Thursday, February 17, 2011

Jack Jack Costume The Incredibles

Chapter 11 - Anthony Welcome back!

brief summary

's been three weeks since I came to 'hospital between life and death ... and day after day I started to pick up and eat with my mouth instead of drip
business in these three weeks have brought them forward and Russel Tommey who were not involved much
Janine has been hidden and is went to school as much as possible in order to stay in places where no one murderess could surprise, and from time to time I came to find
Tommey kept me abreast of business and we grossed $ 14,000 the beauty of
I asked Logan to follow Russell and find out why that day is gone, and it seems that Natasha Steinberg hit something but he continues to deny
Logan for me is proving increasingly ; worthy of being part of the gang in some way
perhaps it was he who visit me more often than all other
and one day asked me to join the Mafia Boys MagikaRound
the first thing that came natural to tell him you
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Look Logan before I give you an answer you must tell me why you chose that name dick! >>
I eventually discovered that the name is just a play on words that means
Magik Around, a nickname that was given to him and his clique, who were often under the 'effects of ecstasy and were convinced to see things magic around them, but he was starring as MagikaRound
why? if he is still asking himself
MagikaRound decided that it would be a band dedicated to those who follow the indicators, most were more
discovered the 'last time I saw him I asked him to find out everything about Omar Araban, and Kalif
Malik made a worried face but accepted anyway, but since that day the 'I have neither seen nor heard


Today is finally the 'last day I spend in this place
this clinic has cost us $ 3000 but at least the doctors have not asked questions and took the money
more than happy just for the prices this place is almost always deadly desert
I got to have a coffee downstairs and now I am going to return to room

I have never been so bored in my life, I hate hospitals but one hand, this structure has given me much protection
here do not let anybody other than a family member or who is not authorized
open the door of my room
I lie in bed for a moment and in a few minutes I fall asleep again
dream the same thing that haunts me every night that night at the Disko
I can now say it was pretty traumatic for me
I had a lot, too afraid to die
I wake up and suddenly realize that sleep is not good to my thoughts
So I decide to turn on the television and now I see the lady
announce the news with his usual voice is always the same
today 's CEO SimsArmy, Javy Ramastan, he signed his contract yet another billionaire, this man is writing his name in the history of the city if not the world

Below are pictures of this Javy that shakes the hand of another man who has all the 'air of being very important when Javy
turns to the camera I notice a heavy scar that crosses his face then says

\u0026lt;\u0026lt;is a pleasure to find people in the world like Mr. Satin, with which we started an 'economic coached "if so we define>>
Javy is going to say more but I turn off the TV
I get up and I go back to the drawer where are my clothes

I dressed quickly and in doing so I feel a great joy because finally feel again the real clothes and not this subspecies of white tunic
I go in 'as a smoking area and can have a great desire to get a good cane me I have to settle for a miserable despite my
cigarette smoke while I start to think about Janine
several times in the last few days I thought
if only it was not the woman of Russel ...
finish my cigarette
the turn off and I go back to the table of clinical
and as usual, this place is deserted, so much so that I feel the 'last man left on earth

me heading for the buffet when I am surprised the voice of a doctor who says

\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Corner, now get out you know it? >> I look at him and
'instincts tell
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;How could I not know! >>
he smiles and says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;it was so terrible to be here with us? >>
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;no doctor is terrible for me to stay in any hospital, nothing personal to you>>
he looks at me for a moment as if considering whether or not you tell me what turns
head then says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Corner, I do not want you preach ... but be very careful who frequent the 'operation has shown clearly that someone wanted him dead ... always admitted that I was not wanting you to kill you ... but I find it hard to think that you had in the house of 'nitric acid or caustic soda ... >>
I look at him and in my head while you animate a picture of me cutting his throat to say Marinella
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;It does not have to worry about doctor will never happen again>>

he greets me and disappears again in the 'elevator from which you came
me while I cut two slices of turkey and then I sit down and start
after he finished eating I feel my stomach, which still has not healed completely, let me know that food has reached its destination
and it makes me feel a slight acidity, as if it was no longer able to contain all its juices
I get up and put the dish on the buffet table again, then sit back and watch the 'clock
between 30 minutes to get someone to pick me even if they did not want to tell me who ...
indeed did not want to say anything
but it is easy to imagine waiting for me to understand that a party or something just come home

