Sunday, February 27, 2011

Gamecopyworld Ages Of Empires Gold

santokhan @ 2011-02-27T22: 10:00

Let's talk about Amir EKTORP during the first act of the story, this character is the main villain and it shows in the unlikely story ... Since the description of adult follow different points

1) has 41 years, is 184 cm tall and weighs 88 kg, was born in Kabwe and his adolescence was marked by a lot of blood and a lot of violence but this is not at all sorry

2) His family tree is very mysterious, it is unclear whether he has a family or children, the 'unique bond of blood is certain his brother Malik EKTORP

3) his main interests are the blood, murder, weapons firearms, bladed weapons, soul music, women with sexual perversion and love physical violence

4) hate those who try to find out too much on his ideantità ;, children, cowardly people, police, journalists and gets very upset when someone does not do his bidding

5) In working life, he hides behind a false name or Javy Ramastan, as his true identity and is sought after worldwide. however is a billionaire CEO, and at work is a ruthless business, and several times forced its economic rivals to give him money.
It is not clear how he managed to achieve a position of such importance, the most credible possibility is that of blackmail and violence

6) Sull 'aspect of love is a man who lives much time under the name Javy's Ramastan was known as the 'man of Artemis Reventon, the great pop singer.
However his love stories have always been short and very intense, although in most cases are over for his violent perversion

7) his biggest weakness is being a lover of blood, sadistic and he likes to hurt people, takes pleasure in hearing the cries of pain of the people, a mental pleasure that makes him feel very strong

8) makes daily use of cocaine, and smoking cigarettes

9) Do not believe in a specific religion, in his head often there are pictures of him as a child and a militia group that cut the throat of a group of women from that time was a simple question, Where 'God was at that time? his response was that since God is absent, he would have thought to replace

10) A gossip about Amir? Legend tells that it was a child with Artemis, is Some say that the baby was killed by his enemies, who say that they have hidden in an isolated part of the world, however you have never had a real picture or story of the birth of the child, and the petrifying gaze of non-Amir glimpse of anything on this side of his life

Friday, February 25, 2011

Service Disconnection Letter

Chapter 17 - The 'Beginning of the End (Part 2)


came the fateful day when everyone must solve their own problems to be with a clear head, affixed to put the pieces of a big puzzle
as a house and I know what I call applied, I'm going to take the 'last piece of my heart

do a stretch of road to get to 'bus that takes you out of town, I do not take the car as that of the band greeted us forever instill was older than all of us and it is understandable that his time has come ... a little sorry, there I was fond
while on the 'bus I feel butterflies in my stomach because I know I am going to meet her and could not accept what I have to say
try to make me strong mentally and after a couple minutes the bus leaves me at the lookout peripheral
breathing deeply the 'clean air flowing out of the city and his legs shaky start on the balcony and I find that it is not yet arrived, the better because I need to calm down a little

I think this place that still carries the 'smell el' essence of Janine
all started here and it's all over I wonder
cos' did that night after he ran away but I will never know
is gone and I know that when he swore to hate me ... no joke I'm so sorry
perhaps for a while was really able to cure my heart and make me believe that he loves her
but what happens when you enter a wrong tile in a mosaic?
even if that piece is very similar to the original design final collections ever
Janine I'm sorry if I could only really tell you how sorry I am but I would think we would have no way to speak, now you hate me and I do not blame you for this

\u0026lt;\u0026lt; ; Russell? >>
his voice behind me marks the end of all my paranoia and greatly increases my heartbeat

I turn and see her, beautiful as always, able to drive me crazy while we
meeting I tell
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;At the end you come then>>
she looks at me and says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;No think that things have changed, if we are here only because you said you have to talk>>
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;It is so>>
she stares, is still angry with
me strangely now I feel very sure of myself and tell
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;L 'angry expression ruin your sweet little face you know? >>
she looks more like a fixing me understand that is not the case
I take a deep breath and say
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Feel the eyes of ice, I have many things to tell you, but I understand that if you do not tell the truth you're looking for the first never listen to me>>
I stop and I see his angry eyes is starting to become concerned
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Natasha Then I want you to know first, that in all these years away You've been my constant thought, I do not know why I lacked the courage to tell you that I was attending with another ... Perhaps I was afraid you'd gone back ...>>
breath deeply and continuously
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;maybe I had given up all 'idea you'd come back, I thought Benjamin had really taken my place in your heart, every single day that I thought he killed whole cell by cell ... if only I had known the truth would come back to Sunset Valley to swim just to tell you that I loved and still love you to death>>
be sweeter face to these words and his eyes bright

\u0026lt;\u0026lt;For some months I was with another girl, and believe me it was a wonderful person and we would have stayed if I had not seen your dad on TV now and then finding out you were in New York too ... the next morning because I came home to find you if you remember, and every day more and more I realized that even if it has been 3 long years ...>>

without you I feel his hands take my face and tell me
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Continue baby please>>

while our mouths and say softly approach

\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Day after day I realized that without you my life would make no sense ... that 's the only truth that I was able to tell me ... I love you to death icy eyes>>
Finite these words of our mouths and our tongues met again after a long lontanza, and this is the best time for me of my life
kiss most of my life I feel like
esistessimo only two of us

After those few moments in which I seemed to get to heaven we detach and we are still close enough to hear the 'a breath of' then I say more

\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Love is not coming home tonight ... >>

She smiles and says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Where do I go? >>
I then took a deep breath and say
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Perhaps in the coming days I could not be ... and I want to spend this night with you>>
she smiles again and says happy
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Where are we going? >>
I look and I say smiling
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;This I thought myself, I rented a small house near the bridge, just for two>>
she hugged me and said
\u0026lt; , \u0026lt;I love you I love you I love you I love you! >>
after they were hugging and kissing a little longer take a taxi and we arrive front of the little house that I rented stamatinna paying $ 500, $ 500, which has marched to Benjamin Anthony ... What irony to think that this night with me pay him
Natasha Natasha sees when approaching the door now saying
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Bimbo but is wonderful! >>

But now I have a vision, I see passing me in a race one of my idols, really must be my lucky night!
way I approach and look at him, saying
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Can you believe it?!? really you? >>

He looks at me smiling and says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;In the flesh boy>>
me for a moment I feel like a baby goose, but I do miss a
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Oh my god! Thomas Revenger! I will follow you every Friday on 'ESPN! you're my idol since I was 13! >>
he smirks from this statement and then I will test
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Then we see, against those who won the title? >>
smile and say
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;easy questions at Jack Powell 's have spread to the fourth round with an uppercut under the chin deadly! >>
he laughs saying
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Fuck boy are my personal camera! You are a force! >> Natasha
meanwhile is watching the scene also smiling

