Sunday, February 6, 2011

Rose Garden Floor Seating Chart

Chapter 2-Friends are the spice of life

Beep beep - beep beep beep of the
phone me is slowly returning to reality, but before I wake I keep my eyes closed and completely still for a moment to think about what I just dreamed

was a beautiful dream ... I dreamed of a beautiful villa over the bridge that divides the city from starving by celebrities like me ... and that my house was ... or rather we did, me and her ...
for a moment we were still in that bed, close embraced, and our eyes were exchanging glances and sweet love, no words, instill in situations like those are not words, only eyes filled with a love that not even one thousand poems can describe ... the two of us together again
Beep beep - beep beep
the alarm goes off but I still want to think about it for another few seconds ... your hair as the 'gold and your eyes as blue as the purest of ice antardite staring at me, I make the heart beat like a drum Maori and then ... then again those words
Only two of us baby, only two of us ...
Beep beep - beep beep aaah
** ima fucking wake up! open eyes almost as if it is an inhuman effort, I look around and slowly lose touch with that life that is not mine, that is only part of my dreams .... not for long Russel, not for long!
I get up and drag me to the toilet with the traditional flag-raising ceremony in the morning, I empty the bladder and then I look in the mirror for a moment, and in my eyes I see something new ... a new hope, new happiness!
I go out and find myself in front of my mother telling me
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Good morning sir! yesterday we had the wee hours eh?>>
at first glance I really want to answer back ... but she is also instill a pawn unable to fight my father, and honestly more than once I asked why not send him to hell and decides to go ... will follow immediately and leave that filthy pig to rot in its disgusting ...
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Oh yes mom, I met the boy on the floor above us and we went for a ride! attached is a quiet type>>
in my head give me a liar
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;I am glad that you've already made the acquaintance of young man! from now dressed, and soon pass the school bus, you will not want bigiarti the first day I hope! >>
to myself a little voice says, no mummy dear, that 's the only day of my life when I go to school willingly loooong!
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Quiet Mom, I'll try to be good for a while>>
in my head give me a liar again

I put the shirt and jeans, I open the fridge take a bottle of milk, I filled the glass and take 3 cookies from the mobile side, then I sit down and give a quick glance at the newspaper on the table beside them, the New York Times front page in big read "the Senator McCornell forward the proposal against deterioration " curious then read a short paragraph in which the senator talks about his project and the words that follow are these
"We live in difficult times and young people often choose alternative routes to the law, too many young people bared their problems in a syringe stuck in the arm, it is unacceptable that the juvenile death rate has risen so much in recent years! "
then a question of which among reporters' I ask myself more
hips" and what do you propose to prevent this from happening? "
and even if the words written on paper are nothing more than letters printed on paper I guess that pig's face lubricated proud of its projects
"what I propose is to apply a curfew after 23, and especially to recover these additional projects with young people in society," the newspaper
so go away and say
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;some bad co ** ion, from one who gets a bath in money as you wonder what "restoration projects" you can expect! a literature contest by any chance? but the vaffan **! your literature leaves me right where I am now! >>
drink milk and take the backpack, I greet my mother and I decided to take the path of the stairs in
a few seconds I am down to the bus stop, and rummaging through the pockets I find a note written by Annie
564-0097133 call me a smile I remember the night before and the blonde with whom I danced and I feel a slight adrenaline invade my thoughts knowing that a little later I finally reached the school and met Anthony
projects \u0026lt;\u0026lt;Hey hey, what does a blonde like you mulls bus stop instead of a limousine? >>
around me and almost like a joke of fate, I find him behind
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Hello Tony! So how are you? >>
looks at me, then opened his cigarette case which extract another barrel, the 'on, I snort in my face and then says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Now great! >>
at that moment the bus arrives, he rises off the tube and immediately, I will spell me a moment to look at the bus that would take me to a new school, which in my mind was the X from which it started my path to the top