Being sick rot of hanging in this place I'm leaving room
take my suitcase and I go back to the 'output
in doing a little fear goes
my feet and how you scared to get out of that protection offered by this place and
to find myself in front of an army of assassins ready to shoot me
do a deep breath and get ready to descend the stairs step by step
feel the urge to go back to the canteen and take a kitchen knife
over the stairs open the door and I am out

are 7 pm when I go out but still do not see anyone
between me and tell me
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;It's not that those balls they forgot to come to me to take? >>
thoughts that come immediately refuted by a horn
me around and I see an SUV that I know very well
then recognize the shape of Russell at the wheel who tells me
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Hey hardened criminal, they told me you wanted a ride! >>

smile and show the average
then I put the suitcase in the baggage door and climb in the passenger seat
looks at me and then hugs me saying
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;We missed you bastard! >>
make myself a little laugh and then say
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;culattoni I've missed you too! But where are the others? >> I
he suggests a sly smile and says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;You'll find out in less than 15 minutes>>
not ask for more even though they are very curious
for the first 2 minutes of the journey we listen to the radio then I turn and say point blank
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;L 'other day I did not want to say anything Russel, but I do not take the piss ... where the fuck you were that day? From that Steinberg is not it? >>
he is silent and does not respond and then say
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;We are brothers with mica sputtano you Janine! >>
he looks at me then says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt; Even if I told you I was from Natasha would be enough to forgive the fact that I was not there? >>
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;For a start you'd at least been honest with me>>
He takes a deep breath then says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Yeah, I was with her ... but nothing happened, and I'm not going to lose my history with Janine for this ...>>
stared at him while he pretends to watch the road for not looking me in the face then I tell
\u0026lt; \u0026lt;Then why did you go? >>
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Because there was something I do not quite right>>
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;And now? >>
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Now square more>>
I'm silent for a moment then say
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Listen, Russ, I will not criticize ... I do not think it's fair that if you love suffers Janine>>
he says, raising his voice a little
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;I did not say that I love it! >>
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;So tell me that you love her! >>

moment of silence, a silence that says a lot more than an hour of words ...
I break the silence by saying
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;A can trust me, I will not talk ... but if you really still love Natasha, do not tease Janine ... and do not fool yourself ... There's still time if you realized you were wrong ... has passed only one month>>
he says dryly
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;I'm sure you want to be with Janine, point>>
then turn the radio as to mark the end of the discussion after about 10 minutes we arrive

the shed and too many cars parked in the 'free area tell me about who I'll find it all inside
Russell looks at me and tells me
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Go Tony, first you open the door! >> I open the
just being inundated with 'sound wave of the word

I look around and see that the shed has been completely reorganized, and ironically I turn around and say to Russell
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Russ We have the wrong house, I lived in a place where 'input were marshes and mosaic tiles>>
all burst out laughing then Russell took me under his arm and invited me to the party, saying
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;We have gained a lot in these 3 weeks and a bit 'of effort by all we put the place marked ... We rebuilt the foundation and metal walls painted to resemble those of a club! and this is nothing! expects to get downstairs! >>
then pushes me toward the crowd and says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;But we do this later eh? enjoy your holiday hours>>
that I can see that disappear into the arms of Janine and before the music begins to overpower any other sound I can hear her say
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;God how I love you my love>>

words that first made me nervous because you do not deserves to be teased that way, but the music that I find out from a good dj console
invade my ears I can immediately recognize the bad taste of electronic music, as I thought that is put up by Tommey who pretends to be a skillful DJ
then I hear the microphone
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Take casino for my friend ANTHONYYYYY>>
everyone started dancing and jumping as if they were small firecrackers
'm going to sit on the sofas when I am approached by a black girl with braids, I know that part of my school but we have never known
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Hello Anthony, we missed you at school! >>
I smile at her and tell her
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Well you know my name, but I do not know your>>
she holds out his hand saying
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Tina, Tina Overwolz>>
said this forces me to dance on the track