Then he winks and says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Continue this young lady is claiming you, I'll see you back to me the jog my>>
and while I can not help but salute to tell
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Thomas spread it all! you're the best! I love you! >>
him while he laughs and runs away

So after I recovered from my happiness of having met the myth into the house with Natasha who looks around as if he was living a dream then tells me

\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Why you have to go via Russell, because I do this ? I want to live forever as tonight! >>
I hug and tell her
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;I promise I will be so on my return, I swear on my head>>
we come home and we get to watch TV on the couch
aware that we are both feeling like the first couple nights together
for a while we cuddle and just watch the TV and nothing, we forget for a while as if I still had dinner
but only for a while because after having heard my stomach grumble Natasha says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt; You hungry kid? >>
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;A little bit>>
she smiles and says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;prepare something to scoff then>>
then gets up and goes to the fridge
see it take several types of vegetables and only then did I remember that Natasha is a vegetarian
curse I've always been of ' idea that vegetables do not feed him for nothing ...
but did not say anything, tonight is so perfect

and after numerous chopped and seasoned at the table brings two meals a happy heart in the middle
she immediately begins to eat as if nothing had happened while I enchantment at her

notices it and begins to look at me smiling then says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Do not you hungry? >>
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Not to mangiare, I am charmed by your beauty>>
she smiles

Then at point-blank says

\u0026lt;\u0026lt;A full stomach gets better the 'love child>>
these words make me go wrong the food in my throat and start coughing as she bursts out laughing

And while trying to recover she gets up and walks slowly toward the bedroom, especially loosing her dress, dropped back and then says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Ops ... I think I'll have a slumber>>
gives me a tongue and I sling
room laughing at the speed with which the 'I reached said
\u0026lt;\u0026lt; If you do not eat the baby food does not do anything eh! >>
I look at her and pointing to the 'obvious erection in my pants say
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;I do not need to eat to do well' s love>>
I take off and we kiss sensually

and within minutes we end up under the covers to join our hot bodies, telling us how much we love and feel the 'groans of pleasure of a' more

After I finished what I It seemed the world's most beautiful gesture we are neighbors and her breathing close to my neck then says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt; I love your perfume Russel>>
I look at her and took a deep breath then say
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;foo I could type your cocaine>>
then I smile and clinging to my chest and after a while
joins his hand near my saying
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;forever just the two of us baby? >>
I squeeze a little stronger than his hand and say
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;To always just us two ice-blue eyes>>
remain close for a while
then I feel the phone vibrate Take and read the message that reads

Hello Russ, I have prepared everything, see you tomorrow at the docks at this time, I recommend not delay


At that point, I wonder what he did tonight, Anthony, what he decided to put the hours applied
but unfounded ' only thing I can think of is that Natasha is sleeping beside me

I look at it for a while
then whisper to 'ear
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;I love you so much love in my life .. . Sorry to disappear after a night like this, but I have to do to us, and I promise that when I come back we'll get married, this I swear ...>>
I know that she is sleeping and has not heard these words
I turn around and I rediscover very tired and soon fall asleep
before closing his eyes again to look back on my body of Natasha and I hope this is not the 'Last night he happens
The mosaic of my heart is finally complete


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10 Things about ... Mitch!

Let's talk about Mitch during the first act of the story (although it is not very present in this piece of story)

1) has 15 years, is 169 cm tall and weighs 84 kg

2) its gentori are Lester and Jensey Bourich Rahima, Lester was born in Ethiopia and Rahim and Algeria, between the two, there is a genuine love of people and both are important, Lester is a well-known war reporter, and among the 'also wrote several other books on this' argument, while Rahima is a math teacher, Mitch was born in New York

3) his main interests are science fiction movies, role-playing games, pop music, gummy candies, sweets Italians, and sudoku loves to constantly test his logic, it is difficult to define his favorite food, because he likes almost everything

4) hate crowded places, the bullies, the girls in general (as he thinks they are alone with bullies), violence and can not stand people who think you might cheat only because of its quiet

5) school student is basically a legend in school for 10 years nobody has ever seen taking a vote less than 9 and a half, knows everything about every subject, so that the teachers are bored to question him, it is said that a math teacher asked him several times since the transfer began to make mistakes the mathematics of imprecision

6) has never been engaged throughout his life and definitely not interested 's argument
7) its most biggest weakness is to be damn shy and introverted, a defect that often led him to be subdued by school bullies

8) Do you think drugs are interesting to analyze, but he never once crossed my mind the 'idea of a try, just once I try to do a drag on his cigarette and throw it now believes to have committed an unspeakable crime

9) is a practicing Catholic and often goes to church on Sunday morning

10) on a rumor Mitch? once had an argument with his father as muscular as he is damn Lester is obese, and he still supports now that the fault is just that his obesity and his father is looking for a biological formula can prove his guilt

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10 Things About ... Milly!

Milly speak during the first act of the story

1) has 16 years, 167 cm high and weighs 59 kg

2) his parents are Edgar Renton Walls and Athena, the two are both very famous classical musicians, and are often around the world, why Milly lives practically only Sister Agatha

3) his main interests are metal music, rave, gothic lifestyle, horror movies, sex, and his greatest passion is computers, and is a feared hackers capable of breaking down defenses more powerful, his favorite dish is the spicy chicken

4) hates clubbers, coca cola, sweets, old things, people are too tidy, the boys feel shy and hates alone
5) at school is a distinguished student, has an average high especially in matters that require the 'use of computer components, but his conduct is between 6 and 7 as it uses a language for color also against professors

6) Have you had enough love stories, always with guys similar to his style of life, but for many years is in love with Tommey, l ' for which one would be willing to come to the wedding

7) Its biggest shortcoming is that it often thinks that nobody can understand its strengths and is isolated from the whole world

8) Milly does not use many drugs She simply says that evidence. He used cocaine, meta amphetamines, LSD and hallucinogenic mushrooms, and in all cases once

9) Religiously she considers dark

10) gossip about Milly? every time he has sexual intercourse or simply "self-satisfaction" think Tommey naked on her, but will not admit it even in front of the barrel of a gun

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10 Things About ... Logan!

speak Logan in the first act of the story

1) He has 16 years, is 167 cm tall and weighs 59 kg

2) lives alone with his mother and father does not know anything, her mother is Marisol Salinas, and is an important person in the field of international telecommunications, is Mexican, Logan was born in Mexico

3) his main interests are football, writing lyrics Hip Hop, to play 'Xbox, make money in any way, a lot of fun to call random numbers just to insult the person from 'the other side and then immediately close but especially loves to feel fear, the His favorite dish is the 'Hot Dog

