Friday, February 11, 2011

More Sensitive To Pain During Period

Chapter 6 - A band, A family

brief summary

It 'been a week since that night at the home of Patrick
the day after Anthony received a call from police in Denver, announcing the death of his mother, and invited to attend the police station for clarification
accompany it all together
the sergeant who greeted us was truly sorry for Anthony, and calling upon all his humanity was trying to explain what they found at the crime scene ... shame that we already knew too well ...
Then he asked why the house was covered in our fingerprints, and Anthony, I explain that that day the mother had just returned from France and all together we went to visit Marshal
seemed convinced now, and its deepest condolences to us dismissed
doomed pound in a week and a pound of stuff, just to ensure a decent burial to Patricia, and anyone even remotely thought of dividing the revenue
won $ 6600, were a frightening figure, but strangely did not make anyone
throat in that week between the 'other points came from the school that our families informed of the continuous absence Janine
Tommey and were forced to go, while Anthony and I did not make a family 'we ran, our family we were ...
the band in that week between the 'other, transforming this hovel shed a small base in which to live, Janine was able to take the keys to the van of his father, Hector Carter, who then later I discovered to be an electrician very good, and with the van Hector made myself a theft to scrap dealer.
managed to pick up a couple of nets for beds, a refrigerator, an old kitchen coal, a metal table like the ones from work, a television or rather what was left of houses and other interesting pieces that were in that place
finally came the day of the funeral, and we received some Etterin Father, an old man, but good
was the chaplain of the church of San Giorgio, and told us that he was very sorry for the loss, so that if we wanted Patrick could have buried directly in the small cemetery of the church, saving money and time


We are out of the church of San Giorgio, a church microscopic, but incidentally is the only one who 'can afford
soon as we start towards the 'entrance known that Anthony pauses for a moment to look back on the railing overlooking the cemetery, and his eyes seem to succumb to sadness that for days has sought to mask
we approach and Janine, who perhaps being a woman known to be sweeter than us, embraces him and runs away a few tears from the eyes of Anthony

then looks into my eyes and think Janine only then you realize it embraced
turns to me and says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;I'm sorry, I did not ... >>
I get closer and hugged him saying
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Quiet brother, we are all with you>> do
us strength and we are moving towards the 'entrance to the church

As we enter and known the worst decor clerical and especially the "greatness" of the church tell me that this funeral is $ 5700 for theft, even in the house of the lord now trying to do business!
all 'entry upon me the classic smell of wax and fresh flowers
Tommey approaches the small container of holy water of the church, wet your fingers and then made the sign of the cross
wheel and follow him when he came the container, I notice that inside there is a small engraved plate with a small boat written
Only the Lord can save you from the evil storm
think for a moment and tell myself that I think a sentence piuttosto inappropriata per una chiesa, dato che pare un macabro avvertimento
ci sediamo ai primi posti vicino all' altare e solo allora noto forse l' unica particolarità di quella chiesa, sull' altare sono presenti quattro statue che raffigurano la santificazione di San Giorgio... in realtà l' unica cosa che noto e che le statue rappresentano 3 uomini e una donna
pensiero che mi fà sorridere
poco dopo vediamo Padre Etterin apparire da dietro all' altare, in chiesa non c'è molta gente oltre noi quattro, quindi il suo sguardo è rivolto a noi
<< Fratelli e sorelle, oggi per noi è un giorno di grande lutto e sofferenza >> Leaves a second time to spread the word in classical eco churches
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Patrick, devoted and hard working woman today is no longer with us ... >>
still a moment of silence, he asks Anthony to go before all 'altar
Then we hear the classic tone clerical disappear to make room for the words of an ordinary man and not a priest
\u0026lt; ; \u0026lt;Anthony knew your mother ... I was celebrating the marriage of your parents ... were young and loved each other very much ... I was 30 years and I just arrived here in St. George ... >>
Anthony looks at him with an infinite sadness in his eyes then said

\u0026lt;\u0026lt;So wherever it is found now ... Will be happy to sit here forever>>
Etterin Father embraces him and in his eyes says a sincere regret, then says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;I am very sorry for your loss young ... Sometimes the Lord takes us on roads that are beyond human comprehension, but your mother is now there with him ... in 'high heaven your father was reunited with Noah and you will look forever, giving you the strength in the darkest moments>>
the two remain embraced for a while and meanwhile Janine puts her head on my chest giving vent to a silent cry ... Not even his strong character able to contain the pain of a loss for what is only relative to us, it hurts like if we lived in the first person to look
Tommey effort to hold back the tears ... he 's the only one that when it all happened has still not shed a tear ... I learned to know him but unfounded and I realized that in his lifestyle, there is no room for tears ... is an eternal Peter Pan, always smiling and carefree, perhaps with one cock in her mouth that can tear a smile in the hardest moments

