fan's difficult to give the correct definition ...) guy, that a chat between me and the other wrote a phrase that has warmed me the heart. Fri

the quote verbatim, we were talking about cosplay in general:

"As a child I remember that excite me very much for many of these characters, I was always led to affezionarmicisivitipi (ahem) I felt a heavy heart but soon took over from a great sadness in the knowledge that they were fictional characters, which did not exist and that really does not know and could never meet.
Your hobby is magic for this.
Why make a dream a bit 'more real and true (and I what I really want this, as you know:-D).
Besides movies, the cinema, there is no other way to be able to see their favorite characters in the flesh.
Everything that makes even one little bit more real world of fantasy is a miracle that should be encouraged and preserved in every way possible.
a real art to itself, where there are high levels of excellence and where you can have fun as hell.
I never thought that this trend would be born and out of Japan.
But luckily it happened because of people like you, tough, capable, imaginative and witty. So thanks
a nice big as a house for what you do and to share it with others.
I hope you enjoy it there always, as now, the characters caught up in our situation with great efforts are truly endless. "

Everything that makes even one little bit more real world of fantasy is a miracle should be encouraged and preserved in every way possible.

You can talk about the magic of cosplay? Maybe ... ^ __ ^

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Free Clips Of Jesse Jane

100,000 HITS! More updates

The other day I ended up wandering the web site on my own , and throwing his eye on the counter I could see with the greatest joy of having broken down the wall of 100,000 hits!
^___^ I consider it a birthday present (in advance) by the online world!
Thank you all !!!!!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Why Is My Hair Thinning In The Front

because we women must shave you, and no men?

tonight after the shower I found the time to fix my hair at my dear ... and I also like all the poor women I am forced to deal with the hated unwanted hair! Nn
certainly all are equal some are lucky and can almost do without it and those who unfortunately can compete Quote for a way down.
I am in the mid-range ... and not too little ... well I also have my work cut out to appear more smooth effect venus = P.
when summer comes and then the nightmare begins for us! For if through the first frost of winter could hide a few hairs here and there under or tights under jeans, with the summer heat, things change.
is nice to discover your legs with mini mini skirts ... and the arms still in sight .... not to mention armpit armpits ... .. oh my conviction that the worst of the legs!
because her legs have always an eye on them and tweezers and ready at hand when you see the enemy ... but check the armpit x?
noo that you run away ... Sometimes you forget that even now nn is more beautiful and smooth in a moment of carelessness nn you find yourself putting the vests ... thus revealing the first opportunity those ugly hairs blacks cursed!
a 'different point of absolute horror and bikini!

is why the bikini you have to give particular attention, No you never know when you're in the ugly pool sbuchino Pelletti brufolettini post waxing or those coming out of the costume ... orroreeee!
and start thinking "oh my God .... and if I see it appearing that figure," so you put on your stomach to soak up the sun and tanning to the end of the day you ringo (the biscuit so to speak).
or you are with them at the first guy you like .... in lingerie ... and here he oppeteee spuntaaa, maybe it is small and invisible to the naked eye can see nn .... but you will see that you and infinitely ashamed and hope that he will notice ... and nn nn certainly notice has other things to think .... and maybe you think you do not force the situation tastes.
short hair is a real conviction that men do not have .... ... they are manly with a carpet instead of the chest!
and nooo I do not like the hairy man ... even I can understand why that shaved and we also have one thing in common the same thing or waxing beautician and days of hair!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Birthday Cruise Favors

There must be a favorable alignment of the stars, why continue the updates! ^___^
Online Lalabel version Lolita group of Maghetto Toei Mantova Comics & Games!

A big kiss to Noy and Usagi I have company in this project! ^___^

Funny Birthday Titles

writer's block: Nicknames

What's your nickname and how did you get it?

503 View Answers

my nickname is Momo from Japenese comics "Peach Girl". It Means peach or peach flower flower coulor
nn write anything as long .... I wanted to show that they are still alive by using the help you = P livejournal

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Shirts To Wear To Baby Shower


page updated Lucca Comics!
on line Bianconiglio and Queen of Hearts from Alice in Wonderland!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Ho To Correct Underbite

falketta @ 2008-04-03T18: 11:00

updates again!
On-line from fair Novegro Orange Dark Chocolate Lolita, Wa-Lolita-inspired dress worn in the company of my friend Haru.
Added another cosplay to shop and a new link cosplay!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Eastern Bmx Traildigger

Finally a bit of free time to update!
Directly from Saturday in Mantova Comics,
Miyuki Takara .

