Thursday, February 24, 2011

Communication Board For Stroke Patient

10 Things About ... Janine!

Janine speak during the first act of the story

1) He has 16 years, is 163 cm tall and weighs 48 Kg

2) His parents are Hector and Carter Arihanna Bakin, while Hector is Norwegian Arihanna is of Ukrainian origin, but born in New York, however, the two met by accident or mistake Hector calling number and name Arihanna and from that day began to messages up to meet me in person, at which snapped the scinitilla ... unfortunately were very lucky because the first night of 'Arihanna became pregnant with Janine, who was born in New York

3) his main interests are extreme sports, rock music with a slight tilt to the Metal, insects, botany, animals and loves to eat sweets on the sly, think which sometimes gets up at 3 am just to screw someone out of the fridge and run back to bed, even though nobody prohibits to do so in the light of the sun

4) hates vain boys (all but Tommey with whom he has a good Understanding the character) for the girls who pretend to discover the most vulgar of a truck driver, the inguistizie, the scent of roses, pornography, betrayal, materialism, capitalism and hates to be challenged very

5) A school is , a pupil with a good grade point average which is between 7 and '8 in almost all subjects except mathematics which can not reach the sufficiency only with great effort, with regard to the party discipline would be an example to follow if it were not for his determination to respond poorly to most of his companions, which he believes to be worthless without a brain capable of pointing the finger without even looking in the mirror

6) He had two love stories that have marked the life, the first was with Hans Shindhart, who raped a result of his sexual waste, while the second is with Russell Bank, which is still madly in love and will be for a long time

7) His biggest weakness is often too much to hide her feminine side, and showing the world as a tomboy, a defect that did not miss many trouble, because more than once we saw the creator of beatings violent towards girls who you think you are "geese"

8) He hates drugs, in whatever form it appears, was never made and no will never do anything, but in spite of himself is a habitual smoker

9) Do not believe in any religion because he believes only a rational explanation of each event provided to it by science

10) A gossip about Janine? afraid to open the 'wardrobe alone, as it is more than convinced that within it there is always a hidden zombie waiting only that you open the doors to devour in one bite, why most of the clothes keeps them on a chair


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