Thursday, February 24, 2011

Travestites Histories

Chapter 16 - The 'Beginning of the End (Part 1)

Brief summary

passed a day after Emilio De Angelis passed that morning to give us instructions on how to move, and now we have a small arsenal at home or 3 colt 1911, a gun d 'assault automatic mp5 that bears the stamp of 'U.S. Army, and 4 knives diver capable of cutting a human neck with gentle pressure
We decided to take this day to accommodate all our affairs, so that it can perform' murder without much thought or remorse that could push us to think about it at the wrong time
after this decision, however, no one said what he would do in my case personally, I did not say anything for the simple fact that I have nothing to answer, or maybe just a small matter ...

The others are out to the shed and there is none, but by a better side so when I enter
find two letters on the ground and Janine's handwriting is written on the first

Anthony and I guess the point is already open and it lacks the content
surprise me much but the fact of finding an envelope with written
intrigued by the open and I see a black petal and then wrote a letter

partner even if I decided to no longer be part of the band I need you to know something, and I want you both to know as to what little we have known for a hand I felt really your business partners
I discovered that you are going to take out the EKTORP, and awaits a surprise that not even imagine ...
that day we split up the duties and went into that basement, I found the plant from which comes that black petal, is the Black Mamba, and thanks to the lab at school I could understand how it works
is a drug to all Indeed, it smokes like a reed, but the deadly Black Mamba contains spores that act on the DNA of the consumer, and where the subject should be able to survive it seems that the DNA is completely silent becoming identical to that of African Black Mamba
Tommey You, you got it right ... the plant is able to make half a snake just a human ... I do not know if your enemies have used it, but it is a very rare plant that grows only incidentally in Zambia
and it seems that the 'hatred between the two warlords have been born to the latter' s, and behind is a bigger mess of our understanding

very careful as a person who has the characteristics of the African Black Mamba is much stronger than a human, and one bite can kill in a matter of seconds


closes the letter and put it in the envelope then say
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Thanks Jan as soon as I see others do not forget to tell me>>
then I reached into my pocket and pulled out the note that Milly left me that evening without saying anything to shed
and read the fateful words that read

I must tell you something very important, if not look for me within a week I swear I launch off of a cliff

I think reading it back to the huge mess that I made going there in bed, this is crazy in love with me ...
and since I have nothing else to be solved I think that I'm going to visit him to see what the devil wants
way to his house, knock the bell and wait for someone to come and open

After a few minutes opens the door and tell me I Agata
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;What do you want kid? >>
I look at it and say now
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;first point do not call me kid, the second point I try your sister>>
she looks at me and says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt; Milly there is a competition for schools>>
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Can I get to wait? >>
he thinks for a while and then says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;OK but just do not enter too break the boxes>>
later in 'air I feel a smell that I've never heard before, something in this house is not as it seems
I sit at the table and she disappears upstairs
taken by curiosity I headed to the source of the odor that is similar to marijuana but much more bitter and intense
soon discover that the 'smell coming by the exchange of Agata
decide to give a quick look inside and after a few
gets closely I find something I freeze the heart
a barrel off, but to 'internal' s mix is black as death
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;the Black Mamba! >>
when I say I hear someone coming down the stairs
Immediately replace the bag marked down but when Agatha is still standing
she looks at me and says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;What do you stand? the light pole? >>
I think of an excuse fast then say
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;I was going to go to the bathroom>>
and while I feel like closer to the bag
shit again! if it is made of Black Mamba and is still standing to say that has changed!
soon as I left the bathroom I no longer see
then I get behind him and says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;I am looking boy? >>
have to hide the 'agitation
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;I'm with child again? I could be watching your client and if you keep one of these nights so I come to visit you to the industrial area>>
you laugh and see that his eyes are more yellow fance
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Ahahahaha as six funny Tommey ... >>
Oh my god, it was true what he said in the letter then Janine!
I have to find a quick escape route
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Look Agata I broke the balls to wait for your sister, will be making out with some punk, I go home>>
she looks at me and his eyes are now almost as if amber were really changed then says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Maddai Tommey, mica did not want to pay me for sex? >>
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Not like I was a kid? >>
She then opens her mouth and threatening to my horror I can see two sharp canines like those of snakes, then says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;You'll soon be a dead boy then! You had to get on your own! >>

I do not know why, but this morning I went for my enormous good fortune in his pocket boxcutter of my father, pull it out and tell
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Stand still, where are you bitch reptile, or You'll die! >>
she laughs and says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;and you think you scare me with that boxcutter from peanuts? >>
going to attack me when they stab you in the stomach and with horror I see that not only blood comes out but it's as if the
his flesh spit out the knife to close again soon after
tissue regeneration, typical of many reptiles
therefore understand that my end is marked and close my eyes waiting for the fateful moment when I bite Agata
but I hear the door open and a male voice say
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Agatha Malavon is waiting for you to come or not? customers do not like to wait especially when they pay $ 200 for a fuck! >>

Only then I can open my eyes and I see that is staring me Agata, but his eyes are brown again as usual
then always' says a man entered
\u0026lt;\u0026lt; Who is this guy? >> I turn around and say I