4) hates to lose, being laughed at, animals and nature (it was for him the world would be a ball of cement) the policy, any type of music format that is not the' mp3 and can not bear to admit to not being the best

5) studying at private schools, and its yield depends on the money that teachers receive

6) has had several love stories of average length, but in recent years is ; stable with Jennifer Ramirez, bigger than him by several years

7) Its biggest flaw is that the weakest threat only to be feared, but before those does not flinch now frightens you

8) Lives doping practically every day for him smoking a joint is like smoking a cigarette light, makes use of cocaine, MDMA, LSD and ecstasy, because we believe that only reaches the tangled 'ecstasy of the 'amazing pleasure for some time it touched even the' idea of starting to get in intravenous heroin

9) is Catholic and very religious, he believes that everything is God's work, the graces and disgraces

10) gossip about Logan? as a result of its continuous use of hallucinogenic drugs when he was convinced to see a rhino follow him everywhere, to the hid in fear 'closet, and we spent six hours completely silent and motionless, when he recovered and went out of not seeing any more rhino thought well that the latter was hiding under the bed, since that day has never dared to watching them fall under

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10 Things About ... Natasha

Natasha speak during the first act of the story

1) is 17 years old (just turned) is 170 cm high and weighs 51 kg

2) was created by 'union with two wicked, or Lawrence Steinberg and Callie Dacorn, Lawrence was born in Toronto but raised in New York, while Callie is French, the two met the theater, where he saw Callie Lawrence play, but fell in love, just wanted to take her to bed, and Callie happens' s influence and wealth of Lawrence agreed, and for its enormous happiness Natasha became pregnant, thus obliging Lawrence to marry her not to make a scandal, Natasha was born in California

3) his main interests are the beach volleyball, swimming, movies d 'love, strawberry candy, dogs, puppies, the' watermelon in summer but most of all absolutely loves drawing, a practice that has refined to become a designer who was very expert, his favorite dish is the oyster

4) hates evil people (Taken several times that he did doubt Lawrence actual blood tie that binds them), the ignorant people, the 'smell of lemon, clocks hands, the sound of the bells and can not stand kids who use drugs

5) at school is a model student, has an average that falls below the 'no matter in 8, and again was won school competitions, his favorite subject is art and design technology, where boasts a string of 10 one behind the 'other

6) Sull' aspect of love is a very difficult, and during its existence has had a few stories, as all finite her boyfriend wanted just physically, his stories were important one with Benjamin Figorline period of several years and over with jealousy 's last and later discovered lying dead forever Ben, and history with Russell Bank, which still loves but with whom he has a hard time reverting

7) His biggest fault and always try to excel to prove themselves better than its competitors, which is why many times you made a fool, making simple tasks in class in a challenge to 'last blood

8) Are you afraid of any kind of drugs because he thinks they are the leading cause of death has never proved absolutely nothing, not even a cigarette

9) is Christian, believer and practitioner does not follow the Mass every Sunday but pray before important events

10) A gossip about Natasha? is literally unable to drive, manages to turn off the machine within seconds after it is turned on without even knowing how he did, more often was the creator of embarrassing incidents, such as the destruction of his garden gnomes with strokes of the bumper and she was very ashamed of this

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Communication Board For Stroke Patient

10 Things About ... Janine!

Janine speak during the first act of the story

1) He has 16 years, is 163 cm tall and weighs 48 Kg

2) His parents are Hector and Carter Arihanna Bakin, while Hector is Norwegian Arihanna is of Ukrainian origin, but born in New York, however, the two met by accident or mistake Hector calling number and name Arihanna and from that day began to messages up to meet me in person, at which snapped the scinitilla ... unfortunately were very lucky because the first night of 'Arihanna became pregnant with Janine, who was born in New York

3) his main interests are extreme sports, rock music with a slight tilt to the Metal, insects, botany, animals and loves to eat sweets on the sly, think which sometimes gets up at 3 am just to screw someone out of the fridge and run back to bed, even though nobody prohibits to do so in the light of the sun

4) hates vain boys (all but Tommey with whom he has a good Understanding the character) for the girls who pretend to discover the most vulgar of a truck driver, the inguistizie, the scent of roses, pornography, betrayal, materialism, capitalism and hates to be challenged very

5) A school is , a pupil with a good grade point average which is between 7 and '8 in almost all subjects except mathematics which can not reach the sufficiency only with great effort, with regard to the party discipline would be an example to follow if it were not for his determination to respond poorly to most of his companions, which he believes to be worthless without a brain capable of pointing the finger without even looking in the mirror

6) He had two love stories that have marked the life, the first was with Hans Shindhart, who raped a result of his sexual waste, while the second is with Russell Bank, which is still madly in love and will be for a long time

7) His biggest weakness is often too much to hide her feminine side, and showing the world as a tomboy, a defect that did not miss many trouble, because more than once we saw the creator of beatings violent towards girls who you think you are "geese"

8) He hates drugs, in whatever form it appears, was never made and no will never do anything, but in spite of himself is a habitual smoker

9) Do not believe in any religion because he believes only a rational explanation of each event provided to it by science

10) A gossip about Janine? afraid to open the 'wardrobe alone, as it is more than convinced that within it there is always a hidden zombie waiting only that you open the doors to devour in one bite, why most of the clothes keeps them on a chair

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10 Things About ... Tommey!

Tommey We talk about the history of the first act

1) has 17 years , 171 cm tall and weighs 61 kg

2) His parents were Emil and Cammie Giohanna Blackie, who is Emil Giohanna were born and raised in New York, and attended the same school, they love almost from high school, Tommey was born in New York

3) his main interests are girls, pornography, alcoholic drinks, technology in general, games, horror, fragrances, nightclubs, raves and deeply loves electronic music, his favorite food is burgers and fries

4) He hates the girls hard, rock music (because of several arguments with his father), people are precise, elegant clothes, documentaries , the news, the sweltering heat of summer ', and hates smelly people so keen to be mocked or criticized

5) a school may give much more than merely making was part of more appeals because of its attitudes towards the bewitching young professors, its justification is still the same, or that he would not want to try but his male instinct requires him, and once more was surprised to be suspended as oral sex from another pupil in the school bathrooms
the average is 6 in all subjects, except in mechanics, which can not to exceed 4

6) love her stories were also far too much for her age, and were all of no longer than 2 months, as it firmly believes that only a promiscuous sexual activity with women other than the will lead to 'excellence, it is rumored that he managed to go to bed, the mother of a classmate, but he's never neither confirm nor deny these allegations

7) Its biggest weakness is that it is always playful and never too serious, often encounter this problem has led to misunderstandings and embarrassing situations

8) makes an average use of drugs, has tested the 'effect of cocaine and amphetamines out of curiosity, and the test 'has led to decide that stuff is out of reach for him, then threw himself happily to what he calls the "Cannaiolo," he thinks that smoking will help them to laugh at more just to see him under the influence of marijuana to surprise several times to laugh like hell for no reason, beyond that loves' alcohol and smokes cigarettes

9) Tommey is Buddhist for that matter that his father imposed to believe, but he defines an atheist, and several times during his moments of 'anger blurts out profanity on various deities

10) A Tommey gossip about? all 'age of 15 years he managed to wrest an appointment at the school cheerleder prettier, to make sure you do not fire ate a pill of viagra, and all the' appointment walked with his hands in his pockets to hide 's monstrous erection reached, later discovered the cheerleader pleased to speak of this incident

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10 Things About ... Anthony!