See you soon for the next!
Ah! Also added two new link cosplay !^___^

Monday, March 31, 2008

Truck Bed Slide Out Plans

Lucky Star Cosplay to Cartoomics? No, thanks

Since the title of this post I can imagine how I feel about the race took place yesterday at the cosplay Cartoomics.
I do not want to start a discussion on sterilissima what happened, about what has been done and what could be done, or better yet, what he could to avoid doing, but let me speak with one complaint.
An hour and a half late.
90 minutes to wait before it began the parade cosplay.
Even they had to play a football game ....

But never mind, we speak of good things happened yesterday, because despite everything for me was a beautiful day.
I found time to run the booth and do some shopping, I chatted with more or less all the people with whom I wanted to exchange four words, faces that I met had not seen for some time, I received unexpected compliments and I met 4 new ; cosplayers group with which I have ^ ^

This time I became involved with a group drawn from the original Card Captor Sakura in which, in the company of other cosplayers (including my friend and Tatiana Pink) we interpreted the cards Clow. We would be soooooo
owed more, but with the usual last-minute defections, we found in 7, namely: The Arrow

The Dream
The Fight
The Little
The Return The Silent

The Time I must say that I found myself very well with all the girls, and those endless 90 minutes were filled with many rumors, photos and laughter!
^ ^ I leave you with a nice group photo pool!

Small description of the participants: from left: Fight, Dream, Time, Arrow, Return, and I to last in the role of Silent and down in the shoes of Little Pink.
And now, I fear for quite a while, stop at trade fairs ...

Monday, March 3, 2008

Fluttering Upper Left Abdomen

Mantova Comics & Games 2008

I'm back back from the third edition of Mantova Comics & Games , which I saw once again the organization of Cosplay Evolution .
The fair is growing, attracting more and more people and between them there are more and more cosplayers that parade on our stage.
Once again many, many cosplayers at their first show, if not their first costume.
During the inscriptions found myself to calm frightened children, inspire girls to the phrase or the installation to use on stage, to harness the wildest and unravel the most timid!
see them then pull out with confidence, attitude and pose as best cosplayers and veterans, hear their impressions at the end of the parade, receive their thanks ... Well, it was the greatest satisfaction!
I really like the audience of Mantua is hot, it is curious, is attentive, and becomes involved and due importance to the work of cosplayers with shouts of encouragement and applause.
Well, I am very tired but very happy with this weekend's cosplay in its purest form, that of fun.

On this occasion I have prepared two new costumes.
On Saturday I wore the shoes of Miyuki Takara from Lucky Star .

A cosplay unknown to most, since that neither the anime nor the manga yet arrived in Italy, but I wanted so much to take, since I follow the fansub and I love the main characters of this anime ^ ^

The Sunday, I was in a group of boy wizard studio Toei.
We would be payable in 5, but a last minute package and food poisoning on Saturday night has downgraded three ^ ^;
In chronological order we were in the role of Usagi Chappy , Noy in those Bia and I like Lalabel .
As you can see the traditional costumes are not appearing in the cartoon, but a new, more modern, we have invented for themselves! ^ ^

During the fair we take a lot of very nice photos in the company of two other boy wizard (even if they belong to Studio Pierrot competitor!) That Yu (Fiammetta) and Creamy (Kayoshin)!
E 'was really fun to lend to the usual poses absurd, I was used to download all the adrenaline that had accumulated during the organization of the cosplay, so thank you to everyone for the excellent company I leave !^___^
some other step ^ ^

The inevitable laying idol!

Kayoshin And if there can not miss the team Ginyu pose! ....

All for one and one for tutte! (Vash compreso!^^)

Pettegolezzi tra maghette... di chi staranno sparlando? Della magica Emi? Oppure di Sally? ^___^

In un delirio di onnipotenza Yu decide di sterminare tutte le maghette per eliminare la concorrenza e rimanere l'unica ed incontrastata majokko!!

Chappy e Creamy sono già state eliminate, riusciranno Bia e Lalabel a fuggire??? O____O;

Chi vivrà vedrà..... ^___-

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Intercourse On Camera


I needed a place to copy the address so sorptive the third video posted on you tube!

