Sunday, February 13, 2011

Vocabulary Level E Answers Review

Chapter 8 - The woman who was worth ten men


All the way I try to run as much as possible by asking a thousand questions about the possible reason for this slaughter, which seem at last minute after centuries in the distance I see the warehouse, parking lot immediately in 'parking area and start look around

All 'by the sudden darkness in the distance I hear the voice of Janine
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Tom! Here! Run! >>
run in the direction whence came the words and what I see I still heart
Janine and standing near the body of Anthony
lying on the ground, pale, but so pale that it seems almost lifeless

\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Janine! >>
she looks at me and tells me
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Luckily you're in the car, move away and run to carichiamolo 'hospital>> I
that a few years before I attended a first aid course constrained by the school, I realized that Anthony was in this way will not pay much, pale skin el 'the absence of breathing are not good signs
then look and say Janine
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;No, Jan, Tony there' to get 'tanned hospital so! >>
I'll jump on him and start to practice CPR
1, 2, 3 awards
1, 2, 3 awards
1, 2, 3 awards
Shit! Tony can not get away No way!
Janine and I turn to say
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;We must let him mouth-to mouth! >>
she looks almost as if he was thinking and I now repeat
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Janine! Mouth-to mouth! Russel you are not cheating! you are saving the lives of Anthony! >>
she convinces s' kneels down and brings his mouth close to that of Anthony, the stage and the nose starts to push oxygen into the
his lungs then I began again
1, 2, 3, hit nothing

1, 2, 3 awards
1, 2, 3 awards
Anthony suddenly shrinks and makes a strong cough drops
Janine fright
ground I watch it and I start to shake
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Anthony! Say you're at it! >>
he opens his eyes but to my great happiness known that begins to breathe, the only words he says are
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;The drink ...... Their ...... t know everything ...... I have .... I have poisoned ..... >>
finished these words lose meaning again, and I understand that while you breathe again his condition remains critical
Janine and I say I look
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Now we can upload it! from the hurry! >>
to my surprise I discover that Janine is very strong for a woman in the back seat and load Anthony in no time
then I put myself behind the wheel and start running

As soon as we get into the car starts to press on Tommey 'accelerator
not exchange a single word because we are both too tense to be able to say something
after a long way I see Tom approached close to a structure of at least 5 floors, the color blue traditional health care facilities of this place then I can only say

\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Where? >>
that while he is parked in front of the 'entrance says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;At the private clinic RoseBridge, here we do not ask questions, doctors work only for money! >>

to get down and run 'entry, open the gates and then cry
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Help! our friend is ill! >>
be followed by 3 nurses who take Anthony and quickly put him on a stretcher
make a first check they say
\u0026lt;\u0026lt; In the operating room! Now! >>
few minutes later my phone rings I answer and say

\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Where the fuck did you end up ASSHOLE! >>
he says excitedly
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Janine! Where are you!?! >>
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;At the private clinic RoseBridge! >>
he closes without even telling me something
and after another few minutes I see him look at 'input
go toward him and soak him a slap avoids it and I fall into his arms, bursting into tears
\u0026lt; ; \u0026lt;Where were you?!?! I been so scared! >>
him to hold me tight then says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;I'm sorry love, I never imagined ... >>
When I hear him say the word love my heart rejoices
we all calmed down and while Anthony was in the operating room we sit out this' last
Tommey then says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;I have no idea who he is state, but we find it is gutted! >>
Russell paused thoughtfully
then picks up the phone and says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Listen Here>>
dials the voicemail number and after a short pre-recorded message we hear the voice of Anthony
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Russell! I was framed! please reply>>
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;What happens to me? I feel weak ... >>
(Other cough)
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Russell ...... I do not know what's going on ...... have poisoned me! ..... Omar Araban he is ..... >>
(sound of phone dropping to the ground)

there are no new posts

The blood seems to have stopped in the veins after a long breath and then say
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;I know who is Omar Arabani... >>
loro mi guardano increduli
io inizio dicendo
<< Oggi pomeriggio quando ho iniziato quel giro per scoprire qualcosa sulla coca.....