Anthony of the first act of the story

1) has 18 years, is 169 cm tall and weighs 75 Kg

2) his parents are Patrick and Noah Collin Corner, the North Dakota's mother is Canadian while Noah, the parents are both deceased, Patrick following a murder that can be found throughout history, and his body is buried in the cemetery of the chapel of St. George, while about Death of Noah Corner there are still many uncertainties, such as where he is finishing his body. however Anthony was born in New York a few weeks after the death of his father

3) his main interests are the engines, beautiful women (who according to his logic must be very curvy), the evenings among friends, mafia movies and music of any kind, his plate favorite is the pizza

4) He hates the cemeteries, the old men at the wheel (or any driver who does not press on 'accelerator), the cowardly, the betrayals, the cartoons, the native' s fall and hates deeply the fact you put the cheese on pasta, what he deemed useless and disgusting

5) is a student at school with many problems, expelled from multiple schools because of its continuous unbreakable Regulation school, was surprised several times to make use of marijuana to 'sneak out of range or the class, justifying it with the excuse that the lesson he had weighed too much and thus had to go to the bathroom without permission of' teacher
goes wrong, of course, in most subjects except physical education and mechanical engineering, materials in which the first class, if not of 'institution

6) his love stories have been few and of short duration because it believes in 'love and never gave particular attention to this aspect of her life (except of course for Janine)

7) its largest drawback is that often struggles to control his impulsiveness, which leads him to make choices' s instinct, the main reason many of the fights which took part in his life

8) As for drugs, he defines " a drug that is not normal "for him as the Marijuana el 'Hashish are not drugs in the course of his life has made extensive use of the latter in several forms such as pipes, bongs, cilum. It is not prone to 'alcohol and has no particular need for nicotine

9) Do you believe in the Protestant religion, is not very religious, but reserves the right to blaspheme the least possible

10) gossip about Anthony? Many times it does not answer the phone because he has a phobia to hear the girl from the ring and announced that they will die in seven days

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10 Things About ... Russel!

Let's talk about Russell's first action of the story

1) He is 16 years , 172 cm tall and weighs 64 Kg

2) His parents are John and Deborah Dunky Bank, the Texas mother while his father was born in the Bronx, while his other hand was born in New York, and is an only child

3) its main interest is to guide, chat, draw, watch the 'ESPN friday night of boxing and music 80 years, the His favorite dish is pancakes with apple

4) hate people who threaten to hide lack of character, football, snow, and the disco

5) is an average student in school, goes wrong in mathematics and in German (a language that does not bear the slightest complexity) while he gets well enough in history, English and law

6) His love stories have been few long-term, the most important is that discovers in the diary with Natasha Steinberg, his greatest love

7) His biggest weakness is that often draw back before important decisions, preferring the lies and the flight

8) does not like drugs, and hardly uses it, than he smoked a joint or got drunk, is an occasional smoker, and smokes a cigarette every death Pope

9) is not particularly religious, he was baptized according to Christian beliefs and has received the 'Catholic Eucharist and confirmation, but did not follow the catechism for the sake of it just because it was forced by parents

10) A rumor about Russell? picks up very easily and often even a kiss is enough to make him reach the 'erection

Travestites Histories

Chapter 16 - The 'Beginning of the End (Part 1)

Brief summary

passed a day after Emilio De Angelis passed that morning to give us instructions on how to move, and now we have a small arsenal at home or 3 colt 1911, a gun d 'assault automatic mp5 that bears the stamp of 'U.S. Army, and 4 knives diver capable of cutting a human neck with gentle pressure
We decided to take this day to accommodate all our affairs, so that it can perform' murder without much thought or remorse that could push us to think about it at the wrong time
after this decision, however, no one said what he would do in my case personally, I did not say anything for the simple fact that I have nothing to answer, or maybe just a small matter ...

The others are out to the shed and there is none, but by a better side so when I enter
find two letters on the ground and Janine's handwriting is written on the first

Anthony and I guess the point is already open and it lacks the content
surprise me much but the fact of finding an envelope with written
intrigued by the open and I see a black petal and then wrote a letter

partner even if I decided to no longer be part of the band I need you to know something, and I want you both to know as to what little we have known for a hand I felt really your business partners
I discovered that you are going to take out the EKTORP, and awaits a surprise that not even imagine ...
that day we split up the duties and went into that basement, I found the plant from which comes that black petal, is the Black Mamba, and thanks to the lab at school I could understand how it works
is a drug to all Indeed, it smokes like a reed, but the deadly Black Mamba contains spores that act on the DNA of the consumer, and where the subject should be able to survive it seems that the DNA is completely silent becoming identical to that of African Black Mamba
Tommey You, you got it right ... the plant is able to make half a snake just a human ... I do not know if your enemies have used it, but it is a very rare plant that grows only incidentally in Zambia
and it seems that the 'hatred between the two warlords have been born to the latter' s, and behind is a bigger mess of our understanding

very careful as a person who has the characteristics of the African Black Mamba is much stronger than a human, and one bite can kill in a matter of seconds


closes the letter and put it in the envelope then say
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Thanks Jan as soon as I see others do not forget to tell me>>
then I reached into my pocket and pulled out the note that Milly left me that evening without saying anything to shed
and read the fateful words that read

I must tell you something very important, if not look for me within a week I swear I launch off of a cliff

I think reading it back to the huge mess that I made going there in bed, this is crazy in love with me ...
and since I have nothing else to be solved I think that I'm going to visit him to see what the devil wants
way to his house, knock the bell and wait for someone to come and open