Monday, February 25, 2008

Does Recording On Dvr Count In Ratings

you tube you tube you tube 2

ok today I entered my first video on you tube ... I was more curious to see what else I do I do when I try to sing ...
what's more I struggled to do so because hassle here at all ç_ç
more here you have a small demonstration of what it means to broadly reinterpret a song and make it your own, just look at the two filamti.
sorry if you torment me realize that the registration nn is the best, most in my web cam at some point he started going into balls ... who knows why.
well, at least I make you laugh so stupid faces! XD

video interpretation

video without intereptazione you see in the previous post in this

One Boob Hurts Pregnancy

ok today I entered my first video on you tube ... I was mostly curious to see who faces when I try to sing ...
to do a lot more effort to do so why bother to do here all ç_ç

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Play .rsd File Rosetta

all can be beautiful!

today I want to bring up the morale of the girls who read my blog and bring down to earth the guys who drool over nice cha ...
and here's to you .... CELEBRITIES WITHOUT MAKE UP !!!!!

and then begin!

goes well, maybe britney nn is seen his problemini

but what about these?!



jessica simpson

desperate house wife??

anna kournikova

well, if you want to see more you leave the site link:


but nn is right to blast away on the other ... now that I show my true form!
these poor women actually have been immortalized in their faces worst, it certainly helps!
fact remains, however, that normal women are still nothing more than us mere mortals that we get up in the morning with dark circles and we have breakfast with difficulty thinking of our hard day's work ahead of us!

cmq here's to you! Elisa
Momo office version and make-up photos by cell, and souped-up version momo pulled and decent picture.
seen how easy it is!


Sunday, February 17, 2008

It Feela Like Stomach Acid Is Burning My Throa

Double update!

Ancora da Lucca Comics & Games, on line le foto di Zaffiro col cuore femminile e dell'angioletto Tick!
^ ^ Enjoy all nostalgic!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Hot Topic I Heart Boobies

b.san Valentino

S. Valentine to all! that love can light the way ... because it's always like a candle, warm, unstable, sometimes just a breeze to turn it off.
so who has the love and keep it tight and away from anything that might shut it down for love It is true that there is the greatest miracle in the world.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Culo De Jenifer Lopez

Update! Update

Added photos of Jane Porter from the Disney film Tarzan, cosplay worn during Saturday Lucca Comics & Games! ^___^

(and a small step at a time I get close to the goal ... catch up with the photos! Yatta! O___O;)

Friday, January 25, 2008

How To Beat Level 47 On Bloons Pack 3

mhh could help?!

is important that these accursed fold rise in the continuation
price! (Americans are angry because the gasoline has risen to 0.75
? For 5 liters!) And we pay 1.50? per liter .. but we
crazy ???!!!

From Beppe Grillo another part of the initiative ... (it had previously been
abolish the cost of recharge cards ...... telefonicheprepagate
with great success !!!!)

Try it costs nothing! !!!!!!!!!!! Turn it at least every

10 contacts, thanks a lot!! _______________________________________________


Even if you have a car, please do circulate the message to
friends. Petrol
at half price?
Let's get ...
We learned of a joint action to exercise our power
against oil companies.

He feels that the gas will increase further up to 1.50 Euro per liter.

UNITED we can lower the prices move together, so
intelligent and supportive.

Here's how ....
The watchword is' hitting the portfolio of companies without lederci
alone '. Post

the idea that not buying gasoline on a given day did laugh
companies (they know very well that, for us, it's just a full
deferred, because in the end we need it!), There a system that will make them laugh instead
very little, provided it acts in many.

OPEC and oil companies have conditioned us to believe that a price ranging from
0.95 and 1 Euro per liter is a good price, but we can make them
find that a reasonable price for them is about half .

Consumers can greatly affect the policies of firms:
must use the power we have. The proposal is
that by the end of the year does not buy more gas from
two biggest companies, Shell and Esso, which also now form one

If you do not sell more gasoline (or they sell a lot less),
will be forced to drop prices.

If these two companies will drop prices, others will have to adapt

To make it, but we must be millions of non-customers from Esso and Shell, in

This message was sent to about thirty people;
if each of these joins and in turn forward it to, say, a
ten friends, we are three hundred. If these

do the same, we are three thousand, and so on ..................

At this rate, when this message arrives at the '
seventh generation', we will have reached 30 million consumers and informed!

then send this message to ten people asking them to do
same. If all are fast enough to act, we
raise about three hundred million people in eight days! E '
certain that to do so, we have nothing to lose, do not you think?

Who cares for a bit 'of coupons and gifts and
nonsense that bind us to those companies.

Come on, let's do!

Monday, January 21, 2008

Calgary Jabbawockeez Glove

dear life and alternative ...

today I want to be a topic a little more serious than my usual.


and I have to vent! I'm so sick and I feel particularly helpless in front of this situation!

I have a pretty low salary that allows me to live with wide, so I do nn vacation, or buy stuff brand. Not that it's an essential thing for charity, but No I'm sorry to say no to everything that is superfluous.