so I go and sit next to Anthony noting that the bus strangely and completely empty except for me and he
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Hey Tony because there is no one on this bus? >>
that while he has the face Half asleep and half upset, saying he answers
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;We are the first of the round, although in reality the bus here is something to be beggars, many go to school by bike, or daddy's car>> ;
after that 'I put the statement' mp3 ears and start listening to Hip Hop, bus Impega a good amount of time before arriving at the next stop, which rose 3 girls, one with the braids and color the other two dressed identical with the voice of chicken, then immediately after I get a black boy, a fat that excessive fatigue get through the gates, just know that Anthony sees ago a strange smile and then says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Hey Mitch, you know I always wondered why you run when you're late ... you could roll with that belly that you find yourself! would much sooner! >>
the guy who just frame it as the loser collects the derision of the situation with the 'expression of one accustomed to being constantly fucked up and sits in places far from the bus immezzo isolated from the rest of the people, if not
world in which we go up another 6 stops a lot of boys and girls, six other stops in which Anthony was asleep with his face against the glass
after half an hour we arrive before the school, StingingBerg High School, my first impression from the 'idea that this school has been built by then Senator McCornell, a bucolic property, which boasts of having students 10 and praise, all things considered already However, most of them are now at least maniacs or serial killers who enjoy themselves on fire in the toes
arrive just before the door Anthony tells me
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;So Russ, now go to class Today we go to 12 lucky for you, then changing the channel, we see directly out>>
raise my thumb to tell him ok and walked into my new class
the NH 3, just as usual I'm struck by the feeling of 'embarrassment when you do not know anyone and I try to look around as little as possible, shortly after entering the rest of the class and strength to hold back a laugh when I get that last Mitch as before, which of course sits at the counter without a third last classmate, while he sits beside me a girl with her hair tied in a ponytail blacks, tiny tits and face from mice, look, I'll smile and say
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Hello, my name is Russell, and new>>
she looks at me as if only at that point it was noticed beside me and immediately blushes, then says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt; Oh ... C-Hello! >>
nearly so amused by his embarrassment that the reaching out and tell
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;And you? What's your name?>>
then do the 'wink and add
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Still not bite>>
words that boost the redness of his' embarrassment, hands me his little hand and then skeletal
says \u0026lt;\u0026lt;I'm sorry that careless ... my name is Giovanna>>
words are immediately followed by a hoarse voice of someone who has a long relationship with cigarette smoking
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Hello boys, who do you silence a call fast fast>>
L 'man in front of me is a guy in his fifties, his back slightly bent, tortoise-rimmed glasses and short hair who act as a war memorial in
head start' s call and arrived my name says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Bank, you must be the new>>
at first glance I would reply, but the cock! I do not say!
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;I have one professor>>
then he looks at me with a scrutinizing glance
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Bank Ok, I just Minin professor, I teach economics>> then
lowers glasses slightly and adds
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Know that these parts are not allowed to idle, and you give me the 'impression of being a>>
in my head I reply saying you also give me the' impression to be a cocksucker, and even those are welcome in my part
whereas sketch a smile and say
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Wow professor, who has that view, I have discovered>>
claim that some tears to laughter my shoulders
prof gets back his glasses, a smile that makes interpretation of this is: Laugh laugh I'll break your ass in that report and then continue with its appeal
finished 's appeal begins a very boring lecture on the capitalist system, lesson during which only pretend to take notes, while in reality I scribble on my notebook, after a time that seems endless and the bell finally comes, and while I'm closing backpack Joanne looks at me redder than a tomato and I say
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;B-Well tomorrow then Russel>> then I read in his eyes that his shyness prevents her from adding another reply saying so
\u0026lt; \u0026lt;Joan Of course tomorrow, it was a pleasure to meet you>>
words that seem to interpret as "I Will you marry? "
99 teeth in a smile and then says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Thanks! It was a pleasure for me too! >> I go find Anthony
just leaning against the door looking at me and says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Russ Shit, I did not think the seafood you like so much>>
I look at him and tell him
\u0026lt; \u0026lt;Why? >>
and exposing him as if he 's obviously says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;See that clashes with're talking about! With a bit of lemon would be perfect>>
Giovanna, who must have heard those words makes the 'expression of someone who sees her husband in the middle of' sexual intercourse with another and runs away whimpering litany misunderstood
Anthony then gives me a slight Coppin and tells me
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Shit belonging, we hurry to do the>>
so we go out and I say
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;So you can know where we are? >>