After a few minutes opens the door and tell me I Agata
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;What do you want kid? >>
I look at it and say now
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;first point do not call me kid, the second point I try your sister>>
she looks at me and says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt; Milly there is a competition for schools>>
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Can I get to wait? >>
he thinks for a while and then says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;OK but just do not enter too break the boxes>>
later in 'air I feel a smell that I've never heard before, something in this house is not as it seems
I sit at the table and she disappears upstairs
taken by curiosity I headed to the source of the odor that is similar to marijuana but much more bitter and intense
soon discover that the 'smell coming by the exchange of Agata
decide to give a quick look inside and after a few
gets closely I find something I freeze the heart
a barrel off, but to 'internal' s mix is black as death
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;the Black Mamba! >>
when I say I hear someone coming down the stairs
Immediately replace the bag marked down but when Agatha is still standing
she looks at me and says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;What do you stand? the light pole? >>
I think of an excuse fast then say
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;I was going to go to the bathroom>>
and while I feel like closer to the bag
shit again! if it is made of Black Mamba and is still standing to say that has changed!
soon as I left the bathroom I no longer see
then I get behind him and says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;I am looking boy? >>
have to hide the 'agitation
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;I'm with child again? I could be watching your client and if you keep one of these nights so I come to visit you to the industrial area>>
you laugh and see that his eyes are more yellow fance
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Ahahahaha as six funny Tommey ... >>
Oh my god, it was true what he said in the letter then Janine!
I have to find a quick escape route
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Look Agata I broke the balls to wait for your sister, will be making out with some punk, I go home>>
she looks at me and his eyes are now almost as if amber were really changed then says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Maddai Tommey, mica did not want to pay me for sex? >>
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Not like I was a kid? >>
She then opens her mouth and threatening to my horror I can see two sharp canines like those of snakes, then says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;You'll soon be a dead boy then! You had to get on your own! >>

I do not know why, but this morning I went for my enormous good fortune in his pocket boxcutter of my father, pull it out and tell
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Stand still, where are you bitch reptile, or You'll die! >>
she laughs and says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;and you think you scare me with that boxcutter from peanuts? >>
going to attack me when they stab you in the stomach and with horror I see that not only blood comes out but it's as if the
his flesh spit out the knife to close again soon after
tissue regeneration, typical of many reptiles
therefore understand that my end is marked and close my eyes waiting for the fateful moment when I bite Agata
but I hear the door open and a male voice say
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Agatha Malavon is waiting for you to come or not? customers do not like to wait especially when they pay $ 200 for a fuck! >>

Only then I can open my eyes and I see that is staring me Agata, but his eyes are brown again as usual
then always' says a man entered
\u0026lt;\u0026lt; Who is this guy? >> I turn around and say I

\u0026lt;\u0026lt;I am the boyfriend of his sister, but then there I was leaving>>
take advantage of that to disappear in a hurry and when I go out I
reversal to look agate that looks at me with the 'expression of those who think - is not all
are just down the street I stop to recover from the shock suffered
but where the hell did we get? these are things I've seen in science fiction films!
the phone rings and it makes me jump with fear, look at the display
here it is this jerk, had been at home I would not have met Miss venomous reptile
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Hello? >>
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Hello Tommey ... bother you? >>
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Milly just switched over to your house to look for you! >>
I hear sighs of joy and then say
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;I'm looking for love? >>
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Milly is not the case, believe me, I just want to know what that means business! >>
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Then come to the beach Buccaneer, or not ever find out! >>
then laughing attacks
I make the call escape a
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;psychopath are nothing ... >>
then take the direct bus to the beach just go down
decide to make a run up to the entrance to the beach

As soon as I know that Milly is not, and on the one hand say to me same way that it is better
are still too shocked by the 'happened to be alone and will help me to fix some ideas ...
I sit and take stock of the situation
This is not simply a crime, is at stake here chemical stuff that can turn people into monsters invincible, and I shudder to think if this stuff end up in the streets in New York ... It would be the 'apocalypse!
But people never happy to be cocaine? of heroin, hashish or any shit amazing run in the streets!
must always look for the 'exception, that something capable of busting the limit of human endurance ... and this shit called Black Mamba, it far exceeds the limit of human endurance!

I get lost in these thoughts for a couple of 'hours, and when I realize that Milly does not come I get up and decide to leave but my shoulders feel

is ; his voice must have
me around and she comes up to me, but this time with scenes and do not try to kiss me I tell

\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Could you tell me to come here in three days if you did all this late>> you
look at me and says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;I was hidden to see what you'd expect>>
I get angry and say
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;But then you're an idiot for real? I wait for hours and you're hiding in a fucking corner staring at me? >>
down her face and says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;I need to be hundred percent sure that you account for something Tommey, otherwise I have to say does not make sense ... >>
I look into your eyes and tell
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Look Milly, you're cute I like your dark style, and aims also quite good but believe me I'm not the type for you, is better between us two is not born a thing>>

And in that moment, she approached me saying
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;that's the problem Tom, something is already to be born ... >>

I do not understand and tell
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;What does it mean that something is about to be born Milly>>
she squeezes me and said with trembling voice
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;I'm two weeks late Tom, I did the test e. .. >>

\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Tom expecting a baby! but please do not forsake me I'm begging, I do not want an abortion already my life has no meaning ... >>
And at that fateful moment, his heart seems fermarmisi in the chest for a moment I guess maybe a little cam that looks like me a bit, call me daddy and begging to go play ball with him on Sunday morning
but then I think the fact that I another 17 years and that would arise from that little Cammie Milly Renton, a patented
I look crazy without having the strength to say nothing, then making use of all my energy breath and say
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Are you sure? >>
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Yes ..>>
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;But sure sure sure? >>
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;You are very sure Tommey cock! >>
and in that moment I crossed the 'idea of Agatha discovers that Milly pregnant with my son, and that the first bite killing the child, then she
and I can not let it happen ... I would really be worthless if I did pretend not to have thought so softly I say

\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Milly Okay, let's keep the baby>>
she bursts into tears of joy and then kisses me

detaching then tells me
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Tommey I love you, I love you to death! >>
I look at it and say
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Ok ok but on a condition>>
she looks worried and says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;I knew ... what condition? >>
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;very night Pack your bags and ran away from home, come stay with me>>
she seems more happy and says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;more than willing to accept the love of my life>>
walk to the car hand in hand, then pass me the keys and says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Pregnant women is better than not driving, driving you>>
I put myself behind the wheel and put more and more every meter to fire the 'idea of the trouble in which I hunted
spent at home His lights are out and this is a good sign

I give a hand and we quickly
storage shed and then we stop at
later I see that all weapons are gone, there is only a card saying

