Thursday, February 10, 2011

Bloons Pack 3 Level 48

Chapter 5 - A time to live, to die Two

The doorbell rings behind me
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;A attimooo! >>
are all still dazed from sleep, if so we call
I get up and open the door and before me I see Tommey and Janine with a face that suggests to me that something is wrong then
Janine starts
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Russell is not>> watch them both
then I say
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Good morning anyway! Revenue from>>
the two come, I put up a coffee and then say
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Have you had breakfast? >>
Janine looks at me with a nervous expression and then says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Did I say that I do not find Russell and you ask me if I had breakfast?!? >>
this girl is too aggressive and I think it's time to give him a tranquillizata then I look at it and then say
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Hey Miss acid eat in the morning Feel good, the 'last one she said out of that evil is over door crying, and then give yourself a fucking calm down, we find Russell>>
Tommey meanwhile was silent and began to roll on a stick, then I point and say
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;See? that he understands how it relaxes>>
Janine is going to add something, but to 'sudden we hear a male voice yelling, which I already know by now, John Bank
then I turn around and say to Janine
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;That is me understand ... Russell is not, and you with a thousand places where you could not look you went to your house? >>
she bends her head and then says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;I was ashamed of telephones>>
am going to send her to that country but I feel a thump on the floor below and then say Russel
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;TI Hate Drunk OF SHIT! >> Back about
Janine and Tommey, I know they expect me to do something, and I decide that now is the time to do
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Ok it is time that this story ends, now I'm really full balls! >>
I get up and feel the brutal master of my body, I open the door and I start to 'lift

One floor below, a few minutes before

I open my eyes , and in doing so well known that sleep the night before did not allow me to undress, nor to reach the bed, since I'm on the couch.
When I get up I feel my eyes someone wearing
My father and mother are watching me, he in particular seems very altered
then I see him pull out the statement of the band and start reading aloud
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;2 Etti, Smoking poor, $ 1,400 - 3 Etti, Marijuana poor $ 2330>>
then closes it loudly and leave the word to my mother
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Russell, how long they shop? >>
I have my heart in my throat, I feel like a witch in front of the court 's inquisition
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;I? Sell? But you're mad or something? >>
my father who is strangely sober the book says, pointing
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;This is then magically materialized on your bed right? >>
my mother makes a face like a mixture of disappointment and anger
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Tell us the truth, not to exacerbate the situation even more where you are>>
to 'sudden as if you picked up a demon to tell me
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;I'm not your cocks what I do! If you feel in a position to criticize me for it? a mother powerless before her father, who 'only thing we can do is fill the belly of pork' spirits>>
look at me stunned and then he gets up and takes me by the collar of the shirt but I reject it and start to say

\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Bank No John, you're done breaking my balls! >>
and push the evil known
quickly take shape in his eyes, then cried with all the 'air in the chest that
throughout this well-known that my mother did not raise a finger in the head and the 'only thing I can think of and that is now
she lost at this point my father tries to punch me, but I manage to avoid falling, and from there push him again knocking him to the ground, making a noise like an earthquake coming
then look at him and tell him
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Drunkard OF SHIT I HATE YOU! >>
he gets up and going to meet me when I hear someone behind me, kicked open the door to lock
are the others and see them almost makes me happy
my father looks at us and then exclaims
\u0026lt;\u0026lt; ; But look, the reinforcements have arrived, eh? >>

All 'suddenly without Anthony tells me nothing that I move aside and go head to head with my father
then stares and says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Listen to me John, I do not worry and I have no problem in a knife to memorize guts and play with your limbs before buried in a suburban area, you're just a failure, how could you frighten me>>
my father is saying to replicate some threat, but Anthony moves a gesture that leaves us all to stone , from a slap to my father, worse than Logan Tommey spring at the park, so that my father falls to the ground in pain

then says with a tone reminiscent of psychopaths of the worst horror movie
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;I told you you could talk? NO! now you do not have to talk more you understand? Your son is one of the band then you have to give respect! otherwise the next time you come back and tear that asshole from the neck and give him fire! >>
then go to my mother and snatches the statement of the band from his hands, looks at her and tells her
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Debora Bank ... and I that I complained to my mom>>
so then while we are still there with my father lying on the ground, looks at me and says loudly
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;if you want Russel You now have a new home, you can get the life you want and give those two beggars to their shit, are you with me? >>
I watch them ... in my mother's eyes there is something indescribable, fear, shame, hope I do not understand exactly what, but clearly there is only hoped that I say no
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Yes, I'm with you Anthony >>
go out and slam the door
Anthony then looks at me and says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Brothers? >>
we hug and say

