Monday, February 7, 2011

Pokemon Dawn In Her Swimsuit

Chapter 3 - Run and do not look

A brief summary

Exactly four days after that time the park against Logan after that night we celebrated went to the park and public latrine as told by the coward we found the stick of smoke hidden inside a fake tile behind the toilet failure.
Anthony immediately took on a cane quality testing, and after 4 shots expressed its verdict, or
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;* from me guys this stuff becomes more and cag ** a bulb! >>
in these four days, we bigiato and we have been busy with sales, and as the 'poor us hashish was found yielded a bell' income, and above all, now Martin Park was totally ours!
people around the band began to murmur that swept away the MagikaRound and someone starts calling MafiaBoys, we liked that nickname, and then decided to keep him in four days of dealing
I learned more math in all these years school! We sold everything at $ 7 per ounce, then multiply $ 7 for 200 grams, and the result was 1400 all our bucks, money that we decided not to spend on bullshit but very useful in
buy with $ 400 we bought the car of the band ... a lemon of 62 'and after a couple of clutch kicks on and on in reverse makes us travel where we want, even if the engine produces sounds similar to an old neighbor to attack.
another 800 of them have reinvested to buy 'stuff, 3 ounces of grass, trash, of course, but around here the people are satisfied with even more bad stuff the remaining $ 200
them to us we are divided, 65 to head and the remaining five we gave them a bum
Anthony bought some new pieces to fit on his jalopy
Tommey instead spending to pamper them a couple its sposimanti
, but I ... those with $ 65 ... I bought 24 roses to be sent to Opossum Street 68, Sunset Valley, addressed to her ... Natasha.
In the note I did not write anything, just
Each of these roses is a time of day you were my constant thought. I miss you.
I wanted to see the 'expression on his face when he hands over the flowers the florist ... but within me afraid to see him next to her was wrenching ... I could not bear such a

Today I'm finishing writing the final report on the accounts of the band when I give a look at 'clock, which marks the second night, are already 2 am and I did not sleep at all

Puff and I know that I have to reluctantly go to bed, I can not bigiare tomorrow, otherwise this Minin call home and the rest do not even want to imagine .
I wear in bed and continued dizziness after fall asleep.
I wake up at 7 and half completely stoned on the phone with the usual alarm
I get dressed and go down and stop this time I find that both Anthony Tommey, then greet them saying
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Hey guys, what are you doing in my house in this 'hours of the morning, did you beat it? >> Anthony
sorrde me and winks, then says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Good morning madam, did you sleep well your majesty? >>
we laugh and we say goodbye then I look Tommey who greets me with the 'wink and say
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Tom how come here this morning? >> Anthony
he looks first and then answers
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;See this pelatino yesterday invited me to his house saying that her mother was not there and that he had two whores hand>> I will
I look and then I tell
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;You are right of infamoni eh! I live downstairs and do not call me? >>
Tommey then laughs and says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;If the two harlots had existed I would have called just a shame that in reality it was all an excuse for smoking in the company ... I by Russ * we smoked a ton of stuff! and I was made to go home too, then I have been sleeping here>>
ends and while saying these words, the bus approaches the stop and opens the doors
and climb all the way we talk about what we do with the money coming, arrived at school after the usual 6 stops down, then says Anthony
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Hey guys look at them! >> I
Tommey and we turn together and he starts to run screaming
\u0026lt;\u0026lt; LAST COMING TONIGHT PAY FOR ALL! >>
that bastard who is ... will never change