Alcune ore prima

Tommey ha appena preso l' autobus
io mi guardo un attimo intorno poi penso a dove iniziare a cercare quel Kalif, le voci in giro dicono che sta sempre al porto
bene allora sarà proprio li che mi dirigerò
Appena arrivo non vedo un anima viva

poi si avvicina un ragazzo di colore... sui vent anni massimo... ha un lungo pizzetto e la testa rasata, dietro ad altezza nuca si hair cut is made so as to make them look like a tactical tribal
looks at me for a while and tells me
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;How to get a shag? >>
I look at him and then say
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;I'm not a slut>>
he looks at me a little bit and then says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;So what makes us such a nice girl in a dangerous place like this>>
I think the words of Anthony and then say
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Seeking the stretcher>>
he looks at me and smiles and then to 90 teeth says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Then you talk to the right>>
I watch it a little bit more and say
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;So you're Kalif? >>
he gets a laugh and says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Even with this history, Kalif has never finished! I am the king of the city, there is a gram that does not pass through my hands first! >>
I looked at him for a moment and then say
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;So with whom would the 'honor of speaking? >>
he poses as if he were announcing a title then says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt; I am Omar, Omar Araban, but everyone knows me as Mister Maya>>
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Mister Maya? >>
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;you will treasure this as me 'have given because of the stuff I sell ... you've never tried Zuma? >> I do
shook his head and he tells me
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Shit girl, you can not tell me that! >>
then puts his hand in an inside pocket of my jacket and pulls out a bag of cocaine
extends a streak and if you pull it, then it gives me a little
I never tried cocaine, and never I am going to try, but I am in front of an ugly situation, if I refuse, and this coverage will miss Omar will understand that I will not buy anything ... and could very suspicious, to accept it is not spoken anywhere near
then I think I saw a movie where the hero put his finger on cocaine and taste it with the tip of the tongue, then I do the same gesture
comments saying that Omar
\u0026lt;\u0026lt; ; You're a real expert in these matters that go to taste it? >>
the taste is horrible, bitter as if I had chewed a kilo rocket compressed into a few square millimeters
then look and say without knowing the truth of my words
\u0026lt;\u0026lt; Good, how you make it? >>
he responds promptly
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;$ 65 a bag>>
I stare and try to act like a professional drug dealer saying
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;I do not give a fuck envelopes, as to do 'ect? >>
he opens his eyes and says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Want to get heavy small eh? and I make you a good price ... $ 75,000 and we are peace>>
inside of me understand why Anthony said that cocaine was the gain unlimited ... in recent days by selling more than 10 grams of marijuana and hashish We barely made $ 17,000 ... This one-pound gain at least 5 times as much!
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;You can do, including me, what do you have? >>
he looks at the 'watch and says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;I have a car in the parking lot here, if you want we can go and treat me better>>
I make it with your head then wonder
\u0026lt; \u0026lt;Where are you? >>
and he says quietly
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;The old brick factory>>
then you're done
Omar continues to walk while I take a board of wood that I find them on the ground and hit him on the neck, the center of the tribal with all the strength I
he falls to the ground like a cooked pear unconscious
him around and grab the bunch of keys in his pocket then I look at it a moment and say
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;You the king of the city? you got beat by a woman ... >>
give him another kick in the balls and then I add
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;This is because you insinuated that I am a whore>>
he continues only for parking while the body of unconscious Omar is lying right where it fell, in a darkness where no one will notice him
waste time to find the right car, at the end is a lemon-like band of

open it and put myself behind the wheel
and 10 minutes after arrival at the old factory, which is ; hidden in a place far from the city, but close enough to the port to handle various shipments
soon arrive at the door I look around and I make sure no one is inside

not hear this noise and assures me that I have the green light in my head and I say I'm crazy for doing this ... I know that Omar will resume soon tries throughout the city and then I cut his head ... and to make matters worse I'm slipping into the lair of a hustler, if I'm wrong and to realize all 'inside there is someone, I'm a dead girl ... they do not speak
not treat these

shoot me strength and I go away these ugly thoughts
I put the key in the lock and turn
feel and then push the door makes a noise of 'accident, then decided not to close it to avoid the risk to make more noise
the scenario in front of me reminds me of some of our "base" but here the place is put a little bit better ... the floor is iron, and shows signs of several feet over the years
even the walls were made of iron and I say to myself that there must be a cold winter in deadly
the thing that intrigues me is known that 4 single beds
strange ...
Omar may have brothers?