Tom I thought I'd prepare everything, see you all tomorrow night at the pier, neither myself nor Russell back to the shed tonight if you do not feel to be alone come home


the first thing I think is: thank goodness if Milly saw all those weapons was a mess
then I invite you to come in and say
\u0026lt;\u0026lt; , For tonight we stop here, then go to my home>>
her if he does not repeat and laying the bag on the floor and with great simplicity
turn on the radio by putting Fast Love George Michael
then pushes me onto the bed and says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;This time let's do it gently Tommey>>

then climbs on me and while we are robbing our bodies slowly they send signals' love
and with the voice of George Michael let us go under the covers
do the 'love all night and when Milly falls asleep next to me something in my heart makes me happy because it infuses' idea of becoming a father I do not mind, but sad because on the one hand there is a good chance that I'll never see my son born, I am probably in another city with another name or even worse in prison serving a life sentence ...
close my eyes and tell myself that this is the life I chose, and now I have to pay the consequences, it is too late to turn back
I have to do to ensure this city not to become a den of poisonous lucertoloidi
I do it for Milly, and the baby growing in her womb

I do ... END OF CHAPTER 16

Monday, February 21, 2011

Jenna Jameson Pierced Nipples Picutres

Chapter 15 - The bite of a cobra

There are no words to describe the 'horror that we experienced last night
I drove back home because I Anthony was too shaken by the 'act that has made
to do that we are unable to exchange even a simple word, as if our humanity had died along with Marinella
the trip lasted a total of a little, but in our heads it seemed an endless stretch marked continually emerge from the terror of seeing a police patrol sent to arrest
and the first light of the 'dawn we were finally in front of the warehouse

I see Anthony move towards the door, but he does not like was moving of its own will but by the undeniable desire to remove those clothes dirty blood is infused with the 'smell of death

we enter and we do not find anyone, not even one notices as Anthony begins to undress convulsively and launches immediately into the shower, just as I imagined

I do not have the strength to reach the bathroom and I am standing on a bench in the 'lobby, immediately falling into a deep sleep ... as if my body needed to rest to begin to exceed the 'horror

sleep does not last long because after a while you open the door of the shed, and get up as if I believed that Amir was going to come armed with EKTORP AK-47 ready to shoot them all for 'insult, but rather come and Janine Tommey

Anthony also left the bathroom as if ready to attack a thief
Tommey look and I say
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Believe me blonde ... was another to be in band with you would be dead nice>>
then I get up and we hug together
and at that moment I see that Janine looks at me with eyes full of 'love, I can not continue to hide
everything and before I could talk I hear Anthony tell everyone
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;I want you all know, I kept my promise, Marinella Marshall is dead and his body is never found>>
Janine brings her hands to her mouth and says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Oh my god>>
then turns to me and says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;What the fuck you doing? >>
to answer but we think Anthony saying
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;We have saved Tom or you may prefer to stay in the ground that it was him instead of that bitch? >> Janine
it mutes but Tommey
says \u0026lt;\u0026lt;Christ's sake, Tony, you killed a 'police officer, you realize what this means?!? >>

Anthony stared at him and says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt; Of course I realize, is that you do not you realize that dickhead! I kill a psychopath who almost shot me in the face and you have also the courage to give me the morals? >>
therefore understand that the situation is becoming problematic
So I split them immediately and tell
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;nasty guys that bitch you think this is the time to start a fight?!? >>
shake them both and tell
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;We had a shit night of all, we must stick together! We should not divide dick, otherwise we go back to being the fucking pieces! >>
after these words seem to calm down, then it says Tommey
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Sorry Anthony, I understand the gesture and for me you're a savior, but you know what to expect now? >>
he looks somewhere else and says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Unfortunately, I know ... but if we continue to help the Camorra maybe ... >>
I interrupt and say
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Like hell! not talked about more than being with those murderers! What we saw was enough for me! >>
finishing these words Janine hugs me unexpectedly

then says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;My poor love ... I dare not imagine what you saw and how you feel>>
I lift it off the 'embrace and decide to force me to look into your eyes and tell
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Janine, I have to talk ... >>
you seem to not understand even remotely
I turn to Anthony that he looks at me with the 'expression that suggests to me - You're doing the right thing

think a little and tell
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;But Here, we come to a special place>>
she seems to have sensed something romantic but not really even imagine what I'm about to tell you
when I go back to the 'out I see Anthony Tommey and begin to descend the stairs to the floors below
I climb into the car and all the way Janine tells me what has happened while I was gone
tells me that he received a call from that number Tommey explained that had been arrested by mistake, just found a pill in his pants to Logan and he was kept a little more, with the car so she went to get the band Tommey while Logan was still in custody after 20

minutes we arrive at the special place of which I spoke
Where it all began, and where everything had to end
The viewpoint of the fateful evening when she saved my life
just go down and she was moved almost going to kiss me but I pointed to the place where we were sitting that day

\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Do you remember that day, Jan? >>
radiant she looks at me and tells me
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;How could I forget ...>>
we look a little bit more in the eye and deep in my heart I wonder if it is indeed the case of them all this evil
and finish my thoughts before she takes my hands and tells me
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;I have never seen a guy so sweet and wonderful as you Russell ...>>

my cowardly side tells me not to say anything and pretend that this is an impromptu romantic in my head but I echo the words of Natasha
\u0026lt;\u0026lt; You have a conscience too dirty to look in the mirror .... Tell yourself the truth before >>
With all the courage in my body then tell
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;No Jan, I am not that guy ... I'm a horrible person>>
she looks at me and says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;But you say darling, you're my greatest love .. >>
for interrupting putting a hand to his mouth and say
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Please Janine is already very difficult ... if you say so it becomes quite impossible>>
only time she seems to have understood what I'm about to tell her, and her eyes are immediately ... and shiny with a very tremulous voice tells me
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Russell please do not tell me ... >>
I look at it and say
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Janine I have to tell you the truth, I can not live like this ... For you I feel something, but it is not love ... do not love you ... my heart has always belonged to another ...>>
and after pronouncing the 'last letter of that sentence, I see in his eyes a world of dreams with our two protagonists, destroyed as a glass that falls to the ground
but despite this she says nothing and I still look
only then I decide to say something to break the silence throbbing
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Jan please tell me something>>
and finished saying these words I realize that I would have done much better not tell
her expression changes as if the 'I woke up from a dream and tells me
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;What the fuck can I say? about how I feel bad now? >>
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Jan I ... >>
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;You shut up! You have also spoken too fill your head with bullshit! Russel you are a worm! >>