Etterin and Father Anthony is separated from that 'embrace of the gospel that even one thousand psalms could even remotely resemble
We end up putting and more than once during the songs Etterin Father recited the verses in memory of Patricia Collin

After the Mass opens the doors of the small cemetery and invites us to follow him out
until a hole opened and a plaque that appears to be more prestigious of the other
just come before them, Anthony loses his eye on 'epitaph, incidentally, that say the following words
Collin Patrick 1967 - 2010 will live forever in the hearts of your loved ones, rest in peace

That look is interrupted by two Bechtel starting to fall gently into the ditch coffin
Father Etterin then pulls the rod containing the 'holy water and began to recite
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;In the name of the father of the child

and the Holy Spirit Amen

you can find the path in 'high heaven Patrick>>

the tradition of the place wants the member closest to the deceased throw the first handful of earth on the coffin, as if to honor a goodbye that will live forever in that place
the Bechtel passes the shovel to which Anthony performs the rite
very slowly then we see the two start Bechtel to fill the pit up to hide it forever
then we are all looking for properties in the loose soil still wet then Etterin says Father Anthony
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;This is a good time to say what you never said >> Anthony
after these words slowly approaches the tombstone
us puts his hand stroking slowly, as if that block of marble rivedesse his mother for a while then starts crying
announcing that something in the heart of Anthony is going to emerge
see him bring his hands before his eyes and then start saying

\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Hello but ... maybe this will you asked for so many years where it was over ... Well the 'I kept it for you>>
and pulls out a small quadernino
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;I wrote a last page for you, and you read it ... >>
then opens the book to 'last page, and start reading his voice gets a little less shaky
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Dear Mother, now you're not here with me ... and I know that there will be more ... So I decided to tell my whole life as you wished you>>

The story of Anthony - Part final

Grandmother is dead ... I had to bury her in a place far away and forgotten by the grace of god ... but if the corpse had been discovered, I dare not imagine where I would be today
for many long years I have lived just pretending ... no one ever really knew my story ... but now it ... I'm too tired to pretend
I saw my mother come back from France and when I announced that we would be back soon I would die ... For a moment I hoped that this return would allow me to stop pretending ... that would allow me to give back all that 'love that I had to stifle deep in my heart ... but unfortunately I could not do anything ...
all these years I have always believed I firmly believe that fate had been ruthless against ... and now more than ever against the world again cried
time each blood ties with the outside world is stopped for me ... They are all dead ... you are dead
mom thought that maybe would not have missed you so bad because all these years ... but that evening at home ... I felt that something was drawing closer together ... and I know that if it had lasted only a moment more we would be able ... closer to our hearts that for years has tried ...
and maybe now I'm going to tell my goodbye, I feel compelled to tell you the truth ... to give you a really relaxing break free from all doubt
No mom ... do not do drugs, I'm only doing a few barrel ... and even if you fight with all your strength to get to where you left, I made sure that the future alone is not what you would have wanted me to ...

Finished reading those words, I see him wipe his tears and say
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;and in the future that I have chosen, I promise you here on your coffin, the son of a bitch who did this to end soon burn forever in the flames of 'Hell ... Mom is a promise ... a promise that you may not approve, but that my heart needs to keep>>

Without another approaches us and says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Let's get out of here ... here now we can not do anything>>
then salute Etterin Father who is returning to the church and we move out of the cemetery
soon as we arrive on the sidewalk, Anthony pulls out his car keys and says again in His tone always sure
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Back home, we have much to discuss>>

Just climb into the car we see that the situation has calmed down a little respect the day before, but to confirm it thinks Tommey saying
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Fuck guys but if you think about it, dressed it the name Mafia Boys are there just to brush>>
laughter comes to life on everyone's lips, at long last back to have a laugh
come home as soon as we look around, the place is filthy as ever but at least there is water everywhere, and the disorder has been gather enough in one corner ...
we decide to go down in our private room
place where there were barrels, the route we go by all the wine in the grate on the floor, then we covered the soil with
now this place also if vaguely resembles a house
Tommey says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Boys to cook I'll>> all
then we sit on what should be a sofa, or rather the remains of a couch. .. and fire up that once, long ago, had to be a good television, now it's just a lemon resting on the cassette of 'Wholesale Market