He looks at me and take me by the arm and then says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Let's go to the suburbs, that co ** ion Tommey had to be found here but knowing it will be done on her couch like a rat>>
speak of 'instinct
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Who is Tommey? >>
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;The type was telling you about yesterday! ah ... and judging by the 'physical appearance, is a bear, is a bit strange but if you see your parents know everything ... >>
curious wonder
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Why? >>
while and makes me way to stop the 'bus that will take us to the destination responds by saying
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;His father, Emil, is a former member of a rock band, now makes the tattoo artist at home, but her mother looks like a jumbo spring roll, a kind of whale is as dark, but unfounded next to a guy like you could not imagine a Emil other woman>>
comes the 'bus, we go up and I see that as we journey the day before Jennifer, I greet you but she pretends not to see me and Anthony note that my gesture says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;You're making a hole in' water Russ, that's the girl of that co ** ion Logan, and I honestly do not understand how frightening a horse as she can be with a dad like him>>
'm about to tell him that I know when the phone rings
few mistakes and a few monosyllabic expletive then closes and says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Here we are, we go down>>
give me a quick look around, the place is a typical suburban neighborhood, a few houses, a few trees here and el 'clean air of a busy little place
we approach a house and blue color rings the bell Anthony

playing a couple of times but from' the other side of the door No answer ...
turns to me and says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;If not at home I swear I just take it ... >>
words are interrupted by the door opening followed by a rather sharp voice that says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Let me feel, just what do you take me? >>
the type that I have to face is something indescribable, has a blond tuft like that of emo, even if they seem to have in common only that, his blue eyes marked by a red cane fattanza infinite say a lot about his lifestyle
Anthony looks at him and says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Tommey dirty faget! But what did you do today? I was waiting at school! >>
Tommey makes an expression that is reflecting it suggests that, then after says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;mmm let's see, you remember that girl I had asked her out, well this morning told me to get home free, and certainly I have not missed the 'opportunity! >> Anthony
beat the morning and then says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Bravo prefer a good clogs to your old friend Tony? >>
Tommey and responds calmly saying
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Well my old friend Tony between his legs, as it has a microscopic penis, and another thing I really like>>
the two burst into laughter and Then they hug, after this friendly gesture of affection Anthony tells me and says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Met Tom Russell, affixed to a type which I can assure>>
that invites us in, then approaches me and holds out his hand, saying
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Russell Hello, how are you? >>
I shake his hand and say
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Tommey Well thanks, nice to meet you>>

invites me to sit on a blue sofa along with Anthony and then says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;We get a beer guys? >> I
Anthony and we exchange a glance and then simultaneously annuiamo
so begin to address the 'issue after a few sips of beer
Anthony starts saying
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Tom, you already know what I'm talking to, Russ you're new to the tour so we have to explain something>> The two men look
Anthony and then continues
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Around here, the crime is not like the Sicilian Mafia or the Japanese trio, the streets here if the kids are smezzate bands alone are not worth a quarter so they tend to form groups rather numerous>>
Tommey adds
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;And when we say many, many really say>>
Anthony looks at him and then continues
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Exactly, then we are three, and all things considered we are worth less than a f ** k or except for the fact that we know we assert ourselves alone, for I can guarantee I Tommey who knows ; be a valuable aid in the middle of a fight, and as far as I'm concerned, these muscles are made for them to me the way>>
Tommey slips back into the conversation by saying
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;So Russ, what you're saying is that, more than once here you'll see the cask, and if you are not able to defend yourself than to see them, I'll get even>>
I watch them both and then I shrug saying
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;For me there is no problem if there is lead by some exalted>>
Tommey gives me a smile and then says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Good boy, you're already nice>>
Anthony takes so to speak
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Ok guys, good things are clear for all three, now move on to the point, and also we have to move fast enough ... I propose to take the area of Martin Park near my house and Russ, is controlled by the head of that co MagikaRound ** ion Logan, girls are taken in a single, and the first Logan and right, if we take him and beat him for the holidays, the others who have deified him did not even dream of coming here to find out>>
Tommey scratches his chin and says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Yes, but as do we take it alone? >>
and Anthony began to think then says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;that's just a cagasotto and trouble if you hear air escaping>>
then decide to intervene
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;I would have a solution guys I met that 'exalted yesterday at the park with his girlfriend>>
and Tommey says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Certainly always there, but feels just reeks of trouble if the line calls and within minutes the rest of his company, which for half-saws are too many for us only 3>>
then I had a brilliant idea that I tell you now
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;True, but if we do not allow him to escape he will not call just anybody! >>
the two make a complicit smile and say, simultaneously looking