Then he stops and looks at me and says, still angry
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;'s fault that bitch Steinberg's eh? >>
I do not have the courage to say anything and she says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;I knew it, I knew it! I suck Russel! You have deluded you love me just to get to bed! >>
then stops as if it had come to a bad doubt and say
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Do not tell me you fucked her too in the meantime ... >>
I miss the voice again and she says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Oh, but how could you?!?! RUSSEL hate you! I hate you! >>
spring a slap and then I run away

I would say something and runs away, shouting that it's all a bad joke
then I catch myself of these thoughts and tell myself to be even more miserable just to have thought
then I sit and I'll do my head in my hands and say
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;I am a monster ... I knew that I would have done nothing but evil ...>>
to 'sudden the phone rings and I see again an anonymous number to call, I answer this time is not the same voice talking to me
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Hello? >>
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Hello Russell, it was nice the package from your>>
freezes the blood in my veins and I say
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Who are you? >>
from 'the other hand I heard a wicked laugh then the voice says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;I do not know how I should introduce myself, let's just say I'm the one that you cut the head of shit brat>>
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Amir EKTORP You dirty son of a bitch eh? >>
another laugh then says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;What do you mean? Amir EKTORP is not dead? have not you heard your friend Logan? >>
voice continues to make me more scared, how do you know all these things?
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;If you see the ball then made>>
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Uuuuh but what a young racketeer that challenges me? >>
then the voice grows more threatening and says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;I stared at the death in the eye more times than you can imagine ... piscialetto thought to impress me by sending me the head of Marinella? I've only done a favor and take it away from the balls, but the next to die you will>> then closes the call

I'm shocked by this phone call
but despite this I look over and say
belvedere \u0026lt;\u0026lt; ; they are some piece of shit, and you'll find the same order Marinella Marshall! >>


While I'm in the cab I can not help but feel my heart ache to death in the chest
Russel ...
how could you do this to me ...
not think I have ever been in love with anyone before him and was rewarded cosìingannata, betrayed in a way so mean that made me realize how little he has in his life
if I had the strength that I swear I'd kill Natasha damn, why the hell has returned to destroy all that we were building together?!?
me that if only time the 'I wish he had allowed children to Russell, I wanted to be Mrs. Bank ... but now I do not want to be nothing I'm sick of all this

this damn band and their mafia shit

The taxi leaves me in front of the house and while I am about to enter is known that Milly out the door

I see who is about to knock but then as if they lacked the courage takes and runs
poor girl ... she also deluded by the bastard of Tommey
open the door and I hear noises downstairs but soon
Anthony rooms just feel
I keep the door open to walk towards the dresser where I keep my stuff
ignoring him but he looks at me and I said
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Hey I do not even greetings? >>

not calculate and keep on walking but he stops me from taking my shoulders
me take off my hands as if to shake off and then I tell
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;What are you Anthony? >>
he looks at me doubtfully, then says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Oh, but what thou hast? >> I
raising his voice say
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;You also have the courage to ask me? or maybe I want to believe you did not know nothing eh? >>

expression changes and he says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Janine did not want you to suffer I know how many times I told him to tell the truth>> but I
even more angry saying
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Fuck you Anthony! You and your brother you moron! >>
he looks at me really upset and says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Janine I swear in this story I am the 'single from' start he wanted to tell you everything! >>
angry look at him and say
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Then why do not the 'you did it?! better than I was that I fucked your brother Russell is not it? >>
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Jan did not want to see you suffer! >>
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;But you're sweet like Anthony, I hope that I believe to your crap? >>
he stares at me and says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;You can not believe it but I've always liked to die Janine, if you want we can start again with>>
I watch amazed from that 'statement but I say
\u0026lt; ; \u0026lt;From a murderess like you do not want anything>>
these words must have hurt a lot because it alters immediately
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Be careful how you talk to Jan! I am not a murderess is clear? >>

But anger will not let me stop and say
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;So do not 're not even a drug dealer and racketeer eh? >>
then pointed all around me and say
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Look at this shitty place! did you put in your fucking band but dripping with the blood of your mother! >>
he explodes and gives me a slap then says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Get your stuff and go into>>

not let me repeat, I take my few clothes and walked towards the 'exit behind me but he cries
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Janine Stop! Sorry I did not want! >>
but not the calculation and resume the Taxi
me change in the car because the temperature has fallen
then the taxi driver says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Where the port? >>
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Edison Street>>
the journey is short, I pay the taxi driver and get out in front of the building
me heading for the telephones and then pressing the plate that says "Carter" then I feel
a voice say
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Who is he? >>
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;It's me dad open>>
the door opens, take the 'lift and climb
just open the door I see my father sitting alone on bar chairs at the bar purpose of chopping a tomato
then turns to me and says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Good evening miss, we went back early tonight eh? I was going to pick you up>>
then looks at me a little bit more and says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Small you? >>
and I hug him bursting into tears in his arms

gently shaking me and then he whispers
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Do not worry, princess, now there's your dad with you and help you any thing that has happened>>

A few minutes before

I'm seeing Janine disappear into a taxi, and I know that'll never see the
decided to no longer make part of the band ... And that makes me very badly
me that if only she had given me the 'opportunity I would have been what she was trying to Russel ...
hear something off in me, perhaps the mere hope that a few minutes ago it was on me
in the hope that she decides to make part of my heart forever
do a long breath and then say
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Farewell Janine , I've always loved ... but unfortunately You'll never know>>
then I turn around and return to the warehouse
Tommey up and see me
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Oh, but there we do a good gun? >> I answer

\u0026lt;\u0026lt;The evening is Tom>>
he looks at me and tells me jokingly
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Ooooh, but the phenomena like you, look at the 'expression lone avenger does not suit you at all! >>
and I explode against him saying that has nothing to do
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;But you fuck's sake it is difficult to understand that I will not know shit about anything or anyone? Fuck off Tom! Fuck you all! >>

then go out and pulling a fist slamming the door violently behind my back
and while I'm climbing into the car known Milly hidden in 'shadow
when I turn and I go early to start knocking on the door

in the car I'm holding on to force a weeping nervous
then joined by the church of San Giorgio, climbed over the gate and I am in the cemetery
I went toward the headstone of my mother, and I am looking at it in silence and then after a few
tear that has jumped out of my own eyes tell
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Hello mom ... I came here to tell you that you can now rest really at peace ... Who brought you here now burns forever to 'hell>>
then I'm still a little in silence, watching the plaque with his name and his photo