Between the loud music and try to speak I say
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Overwolz? are not true American? >>
saying she agrees
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;I was born here, but my father was a Polish industrial, while my mother was Ethiopian>>
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Sorry if you I say Tina, but it's really a case of life that a Pole and an Ethiopian marry>>
she bursts out laughing and then brings me my arms around him and looking
says \u0026lt;\u0026lt;And instead of two Americans end up to bed tonight? >> Damn
If you know this girl!
I look at it and say embarrass
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;I'm sorry, I'm Canadian>>
then do the tongue, a gesture which she misinterprets
and kisses me a quick kiss, but very intense, as that the flow of testosterone in my veins
salt immediately after the kiss she looked at me again for a while 'is a dance starts again as if nothing had happened
and start again while dancing provocative glances between my eye falls on Tommey few yards away and as usual I notice engaged in an endless courting his
The victim this time is Elektra De Chant, the rich guy in the school, not a bad girl but is very snobbish, just beginning to understand that even if my eyes Tommey appears as a kind of chick giant size, like to die to all the girls, unless they are snobby or

I see them dancing rather ... "Neighbors say, then I see her hand on the butt end of Elektra ecstatic smiles then he says something to the 'ear, and she seems to explode with joy
note that I'm looking at him and turns his face but I suspect now I pretend to be watching Tina

After dancing a little bit more I move away from the track followed by Tina starts to speak but I follow his words
see it as a gesture to make the best 'idea of what he is saying

addition to the music that truly covers what it says are not very interested in his words, although I have proposed a bargain free fuck

not excites me very much, my eyes fall on several occasions and Janine Russell, I do not know what happens but I feel that Janine is not only an important person in the band, I begin to feel something for her ...
but I continue to stifle these thoughts behind the 'image of Russell who hugs me and tells me we are brothers ...
I could not even think of wanting to betray him, but I'm doing
I justify myself by saying that I only thoughts, and will remain so until his girlfriend Janine will
These thoughts are interrupted by a male voice behind me
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;C-Hello Anthony, I know that I'd wanted to this party ... but was asked all the high school so I wanted to take a step forward and introduce>>
At first glance I do not recognize any voice
but when I see him ... I know who it is
ciccio The bee that I saw every morning on the bus!
greets me and we look a bit, then break the ice by saying
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Mitch! all I would have expected to see except you! Where did you leave your world as a hermit and come here? >>
known that these words of mine 's have embarrassed then squeeze plays down the' eyes and say
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Thanks evil fat guy, now go have fun >>

do I see a happy smile when I walk away
to 'sudden the crowd I see a man who I never saw all
hair pulled' back
blue eyes and wearing a seductive fragrance
is very nice, but something deep in his eyes tells me that carries the same kind of our profession is looking at me

and while it makes me smile a moment
go to the bathroom to pee when I go out
I do not see more
so sick and tired of electronic music I decide to move towards the console but unfortunately in the container
there are only 45-rpm discs
then I see an electronic music of Daft Punk vinyl, and I think
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Well at least if we must listen to electro music, listen to something decent instead of this crap to me is grinding your brains> ;>
I remove the vinyl and they all begin to look at me then I say
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Ladies and gentlemen, I do not know you but I love the music some time ago>>
raise my rod and I put the vinyl and everyone can immediately recognize the notes of Around The World
and to my amazement known to start dancing the wildest first
then among all the casino and I see the door open for a moment in my head I can see into the black shape with red eyes, then squinting I see that Logan is
noting that the change of music shows me the thumbs-up as to express his appreciation
have never been so happy to see him

I'm going to meet him when the 'first man out of the crowd and suddenly saying to me avvicna
with an accent that tells me immediately in front of me an Italian
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Antò CIA, Uncle Mario has heard about your band, and would like to talk>>
then before say something I wrote a paper with an address and disappears again

remain a moment I turn them off like a moron
Uncle Mario ... the pseudonym used by the mafia mafia
we looking for? otherwise we would not want us dead already deep in the river with his feet cemented
and then what the fuck they want?
the package is written an address, Broak Street, this is a residential area reserved only for rich people
unimaginable and now that I think about it, but Elektra is just from this neighborhood, but it certainly can not be the daughter of "Uncle Mario", otherwise it would already Tommey no balls and two bullets in the legs
me back to normal is the voice of Logan tells me
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Yo Anthony! This holiday is a blast! 't have a lump? >>
I look at it from 'top to bottom and say
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;L' MD pulp you what little brain you have left Logan, to stop you for that shit? >>
he starts again to jump as if the ground was burning under his feet, but it is strategic for the party full of adrenaline, before moving away, however, stopped him to say
\u0026lt;\u0026lt; Oh, 'You did that thing I asked you? >>
he changes immediately avvicinandomisi expression and to 'ear tells
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Yes, but we talk about it later>>