The voice comes out noisy as the signal is not the best .. . what he says and shakes my stomach
(voice of TG)
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Today Senator McCornell received the 'ok for its anti-degradation plan >>
Tommey from afar is about to say something but quickly silenced him on television as well as the face of the pig there's another one that I know very well
see the reporter approached the two and then say
(voice of TG)
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Senator what he will do now that he has received the 'ok its anti-degradation plan? >>
Senator clears his throat if he announces proudly
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;After the 'final shootout in the district of Denver, we concluded that in this city should go with an iron fist, now on there will be a curfew after 23:00 and anyone under 21 years of age will be surprised to wander the city without valid justification will be immediately arrested, and head of the 'investigation I have decided to appoint ... >> I see
indicate the face that I know all too well
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Judge Lawrence Steinberg, who often found himself in contact with difficult situations like this>> I do not understand why but
Janine do I see a face very surprised to see the reporter
while passing the microphone and asks
Lawrence (voice of Tg)
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Mr Steinberg What do you think about this proposal? >>
him with its classic look bastard looks at the camera then says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;I think these guys have had for too long the free will of their lives, how many times in the past I have quelled the riots I'm ready to do it again>>
then for a moment around me I do not see anything and I only see the eyes of TV
Lawrence are now red as the devil looks at me and then says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;True Russel ? >>
I get up and threw me against the television and take it I'm going to run when Anthony takes me from behind and tells me
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Oh what the hell's the matter? fool you become all at once? >>
I look at him and tell him
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Did you hear that son of a bitch? >>
Anthony looks at me puzzled and said
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;He said he repeatedly has faced situations like these! Russell said he just did not bank I'm coming to get you! >>
I watch them upset and say
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;then you have not heard ... >> Janine
approaches me and says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Hey baby, are you sure feel good? maybe you need something to eat and rest a little .. >>
then I feel a huge belch from 'the other side of the room and I see
Tommey busy eating a plate of macaroni charred
Anthony looks at him with his face and then tells him unworthy
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Tommey Cammie. .. you are a great ricchione! you said you cooked for everyone! >>
Tom looks at him, then makes another baby burp more and with the mouth indicates a bowl full of macaroni scorched
Janine takes them and serves them for all
then we sit and look at his plate, saying Anthony
\u0026lt;\u0026lt; Hey Tom, who taught you to cook? THAT 'plumber's your father? >>

we do a little laugh, then eat everything
Janine starts to make me a table leg and within seconds I feel a violent erection to life in my lower parts, without seeing anything Tony seems to have already
understood so well known that shortly after Tommey and Anthony begin to chatter softly, shortly after Anthony announced
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Ragazzuoli my beautiful ... me and this blond going to make us a barrel from the parts of Martin Park, I do not offend you if you just let some insoles>>
then looks at me and gives me the 'wink
Janine becomes red all over but does not reject
then get up and Anthony tells me
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;so I close the door accompanied by above? >>
I nod and I can feel my heart beat to 10000 to think about what's going to happen just shut the door before leaving
Anthony looks at me, then rummages in his pocket and pulls out a condom puts me
in his hand and then says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;I should go to hell a few weeks ago, but lucky for you there I went>>
I close the condom in hand and tells me
\u0026lt;\u0026lt; Please, give us in brother! >> Then I tell them I laugh

\u0026lt;\u0026lt;What we now see>>
he comes up and tells me sotto voce
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;See us alone, but in a place where no one imagines of us! >> I ask

\u0026lt;\u0026lt;What? >>
he always says softly
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;For the parks that are outside the life sciences>> I
's ok with your thumb and closes the door while I hear a wild excitement take over my course
and step by step I hear more and more severe hot flashes
invade the body and I watch the show just come down to which helps to increase significantly
Janine is back and is slowly stripping
then turns to me to remain only in underwear, and known to my great pleasure and a thong breasts promising blue because of the seismic movements in my pants
we approach slowly and begin to kiss while I start to slide his hands on his body that I find very warm and pleasant to the touch then you
puts me in the language 'ear and whispers
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Make me cry Russel>>
what follows is a mixture of sweetness and wild
I undress in a hurry and we throw up one of the beds against the wall, she takes off her underwear and also known by my enormous excitement that you shave your private parts
in less than no time I put the condom and begin to have sex as the worst movie porn
later and go out several times by pushing his body with strength and her cries of pleasure help to get closer every moment to 'orgasm
after hours of wild sex is stretched, her on top of me with my head on my chest then I said