I'm not ashamed to say that I do not get to 1000 € per month while doing a job that should be well paid. The costs I face are very large and in a few months I can not even cover them with the salary.

to go to work I do a lot of roads and houses outside the city do not even have the opportunity to use public transport, so the "high gas" is being felt all right on my budget.

every month I spend about 200 € for the fuel that rears up every day ... as if they had given him develop it .... I get up because their price now I'd be a model or a basketball player! XD.

often have to do with medical expenses that may be a dentist rather than an ophthalmologist, and so on .... unfortunately they are also quite poor. A visit from one of these specialists do not cost less than € 100, unless you put yourself in line to visit a health unit but ... if you have urgency?

€ 100 in 10 minutes ... and I take them in almost a week! ç_ç ... for charity, we pay professional without a doubt ... but when you're wrong diagnosis after spending a lot of money and you had to go see another doctor who tells you a whole 'some other thing you pissed off and you would want to send them all to dig!

in other months I do the bill with costs like insurance and general maintenance ... for example some time ago, I dropped 250 euro for the coupon ... and be careful!! the machine not working well and lose more oil! fantastic ... I'd say money well spent!.

every month, in addition, I have to hand over 300 euro pseudo rent where I live ... and I must say very well still find nn? , Whereas the average un'affitto out (I mean waaay off) city is around 500 € for a hole

and I stress the fact that I have a family on his shoulders, and this reminds me a lot: if now, free and single, I find myself in this situation ... even when I have other expenses such as I?

think much at this point, as I'm thinking I might try something alternative in order to gain, since the air smells of nn increase your luck and certainly does not point at me for ' enalotto ... so what could I do?

therefore propose the banal ... I prostituiscoo! Or ... I'll show nude cam pay ... I sell my panties or witness who has pictures are mine and I've worn (this practice is much used in Japan!), but what I can tell you .... besides nn be just my taste ... I'm also not very original with the times we live ... too much competition!

so dear friends, I want to proclaim it in jargon !!... miss bogonella Verona means snail!

carissimiii SIII and want to invest on viscidooooo bogonelleeee friends on .... not that snails!

you own them! hated by all because gardeners and small-starved shoots and leaves, because ugly and greedy ... BAD! I believe in you bogonelle!

a good crop of tasty snails can sell the best French restaurants that will pay me good money .... why my snails will be all the more butts! and as she will raise with love will be even more beautiful.

and woe to those who think they fool me the idea and work! cercatevi an 'alternative activity agree!

bogonelle I love! Do not say that they are bad ... nn eat them for adoption and raised as their daughters ... then they have to sacrifice himself for his mother that he loved so much!

cmq go wrong if I have my trump card ... goodbye breeding bogoni e. .. go to the feed! ... Find out what they are up to you! ... Here where I live there are so many that would otherwise have to create trouble to kill wildlife. if by chance accidentally refer them to give you a machine with a plaque of recognition. Cmq

the fact remains that I'm sick! someone to do something you can not go on like this!

thanks for your attention next time!

Sunday, January 13, 2008

No Sirve El Sig6 En Windowsblinds

maybe ...

if I'm lucky and things will come your way in 10 days I will have ADSL!
not believe it yet ... after all the difficulties we have been seems to me absurd to hope so!
meantime I am planning a cosplay to do for the fair mantova any advice?
with the excuse that I was a bit outside world all this time are also displaced on this matter.
short tips?

Friday, January 11, 2008

Best Shoulder Protector Beginning Rugby

page added to Haruka in the role of the beautiful Noa , Bia by the challenge of magic version CLAMP.
Then something new: I opened a small shop where I sell some of my costumes.
Although there is very affectionate, now are many and I do not have the space to keep them ... ç___ç

any questions on this matter, I'm here ^ ^

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Acupuncture For Cartilage

First update and news of the year!

Online photos of Lilo taken on Saturday of Lucca Comics & Games!

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Htc Stock Symbol 2010

best wishes for a good 2008

although the 2008 garbi nn me a lot, the number 8 is a hate that, I apologize for the delay but as you know are still out of the world as regards Internet.
are now happily back to work and you do best wishes!

Thing To Mastebate With

New Year!

Happy 2008 to everyone!

Any time a year ends it is natural to look back to see what worked and what did not.
E 'right to reconsider its mistakes try not to repeat them a second (or third, or fourth, then it depends how much you repeat ...).
But I prefer to think back to my small successes, my personal goals, why you should start the year in positive ^ ^
And since this is the blog where I speak of my passion for cosplay, I can only cover my costumes and my pictures! ^___^

We sincerely hope 2008 is a load of fun, joy, satisfaction and why not, many, many, many new cosplay!