Then we all go out from the building and Janine
Tommey remained silent and in disbelief to look at everything as if there were no
go to Martin Park, sit on picnic tables
I turn to Anthony and told him
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;And now, What do you do? >>
he looks at us and says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;One thing I want to tell you that since yesterday, but waited for the right time>>
pulls out a bunch of keys and puts it on the table I
, Janine and say, simultaneously Tommey
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;What do these keys open>>
he looks at us as if he were to announce a discovery megagalattico and says proudly
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Our new home>>
we look at all 3 as if Anthony had said something in a language they do not understand then
Janine says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;What do you mean our new home? leave your home and your mother? >>
Anthony looks down and says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Leaving only my home, my mother however, she was to give myself ... you're the 'only family I have left ... what I'm about to tell you something that has lived too long in my mind>>
then her eyes begin to look away, but in fact I know they're looking at something only he can see

The story of Anthony Part 2

's been 6 years since 'last time I saw my mother and
grandmother more than once told me how the things are ...
now 14 years old el 'the only thing I want is to see her again but I know that there is no need to ask
I sit on the bed and pull out that quadernino who years ago took from his bag and re-read it for me' Once again

November 13

Since Noah is gone, nothing in my life makes more sense, everyone knows him here, our bed, our photos, what I eat, what you drink ...
my heart is still suffering too much for that phone call ... that voice that told me his death ...
were it not for the little Anthony I'd already taken my life to get there ... Noah
I miss you too, my heart died with you that night

the rest of the text is erased as if the tears had made illegible pages

other pages are torn

others are just scribbles but contains words that hurt more as if for the first time I read
May 10

I decided to walk away from this city running ...
after starting my career as a journalist, I found out who took away my Noah and this made me realize that this city is too great to stay there even if only
think it hurts my heart I have to leave by Anthony my mother ... is too small to leave the country and if things do not go well in France at least he could get away ...
only in France I can start again from scratch, but I will never forget that name emerged from the investigation ... Amir EKTORP, I'm sure he's behind ' Noah
murder may not ever read these pages little Tony ...
Know that Mom loves you so much and that is going away just to ensure a better future than your father, Noah Corner has been forced to endure ...

With these words, which I had not even read, my mother is gone from my life ...
coughing sudden I hear ... something that I announce that the conditions are worsening dramatically grandmother, coughing that stop abruptly

\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Grandma? >>

no answer I went toward her room starts to shake

\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Grandma? Grandma? >> Still no answer

put a hand on her left breast
no heartbeat
get up and the sheets on her face as tears begin to fall ... I want to shout, but I would like to tighten the 'only thing that comes out of my mouth is
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Goodbye Grandma>>
My grandmother died on my 14th birthday

Janine does not hold and blurts out a few tears, then hugs and tells Anthony
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;I'm so sorry Anthony ... you do not deserve all this>>
he looks at them and says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt; Miss acid, do not shed too many tears, is likely to corrode the jacket>>
burst into loud laughter that drives away the tears in everyone's eyes were taking shape
then looks at us with its air filled with excitement and says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;So? we look at the place? >> We are
his head, and a curious beast s'
hold of my body while I climb into the car give a last look at the windows of my house and my last thought is
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Goodbye Mom>>
soon as we arrive and immediately recognize the place
Tommey leaves escape
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Do not know about you guys, but I have the 'impression that this heap of scrap metal will fall down at any moment' more>>

Anthony corrects him saying
\u0026lt; ; \u0026lt;Well, it's vintage from the>>
then throws me the keys and says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;you the pleasure brother>>
I open the door, and in doing so a tile from the roof collapses, an event Tommey
comments saying that \u0026lt;\u0026lt;will be vintage, but my first impression you're claiming! >> When we enter the scene is
Janine Anthony looks and says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;What was this place before? a hangout for homeless people? >>
The floor is a mosaic of tiles are all different, some points later in the foundation gave way and the weeds are undermined in the shed, and when we turn on the light we become more aware of how many pipes have burst and someone must have forgotten to close the tap of the 'water, as well as having flooded the place still spraying water

On the floor is all
tires, old broken pots, tools, porn magazines, newspaper pages

Anthony turns around and says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Ok ... we say that the place is not made just right ... but surely there will be something special in a hovel like this>> looks
Tommey raising his eyebrow and says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Yes, of course, maybe some rare specimen of rat! >>
while they talk I start to forward them in place and known to instill the main room there is a small corridor

Another pipe bomb exploded, tripods, such as those who get when there is a work in progress
something draws my curiosity
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Anthony, come here a moment>>
Anthony joins me and tells me
and I say
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;See them>>
he looks into the hallway, then goes into ...
same time we note that at one point the tiles are different from all others, and almost invisible to the side is a handle
without thinking about it puts us out and starts to pull, but does not move anything, he turns to me and says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Give me a hand, this thing weighs a ton! >>
we put in two to pull, and after we see a lot of effort to get up the floor to give birth to a staircase
the first comment by Anthony
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;I'm going to be hard! let me go I want to see what's down! >>

down the comment I hear again
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Ooooh Holy shit! Russ come down and see! >>
known attacks me and go down a big block of marble block the road shortly after my observation
Anthony supports the 'ear to block shots and beat, then turns to me telling me excited
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;The Wall and cable! from 'the other side is a room! ahead give me a hand, we find a way to go! >>
I stop to observe scrupulously the wall but this time not known anything so I say to Anthony