\u0026lt;\u0026lt;it was wonderful ... Russel I did not think you could feel so much pleasure at once>>
then comes back to my ear and whispers
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;I think I love you>>
these words at first glance would please me, but it is not so ... I feel I feel something for her but it is not love ... but I would not tell her the truth and then saying chin
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Also I>>
we shake and I can hear his heart beat faster near my
then spend the other hour and she gently falls asleep next to
me I look at my watch then I think Anthony and I get dressed and
's time to go all 'I get an appointment the stairs on tiptoe and not to awaken within me I feel like clockwork guilt for having lied
attack me I turn around one last time to look at her and say softly
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;I'm sorry Janine ... >>
go out and take the car I drive up instead told by Anthony
arrive and find it leaning against a wall, looking lost too many of those who smoked pipes
I approach and say
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;is what are you waiting? >>
He turns to me and says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Quiet peaceful ... l 'I imagined that you would not fire>>
laughs and I give him a slight Coppino then I put my arm around his shoulders and say
he looks at me and I expect something like this, do not worry and instead
\u0026lt; ; \u0026lt;Do not look at me like Russell, I do not kiss! >>

laugh again I decide to ask
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Why did you want to meet me here>>
he thinks for a moment and then says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Would I feel a bit alone with My brother>>
then looks into my eyes and says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;And also because I want to know what the fuck you took today>>
I will explain everything and he says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;So you know that piece of shit? >>
I look at him and tell him
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;too well ... Come sit down, which I'll explain>>
I cleared my throat and say
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;I was with her daughter ... Natasha Steinberg>>

Russell's story - Part 2

After that fool with Natasha, tried again in several ways
to approach her but every time I discovered that I lacked the courage invariably
I feel stupid to say that I am ashamed to talk to her but when she looks at me with those eyes I only hear the beating of my heart
'm leaving the house when I am in front of the and the little heart explodes I
she greets me with his hand and a radiant smile that I almost melt with joy
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Hello baby vessel! >>
gave me this name after the fool, says they are as soft as a baby ... and every time I look back I feel my heart explode with happiness
I decide that this is the time that I have to force me to take a deep breath
and I say
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Hello cold eyes, you want to go to the movies? >>
immediately after that I feel the same little voice say
- Russel too hasty, if you do not make a fool of the day you're not happy
she looks at me and immediately blushes then says

\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Well ... depends on what they are doing to the movies>>
something in my heart tells me I have a good chance, and I think the poster a few days before and immediately exclaimed
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;i 4:! >>
in the meantime she starts biting her nails then very timidly says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt; All right baby come on, but on one condition,>> I
that are 3 feet off the ground for the happiness I let myself get away
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;in any condition>>
she blushes even more and then says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;go there now! >> I almost
legs shake
go to the cinema and while we're going to a courage that is not mine comes alive in me and I hold her hand, convinced that he refused, and instead holds her as if she can not wait
arrive at the counter of the cinema, I pay the ticket for both of us and we're going to sit in last place, the cinema is empty except for us two
the movie starts but I'm watching and I know that she is pretending, and I'm sure when resting her head on my shoulder ... then slowly brings her mouth on my cheek and gave me a kiss, then whispered shyly
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;You're special baby, I like you so much>> I respond by saying

\u0026lt;\u0026lt;I love you>> ;
she looks at me eyes wide
I brought her hands to her mouth and say
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Oh my God did not tell me 'I said very>>
she remains silent and looks at me I can not decipher what
; that comes to mind, and I feel defeated when standing up quickly from his chair and says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;I'm sorry, I have to go>>

while I'm telling I do not feel the usual unbearable pain, just something that moves inside ...
but a noise behind us, forcing me to stop
an old man approaches us and says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Boys from 15 minutes to shoot curfew, they will stop! >> I
Anthony and we look and exclaim simultaneously
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Oh shit! a curfew! >>
we get up and run towards the parking
am going to open the car when he gives me a bunch of keys indicating an SUV
accelerometers on board and turn it on, then ask him
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;this and where does it come out? >>
he looks at me, gets a smile and says
Let's start with full throttle and soon I can also understand idle speed automatic ... this beast is much faster than the machine
band and as I go back to the shed and I understand that we really became brothers Anthony, I know that deep in his heart still grieves, but I I'm helping to overcome and he knows that deep in my heart something is wrong ... but when he is listening to me, is not that bad ... I recall a time to a sentence I read some time ago in a car of the subway, and I can not help but give the writer reason

Friends are the brothers that you choose for this life
I chose the gang, and they are my family



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