I was crying and that ends trattenenedo like a flood from my eyes and then say
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;I'm so sorry mom ... I miss you to death ...>>
then I wipe my tears and say
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;I'm sorry mom, I am not and will never be the child you dreamed of ... now I'm a mobster, and I killed a person ... and I think that you will not even the 'last embrace then
...>> the plaque and give a kiss to that cold marble and say
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;But wherever this life takes me you will always be in my heart ... >>
then ring the phone
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;What's Russ? >>
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;If I tell you I do not think Tony, we immediately call Don Vanni>>
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Did not you say that those with more Camorra did not want anything to do? >>
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;I did not think that there would try as soon>>
We have tried?
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;What happened to Russ? >>
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;L 'have really delivered the parcel to Amir, and does not seem to like it very>>
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Oh nasty bitch ... See you at the shed>>
got into the car and go back home I just returned
Tommey sitting alone in front of the TV but his gaze is not looking at anything, it's simply lost in the void
I watch it a little bit more and I say
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;At the end You just smoked all that gun? >> I
him through the eyes hallucinating
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;I screwed>>
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Cos' you've gone blonde? >>
and was ready to talk comes Russel
we look for a moment and then gives me a phone and tells me a number and says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Anthony Call them, now you are in their ward>> I compose
the number

From 'On the other hand I hear the voice of Salieri said Danilo
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Lawyer Salieri>>
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Hello Danilo Anthony, we have a little problem>>
he says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;We already know everything, Don Emilio goes tomorrow morning, until then stay calm and do nothing, he will explain how to move>>
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Thanks Daniel>>
he responds promptly
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Wait to thank>> then hangs up

I look at others and say
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;all right, tomorrow morning Cobra is here and tells us what we do>>
then pointed to the bed and say
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Let's go to sleep now? I have literally destroyed>>
We go to bed even though I know just close my eyes and the 'horror
assail me I fall asleep and I woke up one thousand nightmares then at six in the morning I hear someone knocking
open and I'm Logan before telling me
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Hello Tony I have come to thank you, there was you I'd still be in jail>>
I watch it and say, still half dazed
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Come from Enter>> ;
when I go I see that others are awake and dressed, bitterly noted that Russell has slept where he slept the first Janine, as to symbolize his lack
start eating breakfast when we hear the 'unmistakable roar of an engine power of a Ferrari parked
sign that Emilio De Angelis arrived

the door opens by itself and drops a bag on his back
and drops heavily to the ground
then looks at us all and says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Hello guys, did you sleep well? >>
all respond by saying no and he says sarcastically
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Or rather, those who sleep too catches the worm>>
then sits alone at a corner table and starts saying
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;So ; already all you Amir has unleashed against his hounds, like Malik and company>>
then starts to open the bag while still
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;And from the magic and distant Naples leaders have decided to give you an opportunity , saw the 'great work you have done>>
then pulls out a MP5 submachine gun, a small and manageable and puts it on the table
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;You see, many years EKTORP interfere with the affairs of the family, first begins that 'Omar Araban ... sent the head area in an irreversible coma that kept the shop in New York, Joseph Cuomo, a serious boy who did not deserve end this>>
and he speaks out a set of sharp knives military
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Then you have made that Malavon and Malik, and the family for some time treated us well ... but the poor are also homeless in business, and now from 'up someone did know Don Giovanni that some people are sick of them>>
then extracted 3 guns, I recognize that at first glance like the Colt 1911 d' order of the police

Finished extract looks at us and says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Now the choice is yours, you can take this 'opportunity, and I assure you that by' someone up there will be grateful>>
then stops and looks at us again with his air of mystery and says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Or you can refuse, and you can be sure that EKTORP will not take long to come and slaughter all, they are ruthless killers and many before you have finished underground>>
then shows us and tells
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;But you are different, you have the 'opportunity that everyone wants>>
then says Russel
\u0026lt; \u0026lt;Don Emilio we are also willing to say so, but as you rightly said, are ruthless killers ... we are drug dealers as he thought they could never even approach, especially now that we are looking>>
Emilio looks and says Russel
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Good point guy ... l 'I told you I liked>>
then pulls out a bag containing a red liquid and the tubes and on the table, then carefully puts a syringe and said

\u0026lt;\u0026lt;I guess You do not know why they call me Cobra right? >>
annuiamo all and he continues
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;When I was young and I was about your age I lauerai in chemistry, we talk about when I was still living in My beloved Naples>>
then takes a test tube and says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;The cobra is a very poisonous animal, and the poison is my specialty ... >>
then turns around and says Russel
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;This is a mixture of deadly poisons, the 'I developed>>
then always pulls out the bag a piece of meat and makes us a drop of liquid
the flesh quickly turns purple as if you were decomposing at an impressive rate
then says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;It just a single tube water pump in the shed of Malik, who then drink it or wash it does not matter ... This is an extract enhanced the poison of the Black Mamba, also enters the bloodstream to the only contact with the 'human epidermis, and is very, very powerful, so also will dilute its work>> then I ask

\u0026lt;\u0026lt;And that syringe instead? >>
he smiles and says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;I was going to get there, the four assassins that you will find the brick factory are just the tentacles of Amir, but he disappeared at first seems true? >>
annuiamo all curious about the result and he continues saying
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Missed my boys, Amir has never disappeared, so it's always been there for all>>
in 'air the doubts begin to grow and he concludes by saying
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Amir ektorp was found burned to death ten years ago, but that was not her body ... for many years has merely changed its name ... and that's what we know as Javy Ramastan>>
all bring their hands to his mouth which was wide open in amazement and I can only say
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;What's SimsArmy?!? >>
front of me goes over the 'image of the news Javy Ramastan
Come on! How could I be so stupid! the scar on his face! then there was a legend! Emilio
meanwhile has picked up the syringe and said
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;This must be the end of Amir or Javy call it what you ... in here I have prepared just for him a brew of poisons that will send him into a coma, forcing him to be a vegetable forever>>
And I think this is the end that it deserves a mass murderer like him so I say

\u0026lt;\u0026lt;For me, it can do, what do you guys think? >>

all nod, that even Logan has nothing to do seems charmed
Emilio leaves us the stuff and says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;EKTORP I want to warn you that there are already trying, and they're going to make you the surprise of a week ... I was placed in you this week would put everything that needs to be completed ... since most likely after a murder like that you will escape from New York for a while>>
Russel commented saying
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;I thought you>> Emilio
then greets us and begins to climb the stairs ready to return his Ferrari

We looked for a while 'in silence and then look at the weapons
to break the silence I'll say
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;We accepted all together so there is no need to ask you if you're with me, think about what you put on a really well placed in this week, because it could be the 'last thing we do>>
then I look at Logan and told him
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Log, you're not ours. .. this is a serious matter and you could end up with a hole in your head, if I were you I'd be for a while with Jennifer ... and then if things go wrong You'd be at least you to Martin Park>>
he responds by saying something that even now we hear

only three of us and we must prepare ourselves to face our worst enemies