\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Any idea? >>
he moves his head to say yes and then adds
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;oldest method in the world>>
start kicking the wall, but nothing
then move him to the ground from a kick
the earth and my eyes fall up a gear, the note and then he exclaims
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;the old ways never fail! >>
still stuck with the ground is a little glimpse of a crank
without even thinking about starting to turn, and with great happiness we note that while we turn the walls begin to divide!
before us is another very small room, and another flight of stairs
Anthony can only say
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Call the others, I start to get>>

me around and run to call Janine Tommey and eager to get off just
come down the steps two at a time and the show in front of our eyes is indescribable
Janine says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;What the hell are those? >>
Tommey replica
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;It is what the hell are those? >> Anthony
curious look and says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;They look like .... >>
and I say
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Botti? >>
then I think about it a bit and I connect
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;I've heard of these basements! I now understand why it was so hidden!
this place will at least 100 years, and this must be a basement that they used the Mafia in the 30's during the period of Prohibition! This explains why these barrels! >>
Anthony makes a face of surprise that almost makes me burst out laughing
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;So there might be in these barrels of wine aged 80 years?!?! >>
does not stop even to say that Tommey starts with the mouth under the tap of a barrel and opens it, it only takes one sip to make us understand everything
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Shit guys, other than filing of Prohibition! This wine vinegar has become a beautiful piece! >>
burst out laughing and started to scatter to the basement hidden

Then Anthony says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Well all in all, here we can hide a number of things>>
we look at all 4 and Tommey says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;My father taught me a bit of hydraulic>>
Anthony looks at him and then tells him
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Your father is a tattoo artist, and before that was a guitarist, explain to me how the fuck can have you taught the 'hydraulics? >>
Tommey lowers her head, conscious of having said a boiata
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Well I wanted to be helpful ... infuse this place is to be renovated from head to toe! >>
Janine looks at him and then, pointing
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Right! How about if we start? >>
we start immediately to 'work and taking a quadernino begin to mark all the work to be done in that place, and having finished writing all the quadernino begs for mercy
do a bit of cleaning and metal plugs at the moment we close the pipes that flooded the place
then get to watch Anthony and Janine's a question I asked myself that deep down hips
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Anthony but where did you get the money to buy this place? >>
he looks somewhere else ... is silent for a moment and then says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;From a person who expects to be thanked>>
then looks at us all and says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;You have to do tonight? >>
nobody has nothing to do and therefore we accept all
all day so we are in our warehouse and as soon as darkness falls we climb into the car without asking too many questions but all very curious to know where we're going to sit in places
behind near Janine has now been rather difficult to find a moment for us and then try to say a few words sweet
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;I can not wait 'time to have a little time just for us treasure>>
she put her hand on mine and then says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Also I>>
Janine is slowly heal the wounds in my heart even though I can not help but close your eyes and think of Natasha whenever our lips and our tongues exchange gestures' s love
then I say softly
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Where do you think we're going? >> She says

\u0026lt;\u0026lt;I have not the most idea! >>

Anthony driving for 15 minutes good, then I look around and recognize the place, the provincial district of Denver, not far from the house of Tommey
I wonder why we brought here, because that the specificity of this district and that all houses are rented on a weekly basis at a price higher than
then park in a pitch that years ago was to be a small bush, which was razed for the sake of motorists seeking parking
go down and get closer to a pink house, which by the 'else seems more expensive than other sounds
the bell ringing and a voice for women says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Come on! >> We enter in single file

the house as promised by 'external, it is very beautiful ... Parquet floor, the 'furniture speaks for itself and everyone knows of a very high price
shortly after I see a woman dressed in a black light grayish
a beautiful woman, young and sophisticated, but its resemblance to Anthony tells me leaving out who it is
she looks at us and then says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;At the end you came from! and see where handsome young men you brought with you! >>

then there scrutinizes all adds
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;I'm very happy to know a side of my son, my name is Collin Patrick, the mother of Anthony>> amazed
Janine makes a face, I had already guessed, whereas Tommey was enchanted on 'furnishings
Patrick sees it and says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Hey blond, you have all the' air of being a sciupadonne, what's your name? >>
Tommey seems to notice that the only time the presence of Patrick looks at her like she saw a porn star then says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Tommey Cammie, but you can also call Tom>>