arrive at 'lobby and luckily I managed to overcome Tommey in the stretch of road up to the door of the school, then Anthony looks at him and says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;I'm sorry, blond, tonight you pay>>
Tommey and while mumbling something foolish we say goodbye and go to class
later I sit in the same place, I note with irony that Joan decided to change jobs, you will naturally felt offended, and now Mitch is sitting next to that to my
But now there sitting next to another girl
at first glance looks like a madman, has a face like crazy that I almost intimidating, and is dressed rather differently from the rest of the girls, large sweatshirt and loose trousers of cloth, as if it were a kind of rapper, as he watched behind us I hear a whisper
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Beware of lice Russel>>
She even turns around, raises his hand showing only the average
gesture that confirms my theory on his face from mad ... this girl is a tough
when I'm going to talk to her so strangely rediscover
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Erm .. Hello! I am Russel>>
she looks at me with a look and then says firmly adamant
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;You know who you are, everybody knows now>>
statement that drops a heavy embarrassment between us
first I can say whatever enters a woman in her forties, long skirt to the knee khaki and white shirt with short sleeves, sits in the chair, puts on a pair of round glasses and opened a blue notebook, then says with a unusually deep voice for a woman
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Boys do silence>>
at first glance I
is already on his balls and when she comes to my surname Prof. Minin said
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Bank, the new one you do not you? >>
in this school must be masters catch the 'obvious!
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;You are a professor I>> reply saying she

\u0026lt;\u0026lt;At last you come to school! we thought had been the victim of an alien abduction! I am the teacher and I teach mathematics Delfino>>
then looks at me and asks me
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;How do you put a mathematical Bank? >>
a sarcastic little voice in my head says "do the operation with smoking prof"
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;In the previous school I got to logarithms Professor>>
she makes a smile and says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Well then come on the board>> I would like to kill the
, now I know I is not more in the balls only at first glance
just coming on the board start to pray every saint in heaven for a miracle
she gives me to write a paragraph full of misunderstood decimals and unknowns
I look at what I just wrote with the eyes of an illiterate person in front of an Egyptian hieroglyph
but suddenly a strange moaning from behind surprise me, my classmate is groaning as if it were close to death and says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Prof makes me sick, I can go to the bathroom? >>
she looks at her with worried eyes tells
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Sure go! >>
but she adds
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Bank can come with me? is already up with me so>>
now I understand everything! This scoundrel is saving me the pen!
the teacher looks at me with suspicion and then says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Okay, but not t'illudere Bank, just come back to continue >>
just go out and the play ends she looks at me, then says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Well? I do not even say thanks? >>
I will do a huge smile, this girl starts to like it, is truly a phenomenon!
then say
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Well how can I thank a girl he does not even know the name? >>
she smiles at me and gives me his hand, saying
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;My name is Janine, Janine Carter 's accuracy>>
we shake hands and then she tells me
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;So now that it works? >>
I think for a moment and then say
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Well, wait a bit and re-enter it? >>
she looks at me as if I had said a heresy and says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;I hope you're kidding! Come on get out of the window! >>
this girl is really crazy! get out of the window overlooking the parking
take the 'bus, traveled to the hideout of the gang car
climb on board and then say
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;So where do we go crazy>>
she lights a cigarette and says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt; For starters do not call me crazy, second, we go away from this city to me * Follow this road>>
so I follow his instructions and after about twenty minutes we are out of town

few kilometers further on we see a nice, parking, go down we start to chat and e ... the first to break the ice and she
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;So boy, it's true what they say about you? >>
I look with suspicion and say
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Depends on what you said about me>>
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;They say you are with Anthony and Corner Tommey Cammie, who have filled barrels Logan Salinas and now controlled by the parties to Martin Park>>
I smile and say
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;I do not know are you talking about, I'm a nice guy>>
she gets her tongue, and I start to notice its beauty hidden behind a mask for the bad girl then say

\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Why the 'you did ? I mean first class ... >>
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Well, I think in your place I wanted to help, so I helped you>>
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Well the 'you think about it, I really needed it! >>
after this talk, we realize that it is still standing in the parking

notice it together and embarrassed for a moment, then she says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Well we did not stay for the entire road is no standing?
and I say
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Right, let's sit down li>>
indicates a picnic table that offers a wonderful view over the city in the distance
remain silent for a moment and then she says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;I I ask you a question? >> I nod my head with

\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Why did you agreed to follow me here? you could download just escaped from school, no? >>
at first glance I would say: do not even know I
and instead I find myself replying
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Well, I could not download my guardian angel mica so>>
words after having spoken to me issued notice that in 'a sweet air around us started to look so unexpected