begin to wander around the place that is always accompanied by fear

there is no trace of cocaine and the first place that I decide to check it is under the beds for the first three
find nothing
I find the fourth a box and its contents makes me a shiver of fear
the box is full of bullets
my intuitions were not so wrong about Omar, and for a moment I feel I begin to regret having accepted this task so dangerous
then I say to myself
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Janine Stay calm if you shake things only worse! >>
after I calmed down and in fact only known that there is a door to the back of the factory
open it and it does not produce any noise
known a rough fence, railing that surrounded by a protective ramp of stairs leading to the basement

soul within me a voice that says
- Janine's still time, turn heels and run! you know what you'll find them in!
do a very deep breath and go down the first step

then the second then the third and fourth
feel the smell of acid invade the nostrils
what the hell is down there?
now is the curiosity to move my feet and then I decide to go down the last few steps that separate me from the bottom of the stairs
when I get down I seem to get into a botanical laboratory
there are plants of all kinds and I can recognize marijuana
the coca plant

There are even varieties of sunflowers and other plants that do not seem to know
but two things attract my attention more
the first is a stack of red bins lined up in the basement
the second is a work table, from which the strong smell of acid that fills the room

I decide to head first to the bins

notice that on each of them is subject to a card with the name of a drug
in them because we are all
Fumo, Maria Coca, tablets
all !

therefore decided to approach the bench and the first thing I see is
bags full of cocaine and some marijuana seedlings
then better see the approaching special tools with which I imagine will work the noun, a tray and some containers from which comes the stench of 'acid but the thing that attracts my attention most is a plant leaning to the black center of the table

I see another red drum resting on the desk and this time the 'label says
Black Mamba
I do not have much time to notice that from upstairs I hear the sound of heels on the floor I nearly

is a heart attack then I feel someone has come rather a husky female voice say
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Omar, but you become stupid to leave the door open? >>
in my head a thousand fears
take shape if the woman who is speaking should chance to come down here are
over again that voice
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Okay okay, so you want to continue? want to continue to pretend not to hear me? Omar Okay okay, I'm sick of your attitude as a child! tonight we would do a nice chat with Malik and see if this story continues! >>
Malik? Who the hell is Malik?
I do not care for them only that I understand them in some way
escape from upstairs I heard a chair move and the complete silence and then I decide to go back
very slowly up the stairs and return to the factory as soon as I notice a woman full of tattoos shaved

sitting at the dining table reading a book
luckily back then is to understand that if I walk on tiptoe, I should be able to reach out without being detected
hold my breath and I went toward the door

a moment I look around to see if she is alone, then arrive at the door and at that time known only to my horror that is closed
I'm in trouble
redo it again if I open a lot of noise and then I'll discover
windows are similar to those of a prison so I could not
them to come out then my eyes fall on an object that I had not noticed before
a gun leaning against a wall on the
wield it without thinking and point the woman, then I say
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;I have a gun, do not try or I'll turn around a hole in your head>>
d 'instinct I approach and I feel the cane behind his head then I add

\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Now I open the door and I go, if you try to follow or turn around you're a dead bitch>>
she remains silent and does not turn
run to the door and open it
then got into the car and run away in the meantime
throw the gun out the window
leave the machine another parking
continues on foot and only then did I stop and tell myself
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;I combined a mess! >>
while on the subway continued to reconsider and to every corner I seem to see this woman tick, and Omar
armed ready to kill me when I'm finally in front of the warehouse is almost evening
between me and tell me
\u0026lt; \u0026lt;Now I talk with others and let's make it right ... >>
as I walk toward the barn know that someone slumped to the ground and looks dead

I feel faint when I focus that the body is Anthony
run towards him and
shakes but does not move
not breathing
I immediately think the worst
I look to the shed and the lights are out, Tommey still has not returned!
so pick up the phone and her number while I type my hands tremble


After telling all know that Russell and Tommey staring at me with his mouth open and eyes open as a billiard ball
Tommey then says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Janine you are mad as a hatter! I told you that was not beautiful people fucking! now we have a madman who seeks us out! >> I'm
to replicate when you approach a doctor and says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt; You are the relatives of the Corner? >>
while he stares at us and then announced
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;is out of danger ... >>
do a sigh of relief then says Russel
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Doctor but he knows what he had? >>
he looks at us again with that look suspicious and says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Someone wanted to dry ... Caustic soda has been found in its stomach, mixed with other components deadly for the body .... is almost a miracle he is still alive, if it had not been carried out mouth-to mouth 's respiratory arrest caused by a substance found in his stomach that we would cut off>>
Tommey I look and see that is doing a little smile then say

\u0026lt;\u0026lt;We can see it? >>
he says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;is very weak, has just had an operation complicated ... may enter only one of you>>
I look at others and say
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Can I join? >>
their nod

so I get up and hit the door of his room and while I'm about to turn the handle around and about Russel
where he was? and then because he has that look pensive?
that guy is weird ... but I feel I love him so much .... END OF CHAPTER 8


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