super excited then I start to explain
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;See that poor fool yesterday caught me while I stood before his girlfriend and pulled out his teeth to show that it is a great, so now if I were to meet again by himself certainly thinks he can do it again, well you hide the basketball court and I will give time for that gassed to mount them pretending to be afraid of him, so you have time to catch him from behind and can not escape in any way ... then at that point we would have in hand and we do what we want him>>
the two look at me pleased Tommey then gives me a pat on the shoulder and says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;** fot you a criminal to a friend ! What do you say Tony? >>
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;I say that is a great idea! So we do this, we take the car of your father, Tom, Russ will leave next to the park and we will do the rounds, parked near the basketball pitch, climb over and we do not lurk until the clown gets to see, when Russ comes into play we take it from behind and we come>>
feel the 'adrenaline salirmi instantly and know that the same is true for them
so get ready and go out, climb into the car and Tom starts to drive, we look just arrived and Anthony says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Well guys this is the point of no return Are you with me? >>
while saying these words and put his hand in the center, and Tom and I both found our hands on her and I say

\u0026lt;\u0026lt;We are all boys! >>
so go down and the two share
start running towards the park and I feel my heart beat so strong that it almost seems to explode, a small part of me hopes not to meet with Logan, but the bulk can not wait 'now

in the park Just before I start looking around nervously and looking at the basketball court I do not see anyone, and this adds to the 'agitation
try to calm down, I sit at the fountain of the day before and I light a cigarette, noting that my hands tremble
time seems to pass ever more times and throwing glances at the basketball court where I do not see anyone
after five minutes of my arrival I see him get with his usual air of bold, looks at me wrong so stop by the jog he was doing and I'm meeting

while I move my feet and try not to look at the pitch to avoid arousing suspicion, and a thousand thoughts start going through the head, of course buffoncello not pray and immediately gets attacked
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Hey loser to me by so * you doing here? you had told to turn off! You have no idea who you're trying to control>>
behind him I see nothing coming so I understand that I must take time
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Hello Logan, I do not want to put against you ... I came to apologize for yesterday, you know I'm new to the area and I need friends like you>>
those words sound like a haunting melody to his ears
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;I am a friend of a fag like you? but even if you pay me! What did you know who is around Logan and you come back to lick their feet eh? >>
nobody behind him, f ** k or f ** k or f ** o!! I have to take more time
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Look Logan I am a normal guy and I do not have problems with fish as big as you>>
this clown starts gasarsi like a slut wooed by a billionaire
\u0026lt; \u0026lt;Well I'm sorry for you loser, but I've been on the balls from the first time I saw you, so be prepared to take them>>
and while I was head to head at last I see two silhouettes behind him and a familiar voice says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Hey, f ** k head or if I were you I'd be the first to prepare to return home with no teeth! >>

L 'expression of safety immediately disappears from the face of Logan to make room for a growing anxiety
impressive speed turns and looks at them then by appealing to his courage in trying to scare says
\u0026lt; 'And you? or that f ** k are you doing here? this is the area of MagikaRound! 're looking for trouble, eh? >>
finished saying these words is approached by Anthony who shot him a punch in the stomach
collapses like a sack of potatoes, and to make matters worse while on the ground Tommey rampant throwing a kick in the face then starts Anthony
\u0026lt;\u0026lt; Point number one, you speak only when I tell you that you can do it, this immediately leads to point number two, you and your MagikaRound * from me now do not count more than a f ** o! This area is ours, now get up>>
fatigue Logan gets up and his eyes hidden behind glasses begin to scrutinize a possible escape route but now says Tommey
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Oooh, but what happens to you little lion? you're thinking of escape? see that car on the side? There are 3 boys ready to follow you even if you think you leave out, and will not stop, you will pull in>>
now I understand why they put more time! parked the machine in a tactical point where you see only the hood, so as to threaten him if he thought of running away! these guys are brilliant!
Logan starts to stutter and says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;I-I do not ever run away! >>
in my head I tell myself I should just be a masochist, his fear is almost palpable, but is so determined to hide it! Thought
followed by Anthony, saying it sfotte
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Oooh guys ... you have heard? he never runs away! you are a true lion Logan, THEN RAISE THE HEAD OF CA ** OE LOOK IN YOUR EYES!>>