Then d' instinct look away, a gesture that she misunderstands and says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Quiet they are girlfriend>>
words that hurt me on the one hand, I react 's instinct and say bad
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;I do not think avertelo asked>> her
s' upset and says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt; Ciccio reassured, if you got the saws mental thinking that something would happen to them then you could let me>>
silenced us both and set back the same embarrassment that there was in class then she says

\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Sorry I exaggerated>>
and I say almost unconsciously telling
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;No, no, sorry you is my fault>>
look at us and laugh
I realize that there is still embarrassed and a little game I invented stupid
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Jan Hey you know if you hear the cry of here 'to echo in the city? >>
she smiles and says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;the test! >>
then I get up, fill the lungs' air and cry

She looks at me funny and then says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;and, fortunately, that I was crazy! >>
laugh, then I sit and she says again
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Can I ask you another question>>
nod again
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;from your eyes I know that deep in your heart bleeds Russel something, it going to tell? >>
suddenly I can not look at her face, she notices him and says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Well we do so, I tell you my first secret ... a staff three years ago .. I was talking with a guy named Hans, German, we liked both ... him after one week we were dating invited me to his house ... we started kissing on the couch, but he was party a bit more stringent ... I had never done anything ... I mean sexually>>
she makes a deep breath and see its struggle to tell ... I leave all the time he could be necessary to imagine the following
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Hans was very muscular and very strong, and after my many waste to have sex and I took my power block to bed, I undressed e. ... practically raped me ... The next day I plucked up my courage and went to report him to the police but the police said that a deposition that is the signature of my ... and I never had the courage to tell her, my mother would died from sorrow ... >>
known only at that time told me that while this horrifying story, his eyes began to weep silently
I approach her, but I do not have the courage to embrace it ... in cases like this one a hug is not enough ...
then I look at it and say
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Janine I'm sorry as hell ... if you want I can look for it and I'll take a.. >>
she interrupts me with his hand as if to say than dropping
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;I want something 'more ... your story>>
took a deep breath ... I close my eyes and tell me as I begin to seem almost to relive those moments ...

Russell's story part 1

walk alone, and beside me there is a billboard advertising the film, it says: Fantastic 4 - BEST IN EARLY CINEMA
known this moving truck that stops near my house, must be the new neighbors!
decide to follow the rules of good neighborhood and then I go up and then say
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Hello gentlemen, I am Russel Bank your new neighbor! I can give you ...>>
words that get stuck in my throat, I see before my eyes a mirage, an indescribable beauty, I think I saw the lady! You
some fiber, perfect body, which seems designed by an artist, blond hair and deep blue eyes, is wearing a delicate scent that almost makes me want to give her a bite, and despite're wearing dirty clothes for the move to its beauty is undeniable
she looks at me with those eyes of ice, it soon becomes red and two children as we look shy and then she tells me
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Russell Hello, my name is Natasha Steinberg>> I can not make
a meaningful sentence that 's instinct take the little vase that is holding in his hand and made them like a moron say
\u0026lt;\u0026lt; Need a hand? >>
she gets embarrassed and tells me a chuckle
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Why do you ask if you've already got the pot? >>
I turn red like the nose of a clown and I do take back one of my bouts of clumsiness and remit it to him in her arms
then she bursts out laughing and says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;How cute you are >>
my heart is going crazy, seems to want to break through the chest from the pounding


Suddenly I stop and while the story in my mind are projected images that do more harm than a speeding bullet in the chest, with her other hand, a letter written in his handwriting, which no longer contains those sweet words, but harsh sentences, sentences of a girl who does not love me anymore

\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Janine Sorry, I can not go forward, or rather I should not even start! >>

Janine I do not want to see me cry then I get up and go to the beautiful view of the banisters, and many tears are starting to get ahead on my cheeks, crying as quietly as possible even if I want to scream in pain ... remind ago too bad, my heart, my head, can not accept that there is more you fill my days ...
While trying to stop the tears I feel that Janine is coming to me ... does so with a step light and delicate, as if he knew exactly how I feel, and was slowly trying to get in my world

hugs me from behind his back and tells me
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Sorry pup not I wanted to hurt you ... I did not want you weep>> I say proudly