I'm going to add something' else, but despite the mess of music All we hear a shrill scream
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Tommey! >>
we turn and burst out laughing when we realize that the door is entering Milly
he looks at her with wide eyes and begins to rummage in my pocket quickly to extract a set of keys as a key ring that has a voodoo doll
she runs meeting and said
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;But I do not want the keys, I want to love you in my life>>
and hug as if we see the same string 'most beautiful man in the world

Tommey for the first time in his life is making a face embarrassed
Elektra follows a few seconds after that spring, saying a slap
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Ugly bastard you told me that I was the only one who 'would never have the will and meanwhile you were doing already ; with her! >>
then seconds later followed by another slap Milly says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;The two of us we've done all those things together! and you betray me with another?!? You're a disgusting pig Tommey Cammie! I hate you! >>
then we see her run away in floods of tears

No one can help but laugh, but even a handful of minutes after launch to see Tommey 'assault to Tina

But a little later in the lurch, saying she is already engaged, and the poor Tommey seducer remains infallible only on the track
then to 'almost ironically Janine suddenly approaches him and says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Let's dance partner? >>
take two to dance friendly but at some point their attention, and my falls on a guy who until now had not noticed the party, which, among 'other has won the heart of Tina

me over and says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Tony Tranquillo, that's Hunk Dillingat, is one of MagikaRound and even if it seems crazy the 'I have invited me, I must say some things about the request you made us ... >>
more or less the festival continues until 3 am
we remain of the band, this Hunk
Logan and the two begin to talk and repeatedly raise the feel Logan Hunk voice against

After an intense chat the two greet each other then Logan turns to me and says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Anthony now I know everything ... but are you really sure you want to know everything? >>
I look at him and tell him
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Logan nasty that bitch if you make me wait another second I get you to bite>> Russel
then approaches me and says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt; Wait a second, come from Anthony, I'll show you the floors below, just a second, come on! >>
so we go down all five and the room that served as the first link between the ground and the "base" has become a kind of room with a sofa and a coffee table
but the thing that surprises me, and that the stairs are gone there is a wall
instead of the stairs all excited Russel
then approaches the wall and runs a tile that opens up a piece of wall on the stairs giving
then looks at me and says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Did you see that cool? Just know that it cost only $ 900 this game! >>
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;900 fucking dollars for a hidden door? what the hell have you smoked while I was gone? >>
He does not pay much attention to the comment and we go down again when I get down and
hardly recognize the place where before there was a carpet
4-money right now is an elegant parquet
walls have become wood panels
even if the old kitchen is now complete and has a real gas cooker and a fridge for a good quality

in a corner there are two sofas that are not as new. are still in excellent condition also known
then a desktop and a laptop Apple
signed a few yards away is a beautiful TV with an Xbox 360 Elite
and the jewel in 'loop is a piece of wrought iron that separates the living area from the sleeping area, while leaving those who see and the' other part, and now I can catch a glimpse of the new beds with wooden knobs finished and no more Network rusty and uncomfortable
I watch them all and say
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;But what you have spent? 10 million to redo this place? >>
Tommey says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;useless, the parquet 's have stolen from the company next door, as beautiful panels cost $ 6 per meter and all the' electronic you see is a little more ... PC is Janine, the 'My Xbox is, the fridge and the kitchen has made them jump out of Russell, the rest were bought at bargain prices but always>>
then after I finished admiring my beautiful new home I sit at the table and Logan starts by itself from 'other hand, while we all start looking

We then says see all
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;what I'm about to say might upset ... are you sure you want to know? >>
before I could say something Janine says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Logan We are sure, go ahead>>

he gets up his glasses and says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;You must know that to understand who we are dealing with, we must take a leap 20 years ago ... >> END OF CHAPTER 11


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