Patrick smiles and then says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;What an honor Tom, sorry for you but I'm 43 years ... so too do the villain! >>
then looks at us and says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Get well at home! Make yourselves at home>>
then turns to Anthony and says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Come on Tony, let's sit at the table ... I think we both have something to tell us>>
Tommey always goes to a window with that 'air numb and start to look out

Janine and I sit on the bench instead which offers a beautiful view of the plasma television that appears in front ...
but something does not convince me in 'air, the first car I had the feeling that someone was following us, and now that we're here, that feeling has become much stronger, so I decided to talk to Janine
\u0026lt;\u0026lt; , Jan did not feel anything strange? >>
to my surprise she says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Yes, someone has followed in my>>
a slight anxiety makes its way into my heart and judging from the 'expression of Janine I would say in his
we look and say
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;About could it be? >> She says

\u0026lt;\u0026lt;I have no idea but we do not take your eyes off the door, if something happens we set off behind the sofa>>

Meanwhile, Anthony and his mother are discussing a table but I can not hear the words ... I see only a few words from Anthony, that the little faces that I see seems to be doing is finding one that something terrible

All 'out I feel a sudden fast motion, as if someone in the garden had been moved awkwardly shake up the branches of some plant, at first glance no one seems to realize it, this time not even the feeling that someone Janine
you're going around in the garden of the house is getting stronger and my heart in my throat ... It is as if someone was walking around the house, peering carefully the best point from which to attack

I feel stronger and stronger, and I'm sure do not stand wrong ... I decide to wait a few minutes before alerting the other

All 'suddenly I look at Anthony, then I look at Patrick, and what I still see the blood in the veins
a red target was materialized in the middle of his brow
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Drop GROUND>>
unfortunately others look at me and do not understand why these words, fatal error
(Bang, blow 'gun very powerful)
see Patricia's head splatter against the wall, almost like a water balloon exploded paint , covering it in blood
only at that point all we throw ourselves on the ground
all except Anthony who l 'expression of a person to whom the world has stopped turning
I see the red target on his head take shape even
\u0026lt;\u0026lt; TONY DICK thrown to the ground! >>
but still nothing, I feel that the shot is coming and I can not let this happen
stretched his legs from the floor and I tripped, gesture that saved his life because a few moments later another shot was exploded
when Anthony hit his head on the ground seems to recover
the cries of terror of the neighborhood we suggest that the 'murderess not shoot more
known that all are looking at me as if at that time I was the 'only one to have free will then
understand that everyone is too confused and shocked to find out what to do, deep hips are terrified but perhaps understanding in advance what was going to happen, I was able to react immediately
look at them and say
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;We need to get away at once! Denver is a neighborhood too isolated, if that guy is a madman could jump in here any minute to 'another, and before the police came we'd be all full of holes! >>
everyone has heard and nod robotically
quickly we get up off the floor and we head towards the door, and Anthony looks at the corpse of the mother covering her eyes, the only words I can say is
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Why ? Why? >>

managed to crawl to the car, I start to drive without knowing where to go
hips I ask myself the same question as Anthony
Why? Why
viewfinder that sought the head of Patrick Collin?
was important, but not enough to even be killed in a brutal climb in the car just
Tommey says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Ok guys, you know that we're in shit up to the hair right? >>
Anthony resumed his strangely calm and says coldly
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;We'll pretend not to know anything, we say that we went to visit a couple of hours before and he was fine>> then stops
and look to the city saying
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;L 'more than one who knows us Actually, that's what fired ... >>
then clenches his fists and says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;filthy piece of shit, dirt murderess as you hide in this city you will find ... I had to look for in every fucking corner! >>

Meanwhile, a few kilometers farther

(voice of the newscast)
Sorry for 'disruption, but few minutes ago a fierce gun battle in the district of Denver has awakened all the neighborhood, still do not know the motive, but is thought to be a feud between gangs
I hear the voice My father said
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;good start! We arrived yesterday and already the first murder! >>
then my mother adds
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Lawrence Well, no more work for you? then more money for us! >>
my father looks at her with its classic expression of contempt then says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;We are so full of money that we have come out of the backside and you want some more? >>
and my mother says
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;money is never too Lawrence>>
I'm sick of hearing them and decide to go in my room ... within the cell and look
3 missed calls
Fuck you idiot, I do not know how I take all this time
Did that scene when I received the wonderful endless 24 red roses, and now wants to be forgiven but I'm sick
of their children's behavior ... the florist delivered them to me shortly before the move ... and then that note, written with the calligraphy that would recognize from 10000
\u0026lt;\u0026lt; Each of these roses is a time of day you were my constant thought ... I miss >>
I take off my glasses, I tuck the covers and close my eyes thinking about it and say softly
\u0026lt;\u0026lt; I miss you too baby ... >>



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