\u0026lt;\u0026lt;I'm not crying>>
my sobs I betray her
I hug ... a special hug, as if for a few moments she could put her in my heart, filling those grooves that have been dug after the loss of Natasha
in the distance the lights of the first night, make this moment more magical than it already it is

We remain so for a while ... is almost as if she could feel my pain starts to decrease, at some point comes off and looks into my eyes and says a phrase that strikes me
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Well Russel Bank ... I think I have a crush on you>> I look
stunned and stammered
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;C-like ?!?>>
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Yes Russell, I'm not engaged and when you asked me why I helped you I told a lie ... it's just because I like>>

\u0026lt;\u0026lt;I adore Russell>>
our mouths begin to approach its attraction as a magnet

the Our lips are to touch when a sound that freezes the blood in my veins freezes there
The police sirens
d 'instincts tell
\u0026lt;\u0026lt; Porca putt ** ** fot to have to! should have discovered the shop! >>
a question that stopped my heart compels me to put my hand in my pocket, and I remember my great fear of having 5 grams of Maria in jeans
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;ca ca ** o ** o * ca * o!! Janine is finished! running away from school I did not sell 5 grams in my pocket all 'range! >>
she looks horrified and says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;'s agent is falling hour by car to go meet you Russ runs into the car and run away from here! >>
I look incredulous and say
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;You must be completely crazy! >>
she looks at me with fear in his eyes and says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Bad ass move! take me if I am clean! you run into Cocks! corresponding move! is coming this way>>
's soppravivenza becomes automatic instinct inside of me ... I run to the car. 's agitation I find it hard to turn it on and see that the' agent is start running
Janine meeting notices, and means to help an old man who was passing by them and started screaming like a mad
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Agent, THAT 'man has a gun! you knock down>>
this girl is crazy to tie but a man has more balls
's agent will stop and think
dazed and I have no hesitation, I turn and run away halfway
I can not help but feel a worm ...

Meanwhile the viewpoint

's agent was aware of my bluff and come back to me
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Well well miss ... I guess you know what you've just done it? >>
are not in a good situation and I have to do something
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Agent I swear that I felt armed>>
's agent explodes and says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Do not get me the brat cu * o! Who did you escape? >>
fear is so strong that I am going to make me upon
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;No agent was here alone, I was waiting for my boy! >>
luckily for me I realize that the darkness of night is not allowed to 'agent to see Russell embraced me
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Okay, you want to do the smart? Now come with me! >>

's agent enters a time machine, it comes with a transmitter and a block
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Well, well, then who have we here? >>
do not know why but I answer to this question by saying
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Natasha Steinberg>>
's agent opens his eyes as if I had blasphemed
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;You're the daughter of Judge Steinberg?!? >>
involotariamente something tells me that I found salvation, then immediately change tone
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Yes I am, and if you let me go tell my father that you saved me from a theft>>
's agent seems to have heard a heavenly sound
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Sure Miss Steinberg, Steinberg Thanks lady! >>
this idiot back in the car happily
I look up to heaven and the only words I can say is
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Thank god! >>

Meanwhile Russel

parking the car and run to phones pushing hysterically written on the pad with a voice answered Corner
half asleep
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Who is he? >>
but Anthony is not, however, recognize the voice
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Tommey! We are in me by *! let me in the door and get in 'hall>>
Tommey soon becomes clear that not joke
opens in two seconds and I find them down! Anthony
note my anguished look and says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Oh, Russ! or that f ** k are you? it seems that you are about to die of fright! >>

me quiet for a moment and say
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;I was on the lookout with a girl, all 'a sudden the police came and I took a nap>> I
Halt and begin to cry nervously
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;but you have got the f ** o!! >> Anthony
hugs me a while to help calm the 'agitation
Tommey instead says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;it is impossible to have passed them by chance, someone has called them! * I must have been one from Logan to take revenge!>> Anthony
now denies saying it
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;not, at this time Logan is located at 'Hospital do not remember? >>
then concludes saying
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Come on you Russ, your sleep will stay so calm for a while and we will explain everything better>>

the gates of 'lift are to close, I'm back home ... but I'm returning only physically, My mind is with Janine and what is coming through right now ... and maybe even a little piece of my heart is there with her ... END OF CHAPTER 3


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