But of course Logan is too scared to watch Anthony in the eye, which greatly increases its malice
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;So listen to me idiot, and you better listen very well, how much stuff you have hidden in the processes of runs? I advise you to respond well and clearly told me the amount and the place if you care to return home on your lap>>
now that Logan did not carry the bulk starts to cry
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;D-Two hundred grams and found them hiding in the tile near the exhaust of the Cabinet failed>>
Anthony stared at him with an expression that brings chills to me and asks dryly
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Grass or Coke? >>
and he says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Smoking, junk they sold me a EKTORP>>
Those words are petrol on the flames of anger of Anthony
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;What the f ** k or you just said ?!?>>
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Yes, it is called EKTORP Malik, is a figure of stuff with his brother>>
at that point that I am speaking I was silent and still until now
\u0026lt; \u0026lt;What a strange twist of fate for the event is called Amir true? >>
Logan moves his head to confirm
Anthony looks at him and says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Where is it? >>
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Malik runs the port, Amir did not know, the rumors going around say it was some time ago with Andrew Josefine, one of the bricks, then is said to be a success and that Amir has escaped trouble but nobody knows where>> I
and Anthony we look, putting in place new pieces of the puzzle, which draw a picture of bloodshed ... blood that belongs to the father of Anthony Logan
while still looking at us with terror in his eyes, and tells us
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;You are fools if you think you can put against EKTORP! those you I gutted and thrown into the river! >>
Tommey and spring looks a monstrous slap that fool
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;And you shut up sissy to me * from! you know just cry! EKTORP we gutted if they like you then we are placed>>

Logan collects the quintet, and I fell at his feet, disgusted I give him a kick and then say
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Move scrawl, I soiled the shoes with your garbage>>
he gets up and with a strange face maniac tells me
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Ahahahaha you want to escape the Bank, but I know who you are, know who is your father and how much it sucks>>
then take it to the collar of his shirt and watch it with the 'hate in the eye and say
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;But I like you I know tomorrow will take to the cu * or when they will know that figure by fennel did you do today! >>
but he keeps staring at me and says a phrase that increases my heartbeat beats
of 1000 \u0026lt;\u0026lt;Natasha thinks when they discover that she dumped you for another fuck how do you take to the cu * o> >
at this point an animal rage comes over me and attack him
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;UGLY SON OF A PUTT ** I WILL KILL YOU >>

throw it down and start punching you in the face, I give him so many to break his nose and hear him scream in fear under my relentless fury

\u0026lt;\u0026lt;TI * TO KILL ME! I kill you!! >>
to 'sudden I hear Anthony Tommey and take her by the shoulders and say
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Russell still! so kill him really! >>
so I pull away from that 'mass of blood and stopped me on the ground while Tommey Anthony approaches Logan and tells him
\u0026lt;\u0026lt; This time you really exaggerated ass>>
and makes a gesture that I did not expect, I see him loosing his pants, pull out the bird 'and start to piss in your face
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Well Logan, a single word Russel and shameful on the whole neighborhood will know that you did piss in the face by Anthony Corner ... Who knows maybe we will say that you enjoyed around like a cat in heat while you did a nice hot bath eh? >>
Logan remains slumped on the floor in a mess of mixed liquids, crying like a little girl nods
so take me away and almost runs out and explode at the same time we look hugging
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;f ** k is made o!! is done !!!!!! >>
this area is ours now, but in my heart something is not turned away, although those words made me happy too sick to recover once
then start to walk out of the park, I know that behind me my Friends are following me, now I know that never leaves me, but for real ... I have protected even not knowing anything about Natasha and I know that I did not ask questions ... these are my friends and so quickly become my true family



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