\u0026lt;\u0026lt;I am the boyfriend of his sister, but then there I was leaving>>
take advantage of that to disappear in a hurry and when I go out I
reversal to look agate that looks at me with the 'expression of those who think - is not all
are just down the street I stop to recover from the shock suffered
but where the hell did we get? these are things I've seen in science fiction films!
the phone rings and it makes me jump with fear, look at the display
here it is this jerk, had been at home I would not have met Miss venomous reptile
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Hello? >>
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Hello Tommey ... bother you? >>
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Milly just switched over to your house to look for you! >>
I hear sighs of joy and then say
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;I'm looking for love? >>
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Milly is not the case, believe me, I just want to know what that means business! >>
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Then come to the beach Buccaneer, or not ever find out! >>
then laughing attacks
I make the call escape a
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;psychopath are nothing ... >>
then take the direct bus to the beach just go down
decide to make a run up to the entrance to the beach

As soon as I know that Milly is not, and on the one hand say to me same way that it is better
are still too shocked by the 'happened to be alone and will help me to fix some ideas ...
I sit and take stock of the situation
This is not simply a crime, is at stake here chemical stuff that can turn people into monsters invincible, and I shudder to think if this stuff end up in the streets in New York ... It would be the 'apocalypse!
But people never happy to be cocaine? of heroin, hashish or any shit amazing run in the streets!
must always look for the 'exception, that something capable of busting the limit of human endurance ... and this shit called Black Mamba, it far exceeds the limit of human endurance!

I get lost in these thoughts for a couple of 'hours, and when I realize that Milly does not come I get up and decide to leave but my shoulders feel

is ; his voice must have
me around and she comes up to me, but this time with scenes and do not try to kiss me I tell

\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Could you tell me to come here in three days if you did all this late>> you
look at me and says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;I was hidden to see what you'd expect>>
I get angry and say
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;But then you're an idiot for real? I wait for hours and you're hiding in a fucking corner staring at me? >>
down her face and says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;I need to be hundred percent sure that you account for something Tommey, otherwise I have to say does not make sense ... >>
I look into your eyes and tell
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Look Milly, you're cute I like your dark style, and aims also quite good but believe me I'm not the type for you, is better between us two is not born a thing>>

And in that moment, she approached me saying
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;that's the problem Tom, something is already to be born ... >>

I do not understand and tell
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;What does it mean that something is about to be born Milly>>
she squeezes me and said with trembling voice
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;I'm two weeks late Tom, I did the test e. .. >>

\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Tom expecting a baby! but please do not forsake me I'm begging, I do not want an abortion already my life has no meaning ... >>
And at that fateful moment, his heart seems fermarmisi in the chest for a moment I guess maybe a little cam that looks like me a bit, call me daddy and begging to go play ball with him on Sunday morning
but then I think the fact that I another 17 years and that would arise from that little Cammie Milly Renton, a patented
I look crazy without having the strength to say nothing, then making use of all my energy breath and say
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Are you sure? >>
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Yes ..>>
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;But sure sure sure? >>
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;You are very sure Tommey cock! >>
and in that moment I crossed the 'idea of Agatha discovers that Milly pregnant with my son, and that the first bite killing the child, then she
and I can not let it happen ... I would really be worthless if I did pretend not to have thought so softly I say

\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Milly Okay, let's keep the baby>>
she bursts into tears of joy and then kisses me

detaching then tells me
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Tommey I love you, I love you to death! >>
I look at it and say
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Ok ok but on a condition>>
she looks worried and says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;I knew ... what condition? >>
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;very night Pack your bags and ran away from home, come stay with me>>
she seems more happy and says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;more than willing to accept the love of my life>>
walk to the car hand in hand, then pass me the keys and says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Pregnant women is better than not driving, driving you>>
I put myself behind the wheel and put more and more every meter to fire the 'idea of the trouble in which I hunted
spent at home His lights are out and this is a good sign

I give a hand and we quickly
storage shed and then we stop at
later I see that all weapons are gone, there is only a card saying

Tom I thought I'd prepare everything, see you all tomorrow night at the pier, neither myself nor Russell back to the shed tonight if you do not feel to be alone come home


the first thing I think is: thank goodness if Milly saw all those weapons was a mess
then I invite you to come in and say
\u0026lt;\u0026lt; , For tonight we stop here, then go to my home>>
her if he does not repeat and laying the bag on the floor and with great simplicity
turn on the radio by putting Fast Love George Michael
then pushes me onto the bed and says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;This time let's do it gently Tommey>>

then climbs on me and while we are robbing our bodies slowly they send signals' love
and with the voice of George Michael let us go under the covers
do the 'love all night and when Milly falls asleep next to me something in my heart makes me happy because it infuses' idea of becoming a father I do not mind, but sad because on the one hand there is a good chance that I'll never see my son born, I am probably in another city with another name or even worse in prison serving a life sentence ...
close my eyes and tell myself that this is the life I chose, and now I have to pay the consequences, it is too late to turn back
I have to do to ensure this city not to become a den of poisonous lucertoloidi
I do it for Milly, and the baby growing in her womb

I do ... END OF CHAPTER 16


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