Friday, February 25, 2011

The Best Of Free Zoophilia

10 Things About ... Logan!

speak Logan in the first act of the story

1) He has 16 years, is 167 cm tall and weighs 59 kg

2) lives alone with his mother and father does not know anything, her mother is Marisol Salinas, and is an important person in the field of international telecommunications, is Mexican, Logan was born in Mexico

3) his main interests are football, writing lyrics Hip Hop, to play 'Xbox, make money in any way, a lot of fun to call random numbers just to insult the person from 'the other side and then immediately close but especially loves to feel fear, the His favorite dish is the 'Hot Dog

4) hates to lose, being laughed at, animals and nature (it was for him the world would be a ball of cement) the policy, any type of music format that is not the' mp3 and can not bear to admit to not being the best

5) studying at private schools, and its yield depends on the money that teachers receive

6) has had several love stories of average length, but in recent years is ; stable with Jennifer Ramirez, bigger than him by several years

7) Its biggest flaw is that the weakest threat only to be feared, but before those does not flinch now frightens you

8) Lives doping practically every day for him smoking a joint is like smoking a cigarette light, makes use of cocaine, MDMA, LSD and ecstasy, because we believe that only reaches the tangled 'ecstasy of the 'amazing pleasure for some time it touched even the' idea of starting to get in intravenous heroin

9) is Catholic and very religious, he believes that everything is God's work, the graces and disgraces

10) gossip about Logan? as a result of its continuous use of hallucinogenic drugs when he was convinced to see a rhino follow him everywhere, to the hid in fear 'closet, and we spent six hours completely silent and motionless, when he recovered and went out of not seeing any more rhino thought well that the latter was hiding under the bed, since that day has never dared to watching them fall under


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